Human Needs and Sustainable Cities: Understanding Systems Gwendolyn Hallsmith City of Montpelier
What is a system?
Behavior Over Time
Stocks and Flows Water flows in Water flows out
Stories, Diagrams, and Leverage Archetype Stories illustrate patterns of behavior Diagrams help describe the underlying system dynamics Leverage points demonstrate effective interventions Change Describe Understand
archetypical behaviors patterns of feedback and response clues to leverage points cyclical/holistic cause and effect
feedback loops A B B A
Linear Behavior Over Time
Per Capita and Average Water Consumption: Calgary
reinforcing loops + +
Exponential Behavior
balancing loops
Goal-Seeking Behavior
Male & Female Life Expectancy in Alberta
Glacial Water Supplies
intelligence pays
strategic democracy
limits to growth
fixes that fail
worst first
shifting the burden
Exercise In small groups, discuss which of these patterns of behavior you have observed in your city. Identify one trend that your group can describe in terms of the system that might be working behind it. Based on the systems thinking, what might be some ways you could change the system for the better?