Lesson 1 Why we must pray? The importance of prayer as a Muslim Do you know the 5 pillars?
As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars The acknowledgement of God ( شهادة, shahādah) shahādah The ritual prayers (صلاة, şalāh)şalāh The paying of alms (زكاة, zakāh, often Anglicized as zakat)zakat The fast during Ramadan (صوم, şawm, or صيام, şiyām)Ramadanşiyām The pilgrimage to Mecca (حج, ḩ ajjMecca ḩ ajj
The Shahadah " I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." Asyhadu Al-laa ilaha il-lallah. Wa asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah.
We have to pray because We are Muslims
Praying is the………… 2 nd pillar of Islam
It is a form of conversation to Allah. the prayer is performed properly – with true remembrance of Allah and turning to Him for forgiveness Every Muslim MUST pray
Praying helps us…….. To be happy To cleanse our mind,heart and soul To keep away from syaitan or iblis To think better To be a better Muslim To forget our worries