Carolina Recycling Conference Myrtle Beach S. C. Keep America Beautiful North Carolina Solid Waste Enforcement Officers Association
Carolina Recycling The Primary Goal of the CRA is to support Recycling and the Recycling Industry by Advancing Waste Reduction in NC & SC
Keep America Beautiful NCKAB, Inc enters into partnerships with a network of local affiliates statewide to enhance the natural beauty of NC communities, improving solid waste handling practices and encourage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving community environments.
North Carolina Solid Waste Enforcement Officers Association Committed to a Cleaner Environment Enforcing County and State General Statue Laws & Ordinances on Littering & Illegal Dumping
Littering (c) Civil Penalties NCGS 153A-123
Illegal Dumping N.C. General Statute (d)
Commercial NC G.S (e)
Felony Littering Felony Littering NCGS (e)
Flagrant Violations Civil –Ordinances NCGS 153A-123 A penalty of $500 may be assessed for any violation for a commercial purpose or a flagrant and willful violation. Most ordinances allow this for violations including but not limited to: Repeat violations, Failure to timely clean up solid waste after notice Or violations that include property damage.
The Price We Pay North Carolina million lbs. Of Roadside litter $14 Million to Clean Roadsides
Litter Facts Nationwide there are 51.2 Billion pieces of litter on roadways 6,729 pieces of litter per mile in the US 91% consist of mainly Cigarette butts and Paper
Who Litters Age Young people litter more when in groups Smokers People who eat at fast food places 2 or more times a week A person who travel 50 miles a day or more 48 % of Americans admit littering within the past 5 years
Where Does Litter Come From Spillage from garbage collection Business dumpsters Uncovered trucks Cars Pedestrians
How Litter Hurts Cost Numerous Vehicle Accidents Personal Injuries Injuries to Wildlife Values of Homes Unattractive to New Businesses Tourism
Why Do People Litter Lazy Dont Care No Sense of Pride Lack of Consequences to the violator Ignorance
What Can We Do ? Most Important- EDUCATION Promote Community Clean-up Efforts Adopt-A-Highway Swat-A-Litterbug
Types Of Litter Fast Food Waste 33% Paper 29% Aluminum 28% Glass 6% Plastic 2% Other 2%
Decomposition Time Styrofoam / Plastic jug 1 Million yrs. Aluminum Can yrs. Disposable Diapers 550 yrs. Tin Can 90 yrs. Leather Shoe 45 yrs. Wool Sock 1 yr. Paper Bag 1 month Banana Peel 3-4 weeks
TRASH TO RECYCLE A recent survey shows 48% of roadside trash is recyclable Nearly 65% lake trash is recyclable Some reports show as much as 75% river trash is recyclable
North Carolina Solid Waste Enforcement Officers Association Committed To A Cleaner Environment
North Carolina Solid Waste Enforcement Officers Association Solid Waste Officers Compliance Officers Environmental Health Specialist & Directors NCDENR- SBI Agents Planning Directors –Enforcement Officers Animal Control Officers Sheriff Deputies Community Development
Enforcement Officers Sworn Non-Sworn DENR SBI Attorneys Generals Office
What NCSWEOA Provide Networking Education Legal Updates Laws, Recycling Rules
Past Speakers and Topics State Represenitive Attorney Generals Office DA Office Special Agents SBI NCDENR NCDEPPA
?? Outdoor Storage ??
Video Scenario 2
Rockingham County Court
Enforcement Methods Presented By Tinker Woods Rockingham County Code Enforcement