Color Schemes
Basic Color Theory O Primary Colors- Red, Yellow, and Blue. Primaries are mixed together to make all other colors. O Secondary Colors- Green, Orange, and Violet O Tint= A color mixed with white (makes it lighter) O Shade= A color mixed with black (makes it darker) O Tone= A color mixed with grey (makes it more muted) O Color Value- How light or dark a color is O Color Intensity- How bright or dull a color is.
Warm Colors O Red, Yellow, and Orange O Feel warm like the sun O Evoke feeling of happiness, anxiety, hunger, warmth O Advance in the picture O The closer a color is to yellow, the warmer it will be (yellow-green vs. blue-green)
Cool Colors O Blue, Violet, Green O Feel wintery O Recede in the picture plane O Evoke feelings of sadness, calm, peace, quiet O The closer a color is to blue, the cooler it is (blue-green vs. yellow-green)
Monochromatic O Uses one color as the foundation for the entire design O Different values of that color may be used
Analagous O Uses 3-5 adjacent (side-by-side) colors from the color wheel O Can think of choosing 1/3 of the color wheel to use in scheme O Can mix colors O Can change values of colors O Most variety possible with this scheme
Complementary O Complementary colors= Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel O Appear brighter when placed together O Become duller when mixed together (make brown) O Yellow/Violet OR Blue/Orange OR Red/Green O Can mix the two colors together O Can change values of the colors or their combinations
Practice at least 3 color schemes in you VVJ Using colored pencils. Choose schemes that represent you. Choose favorite scheme to use in painting your self-portrait.