1. 2 Revised ReadiStep Score Scale 2012-13 3 Agenda ReadiStep and the College and Career Readiness Pathway Revising the ReadiStep Score Scale Benefits.


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Presentation transcript:


2 Revised ReadiStep Score Scale

3 Agenda ReadiStep and the College and Career Readiness Pathway Revising the ReadiStep Score Scale Benefits of the Revised Scale Resources and Additional Information

4 The Role of ReadiStep The College and Career Readiness Pathway

5 A Pathway to Performance College and Career Readiness Expectations for All Students Three integrated assessments – one powerful tool The College Boards College and Career Readiness Pathway is a series of integrated diagnostic assessments that measures college and career readiness from the eighth through the 12th grades Intervening Early Identifying Opportunity Providing College Access

6 ReadiStep : The First Step Consistent content and format –Same content areas: reading, writing and mathematics –Same skill categories at grade-appropriate levels –Same format and question types Consistent tools and reports –Skills Insight –Summary of Answers and Skills (SOAS) –College Readiness Benchmarks – New! Designed to work with the PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ®

7 Revising the Score Scale Strengthening the Link to the PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ®

8 ReadiStep Score Scale Analysis Objectives –Put ReadiStep on the same scale as the PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ® –Allow for growth measurement and more integrated reporting –Establish benchmarks linked to the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT Process –Conducted a field trial to collect additional data in Fall 2011 –Performed extensive analyses of field trial results and other data –Consulted an outside panel of experts –Developed a revised ReadiStep score scale –Will implement new scale starting in

9 Scores on a scale of 2 to 8 per section (0.2 increments) Designed for easy interpretation, using end points that look similar to those of the PSAT/NMSQT ® (20–80) and SAT ® (200–800) However, the ReadiStep scale itself was independent of the other assessments scales Original ReadiStep Score Scale 2 – 8 20 (200) – 80 (800)

10 Revised ReadiStep Score Scale Scores on a scale of 1 to 7 per section (0.1 increments) Linked directly to PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ® score scales Accounts for lower skill levels of students in middle grades Original Scale: 2–8 per section 0.2 increments Original Scale: 2–8 per section 0.2 increments Revised Scale: 1–7 per section 0.1 increments Revised Scale: 1–7 per section 0.1 increments

11 ReadiStepPSATSAT –80800 –79790 –78780 ––– – ––– –– ––– 1.2–– 1.1–– 1–– Revised Scale ReadiStep TM only (lower floor) Consistent scale for all three programs PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ® only (higher ceiling)

12 Revised Scale: How Scores Change scores will appear lower than scores Complete conversion table will show the original and revised scales (see Critical Reading sample below) Original Scale ScoreRevised Scale Score

13 Key Benefits Revised ReadiStep Score Scale

14 Benefits of the New ReadiStep Scale Allows ReadiStep to be interpreted within the context of PSAT/NMSQT and SAT score scales Allows for growth measurement and reporting –Linked scale makes it simpler to gauge progress Allows for a progression of linked college readiness benchmarks from 8th grade through high school –ReadiStep benchmark will be available beginning in Direct link to PSAT/NMSQT ® and SAT ® score scales

15 T H E M E A S U R E : The College Board College and Career Readiness Benchmark It is important to note that college readiness is a continuum, and students who score below the benchmark may still be successful in college, especially with additional preparation and perseverance. The Benchmark RIGOROUS Provides a fair and valid snapshot of college readiness for groups of students Developed by a trusted leader in college readiness and high- quality education assessment MEANINGFUL Designed specifically for secondary school administrators, educators and policymakers Reduces the need for costly college-level remediation programs Can be customized to address specific education reform needs and challenges ACTIONABLE Provides essential information for secondary school educators to evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs Informs and supports curriculum enhancements over time Helps identify best practices and effective learning approaches

16 Additional Information Resources for New and Returning Users

17 Additional Resources & Information Visit readistep.collegeboard.orgreadistep.collegeboard.org Resources include: –On-demand video –FAQ document –Research summary –Old/new score conversion table –Full research report and analysis