NNF Workshop, eNav and the Arctic ArcticWeb 24 th March 2015 Mads Bentzen Billesø Danish Maritime Authority/Maritime Technology
ArcticWeb (Embryonic e-Navigation) - an effort to improve safety of navigation in the Arctic
Operational § and ArcticWeb functionality Coordinated Voyage Sharing vessels routes and schedules, including intelligent presentation for planning purposes Areas with specific requirements Areas are shown in ArcticWeb, may be specific for vessel type and size Use of Pilot Pilot on board or PEC number Risk Assessment Provide vessels with necessary data and the possibility to make use of integrated risk model
ArcticWeb – short recap Operational from 1 st January 2014 Users: 45 vessels + ice pilots/advisors 35 shore authorities/users Good cooperation with Norway (Kystverket (NCA) and BarentsWatch). Initial meetings with USA (CG) and Canada (CG). Russian authorities have expressed interest. Ice Charts from 2 providers (DMI and AARI) AIS data for entire Arctic region from Norwegian satellites + Danish and Norwegian base stations.
ArcticWeb – 2015 and beyond Platform planned to be used and further developed in several projects – EfficienSea2, project under the Nordic Council of Ministers and project under the Danish Ministry of Defence. Establish cooperation on the development and possible extension of ArcticWeb to cover entire Arctic region. Improve existing services based on feedback and develop additional functionality, including: Coordinated voyage functionality Integrate reporting with national systems (Arctic Command, others?) A Joint Arctic Maritime WebPortal, in collaboration with Geodata Agencies Risk management tool Pilot booking and PEC functionality SAR functionality
ArcticWeb – Search and Rescue functionality
Percentage below n hours and above 12 minutes HoursAll areas1234 ½47 %55 %25 %27 %36 % 170 %75 %54 %56 %72 % 1½84 %87 %76 %75 %90 % 296 %97 %94 %93 %98 % 397 %98 %96 %95 %98 % 499 % 98 %97 %99 % 6 98 %99 % %99 % % 99 % 100 % Quality of AIS data from satellite
For more information For test purposes, presentation and a closer look at ArcticWeb, please access the ArcticWeb [test] site. Vessel login: arina/1qa2ws3ed (case sensitive in both User name and password) For test of route sharing please search Orasila or Oratank – they have schedules and routes. To request login for ArcticWeb [LIVE]:
Mads Bentzen Billesø Maritime Technology and e- Navigation Danish Maritime Authority