CONTAMINANT CONTROL zEngineering yExhaust Fans yTractor with Filtered Cab zSubstitution yLess Hazardous Chemical zPersonal Protective Equipment yRespirator
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS OSHA Standard 29 CFR zWritten Program zSelection Based on Hazards zMedical Evaluation zTraining zFit Testing zArea and Worker Surveillance zProgram Evaluation
WRITTEN PROGRAM zStandard Operating Procedure zSelection of Respirator zUse of Respirator zCleaning, Inspection zMedical Surveillance zTraining zFit Testing Procedures zEvaluation
RESPIRATOR SELECTION zOxygen Level zContaminant yParticle Size yWorker/Area Surveillance zExposure Limit zWarning Properties zEye/Skin Irritant
RESPIRATOR APPROVAL zNIOSH yEstablishes Testing Criteria yConducts Approval Testing y42 CFR Part 84 zTC Number y“Tested and Certified” yGases/Vapors - 23C yDusts/Mists - 21C/84A
RESPIRATOR CARTRIDGE Color Codes zAcid GasesWhite zOrganic VaporsBlack zAmmonia GasGreen zAcids & OrganicsYellow zHEPAPurple zDust, Fumes, MistGrey
MEDICAL EVALUATION Recommended Parameters Needed for ALL respirator wearers. It’s an added strain to wear a respirator. zMedical History zPulmonary Function Test zChest X-Ray zPhysical Exam zPhysician’s Written Opinion
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS zExpected Hazards zInspection of the Respirator zCleaning and Storage zCartridge Change Out Schedule zDonning of the Respirator zPerform Fit Checks
INSPECTION OF RESPIRATOR zCheck Straps zInspect Inhalation/Exhalation Valves zInspect Rubber of Mask zRemove Cartridges, Inspect Gaskets zInspect Filters/Cartridges
DONNING OF RESPIRATOR zPlace Chin in Cup zPush Up On Bridge of Nose zAdjust Straps from Low to High zStraps Snug, Not Over-tight zNo Facial Hair Where Respirator Seals
PROPER FIT zNo Facial Hair zProper Size zComfort yFit Across Bridge of Nose yRoom to Talk yTendency to Slip yRoom for Safety Glasses
FIT TESTING zQualitative Fit Test yBanana oil, Smoke, Saccharin, Bitrex ySubject Sensitivity yHonesty zQuantitative Fit Test yCost yAccuracy zFit Checks
ASSIGNED PROTECTION FACTORS The expected level of protection that would be provided by a properly functioning respirator on a fitted and trained worker zHalf Mask y10 times protection zPAPR (loose fitting hood) y25 times protection z Full Face y50 times protection
CARE AND STORAGE zClean and Inspect After Every Use ySoap Solution zStore yDry yClean yRoom Temperature