Haiti Western third of the island of Hispaniola; shared with the Dominican Republic.
Haiti PRAY FOR THE COUNTRY Area: 27,400 sq km Population: 10,188,175 Annual Growth: 1.6% Capital: Port-au-Prince Urban Percent: 49.6% Human Development Index Rank: 149 of 182 countries
Haiti PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE Peoples: 9 (1 unreached) Languages: 2 Official Languages: French (10% speak it). Common languages Haitian Creole, English and Spanish increasingly used as a second language. Largest Religion: Christian (95% of population) ChristiansOther Religions P=ProtestantJ=Judaism I=IndependentM=Muslim A=AnglicanBh=Bahai C=CatholicB=Buddhist O=OrthodoxH=Hindu S=MarginalSk=Sikh U=UnaffiliatedCh=Chinese Rel. X=Other Christian;E=Trad. Ethnic All ChristiansN=Non-Religious T=Other
Haiti PRAY FOR THE CHURCH Christians (self-identified): 9,690,992 95.1% of population Annual Growth: 1.6% Evangelicals: 1,633,193 16.0% of population Annual Growth: 2.2%