* Try to learn a way to make sure you are using these words correctly in your writing.* CONFUSING WORDS
In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., accepted the Nobel Prize for peace. verb To receive with consent To give approval to Everyone except Ruben will be there. verb To leave out from a group But; other than ACCEPTEXCEPT
Advice may be easy to give but hard to follow. noun A recommendation about a course of action I advise you to continue your music lessons. verb To recommend To give advice ADVICEADVISE
The volcanic eruption affected the sunsets all over the world. Verb To influence To produce an effect upon The phases of the moon have an effect on the tide. Noun The result of an action A consequence AFFECTEFFECT
The players are all ready for the big game. Adjective all prepared Our class has already had two tests. Adverb previously ALL READYALREADY
Was my answer all right? Adjective Satisfactory Maria did all right in the track meet. Adverb Satisfactorily; in a satisfactory manner ALL RIGHT
The altar was covered with lilies. Noun A table for a religious ceremony The outcome of the election may alter the mayor’s plans. Verb To change ALTARALTER
The family was all together, then. Adjective In the same place; at the same time Nina seemed altogether thrilled to see us. Adverb Entirely; completely ALL TOGETHERALTOGETHER
Can you fix the brake on my bicycle? Noun A device to stop a machine A high-pitched noise can break glass. Verb To fracture; to shatter BRAKEBREAK
Olympia is the capital of Washington state. Noun A city; the seat or central location of a government Where is the capitol in Albany? Noun A building; a statehouse CAPITALCAPITOL
Did you choose photography or art as your elective? Verb (rhymes with whose) To select Sara chose a red pen, not a blue one. Verb (rhymes with grows) Selected --- past tense CHOOSECHOSE
Patsy has the most stylish clothes. Noun apparel Some cleaning cloths are stored in the closet. Noun Pieces of fabric CLOTHESCLOTHS
The beach is covered with coarse brown sand. Adjective Rough; crude If you follow that course, you will succeed. Noun Path of action; unit of study; route COARSECOURSE
The chef’s kitchen contains a full complement of appliances. Noun Something that completes or makes perfect Verb To complete or make perfect The ambassador paid Susan a compliment for her quick thinking. Noun A remark that expresses approval, praise or admiration Verb To praise COMPLEMENTCOMPLIMENT
Who is the Guatamalan The mayor called Seek counsel consul in Miami? a meeting of the from more city safety council.experienced people. Noun NounNoun A representative of aA group of peopleAdvice Government in a foreignwho meet together countryVerb to give advice CONSULCOUNCILCOUNSEL
The councilors discussed several issues of importance. Noun Member of a council Who is your guidance counselor? Noun One who advises COUNCILORCOUNSELOR
The Sahara is the Most dogs will notFruit salad is largest desert in desert a friend in my favorite Africa. trouble.dessert. Noun VerbNoun a dry, sandy region to abandon; to leavethe sweet, final course of a meal DESERTDESERTDESSERT
The mayor delivered the speech formally. Adverb with dignity; according to strict rules or procedures Mr. Crane was formerly the principal of the school. Adverb Previously; in the past FORMALLYFORMERLY
I can hear you all the way down the hall. Verb To receive sounds through the ears The treasure is buried here. Adverb In this place HEARHERE
Mount Fuji is noted for its beauty. Possessive form of it Belonging to it It’s a good idea to relax. Contraction of it is or it has ITSIT’S
Grace often leads Mr. Troy led the troopMany fishing the band in the back to the campground.nets are annual parade.weighted with lead so they sink to the bottom. Verb (rhymes with Verb (past tense of lead)Noun (rhymes feed) with red) To go first; to be went firsta heavy metal a leadergraphite in a pencil LEADLEDLEAD
Harry’s tooth was loose. Adjective (rhymes with moose) Not securely attached; not fitting tightly Vegetables lose some of their vitamins when they are cooked. Verb (rhymes with whose) To suffer loss LOOSELOSE
The people in the car waved as they passed us. Verb Past tense of pass Went by Some people long to learn about the past. Noun That which has gone by Preposition Beyond Adjective Ended PASSEDPAST
Creating world peace is a challenge we all face. Noun Security and quiet order I would love a piece of pie for dessert. Noun A part of something PEACEPIECE
The plain costumes did not draw the audience’s attention. Adjective Simple; common; unadorned I learned to fly a plane when I was only sixteen. Noun A tool; an airplane; a flat surface PLAINPLANE
Mr. Greenland is our building’s principal. Noun The head of a school Main or most important Honesty is a principle I believe in. Noun A rule of conduct A main fact or law PRINCIPALPRINCIPLE
Let’s find a quiet room in which to study. Adjective Still and peaceful Without noise Winters in New England can be quite severe. Adverb Wholly or entirely To a great extent QUIETQUITE
The jeweler polished the silver until it shone. Verb (past tense of shine) Gleamed; glowed The model of the building will be shown to the public next week. Verb (past tense of show) Revealed SHONESHOWN
The items in the space station or mostly stationary. Adjective In a fixed position I need a new box of stationery to write thank you letters. Noun Writing paper STATIONARYSTATIONERY
My dog is bigger than your dog. Conjunction – used to compare In comparison to If we are awake by six, we will leave then. Adverb At that time THANTHEN
My neighbors sold their We will travel I heard they’re house. there this fall. moving to France. Possesive pronoun Adverb Contraction Belonging to them at or in that placethey are THEIR THERE THEY’RE
Jose’ threw the ball to Trevor. Verb (past tense of throw) Tossed Pitched We traveled through the Panama Canal. Preposition In one side and out the other Across THREWTHROUGH
I began my letter to I am too hungryWe found two Milly.To wait for supper.lost kittens. Prepositionadverbnoun In the direction of;also number Towardmore than enough adjective one more than one TO TOO TWO
These pants are too loose in the waist. Noun The middle part of the body Most of the waste can be recycled. Noun Unused material Verb To squander WAISTWASTE
Our patient is too weak to have visitors. Adjective Not strong; feeble At the end of the week, we will have a quiz. Noun Seven day period of time WEAKWEEK
The weather is hot and humid in summer. Noun Condition of the air or atmosphere Jessica wondered whether she should go. Conjuction If WEATHERWHETHER
Who’s representing the yearbook at the meeting? Contraction Who is or Who has Whose shoes are these? Possessive form of who Belonging to whom WHO’SWHOSE
Your hard work is obvious. Possessive form of you I heard you’re joining the club! Contraction You are YOURYOU’RE