pilgrimage to Mecca Home of the Bedouins Was the site of Kaaba – most religious shrine in Arabia Tribe that controlled access to Kaaba shrine Before Muhammad, Allah was identified with the Jewish ____and Arabs regarded themselves as children of Abraham Birthplace of Muhammad Wife of Muhammad During Muhammad’s meditation he was visited by the angel___ One who submits to God (accepts the religion of Islam)
Mecca HajjArabian Peninsula Mecca Quraysh Yahweh KhadijaGabriel Muslim
Holy book of Islam Muslim society of shared faith There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet Pray 5 times a day Alms giving Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca In Islam, allows for the sword against non-believers Immigration to Yathrib known as hijra or the journey – was a turning point and marked the beginning of the new___ City of the Prophet “Children of The book” and given protection – second class citizens – pay a special tax ” The law of Islam became the center of Muslim society. It is called? 751 Crushed the Chinese in the____ Stopped further expansion of the Chinese Empire
5 pillars of Islam umma (UMH-mah) JihadcalendarYathrib Jews and Christians Sharia Law Battle of Talas River Quran
Much of the Muslim world lost their old languages and spoke Successor to Muhammad – political and military leaders The 1 st four caliphs were the ____ they were companions of the Prophet – selected by elders in Medina Believed the caliph were rightful political and military leader and selected by Islamic community Believed leadership should come from the bloodline of Muhammad Sunni religious scholars called Shia Muslims leader known as ___ they could interpret religious law first dynasty to rule following the Rightly Guided Caliphs After the 1 st 4 caliphs, caliphs were transformed from tribal chiefs to
Rightly Guided Caliphs Caliph Sunni Muslims Shia Muslims AKA Shites ulama imams Umayyad absolute monarchs Arabic
Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad in 750 Moved Capital to A new branch of Islam – saw worldly success as a deviance from Islam. They denounced the material world In Islamic world 3 rd wave civilization, Multiple husbands illegal but ____or multiple wives was allowed Traditions about the sayings and actions of Muhammad Women killed by relatives for violating sexual taboos Turkic and Muslim rule governed most f India until ______takeover in 18 th and 19 th century Now modern day Turkey Largely a Christian and Greek speaking society governed by Byzantine Empire Africa kingdom of ___ 150 Quranic schools and several major centers of higher level educations. Students from all over West Africa. Libraries with tens of thousands of books Early 8 th century _____forces captured much of Spain
polygamySufis HadithsHonor killingsBritish Anatolia Timbuktu Arab and Berber Bagdad
1492 Monarchs ____unified Spain as a Catholic society Campaign to drive Muslims and Jews from Spain. Started in 1200 and completed in 1492 Trained scholars – served as judges, interpreters, administrators, prayer leaders and reciters of the Quran
UlamaReconquistaIsabella and Ferdinand