Are you as technology-literate as a 5 th grader?
Rules One PEEK chance One COPY chance One point per correct answer Team with the most points wins
Question K By the end of Kindergarten: a.Students know how to use the keyboard to type letters and number and know how to use special key function (e.g., delete, shirt, arrow keys, space bar). b.Students describe how to use basic input devices (e.g., keyboard fingering and mouse or trackpad manipulation), output devices (e.g., monitor and printer use), and software resources. c. Students know how to get the DVD to play on the LCD projector before the media staff show up to press the button.
Question K By the end of Kindergarten: a.Students know how to use the keyboard to type letters and number and know how to use special key function (e.g., delete, shirt, arrow keys, space bar). b.Students describe how to use basic input devices (e.g., keyboard fingering and mouse or trackpad manipulation), output devices (e.g., monitor and printer use), and software resources. * By the end of 2 nd grade * c. Students know how to get the DVD to play on the LCD projector before the media staff show up to press the button.
Question 1 By the end of 1 st grade: a.Students, assisted by teachers, parents, or student partners, know how to select media formats (e.g., text, clip art, photos, video, webpages, newsletters) to communicate and share ideas with students in other classrooms. b.Students demonstrate creative ways of opening every program on the computer except the one the teacher wants them to use. c.Students know how to use a variety of developmentally appropriate media (e.g., presentation software, newsletter templates, and webpages as resources for clip art, music, and information resources) to communicate ideas relevant to the curriculum to their classmates, families, and others.
Question 1 By the end of 1 st grade: a.Students, assisted by teachers, parents, or student partners, know how to select media formats (e.g., text, clip art, photos, video, webpages, newsletters) to communicate and share ideas with students in other classrooms. b.Students demonstrate creative ways of opening every program on the computer except the one the teacher wants them to use. c.Students know how to use a variety of developmentally appropriate media (e.g., presentation software, newsletter templates, and webpages as resources for clip art, music, and information resources) to communicate ideas relevant to the curriculum to their classmates, families, and others. * By the end of 2 nd grade *
Question 2 By the end of 2 nd grade: a.Students know how to waste paper and the color toner by resending a print job with fancy graphics a bunch of times before the teacher tells them to stop. b.Students name general productivity tools and identify how the tools are most frequently used in their schoolwork and at home. c.Students know how to work together to collect and create pictures, images, and charts for development of word- processing reports and electronic presentations.
Question 2 By the end of 2 nd grade: a.Students know how to waste paper and the color toner by resending a print job with fancy graphics a bunch of times before the teacher tells them to stop. b.Students know how to collaborate to develop, print, and present a document using a word processor, and/or drawing software. * By the end of 1 st grade * c.Students know how to work together to collect and create pictures, images, and charts for development of word-processing reports and electronic presentations.
Question 3 By the end of 3 rd grade: a.Students know how to safely and securely use telecommunication tools to read, send, or post electronic messages to peers, experts, and family members. b.Students learn how to quickly minimize the window with their favorite online game before the teacher catches them. c.Students identify telecommunication tools (e.g., , online discussions, web environments) and online resources for collaborative projects with other students inside and outside the classroom who are studying similar curriculum-related content.
Question 3 By the end of 3 rd grade: a.Students know how to safely and securely use telecommunication tools to read, send, or post electronic messages to peers, experts, and family members. b.Students learn how to quickly minimize the window with their favorite online game before the teacher catches them. c.Students identify telecommunication tools (e.g., , online discussions, web environments) and online resources for collaborative projects with other students inside and outside the classroom who are studying similar curriculum-related content. * By the end of 4 th grade *
Question 4 By the end of 4 th grade: a.Students know how to use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. b.Students know how to access favorite YouTube video clips even though the Internet filter blocks the teacher from showing one little video they found at home. c.Students independently know how to use existing common databases (e.g., library catalogs, online archives, electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias) to locate, sort, and interpret information on assigned topics in the curriculum.
Question 4 By the end of 4 th grade: a.Students know how to use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. b.Students know how to access favorite YouTube video clips even though the Internet filter blocks the teacher from showing one little video they found at home. c.Students independently know how to use existing common databases (e.g., library catalogs, online archives, electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias) to locate, sort, and interpret information on assigned topics in the curriculum. * By the end of 3 rd grade *
Question 5 By the end of 5 th grade: a.Students know how to use both alphabetic and numeric keys (located above the alphabetic keys) by touch, using the correct finger of the correct hand to compose and edit a letter or brief report. b.Students know how to use basic input and output devices (including adaptive devices as needed); access network resources (e.g., printers, file servers); and use common peripherals (e.g., scanners, digital probes, digital camera, and video projectors). c.Students know how to fix the teacher’s home computer by booting from a safe flash drive and removing the spyware that came while browsing timeshare websites.
Question 5 By the end of 5 th grade: a.Students know how to use both alphabetic and numeric keys (located above the alphabetic keys) by touch, using the correct finger of the correct hand to compose and edit a letter or brief report. * By the end of 4 th grade * b.Students know how to use basic input and output devices (including adaptive devices as needed); access network resources (e.g., printers, file servers); and use common peripherals (e.g., scanners, digital probes, digital camera, and video projectors). c.Students know how to fix the teacher’s home computer by booting from a safe flash drive and removing the spyware that came while browsing timeshare websites.
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