August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) You need this Open “Bellwork” section, date for today.
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) DO YOU OWE THIS TO ME? How about the other form(s)? Please put them in the middle of your table so I can collect them.
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Get one for your table Bellwork 1.1 person selects question to pose to the group seconds of thought. 3.EVERYONE in group answers. 4.EVERYONE will write a response as well. /
Pam Homan Homan English 3 August 18, 2014 Bellwork If I were given the opportunity to One thing that has been irrevocably spoiled for me Chipotle Cup Opportunities August 20, 2014 Chipotle Cup Sadness August 22, 2014 Chipotle Cup /
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” UPCOMING- A DAY THIS WEEK 8/18 “All In” You are Your Words (YAYW) project begins 8/20 Six Word Memoir Workshop 8/22 ID pickup SBG Presentation Summary NEXT WEEK 8/26 AoW begins Draft of poem DUE Peer edit material 8/28 AoW Summary DUE Type poem-LAB YAYW Project DUE Double check your Agenda
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) HOMEWORK 1.Noun/verb/adjective, figurative language descriptors of self. 2.Six word memoir 3.Summary of educational experience
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” UPCOMING- B DAY THIS WEEK 8/19 “All In” You are Your Words (YAYW) project begins 8/21 ID pickup SBG Presentation 6 Word Memoir Workshop NEXT WEEK 8/25 AoW begins Slam Poetry 8/27 AoW continues Draft of poem DUE Peer edit material 8/29 AoW Summary DUE Type poem-LAB YAYW Project DUE Put this in your Agenda
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Types of sentences… what are they? P.S. Write this in your “NOTES” section.
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes)
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Project: You are Your Words Micrography
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Project: You are Your Words Prep work: Grammar/Figurative Language Section: NOTES I AM... I am thinking all the time—my mind races like a cheetah. I have hair like springs, and it looks like Einstein’s by the last period of the day; many students think I might be mad. My family thinks I am sleeping when I go to bed at 7:00, but I’m really doing work until my brain won’t process words anymore. My friends know I won’t see them again until next summer. Use nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, metaphor, simile, hyperbole to describe yourself.
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Project: You are Your Words Prep work: Six Word Memoir Section: NOTES Ernest Hemingway “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” What six words describe your educational story?
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Project: You are Your Words Prep Work: Summary writing Section: Notes Summarize your educational experience so far. At LEAST fifty words. I am looking for voice and conventions.
August 22-25, 2014 SWBAT: understand elements of “Workshop” RELATIONSHIPS Agenda Bellwork (20 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Annotation Workshop (30 minutes) You Are Your Words 6 Word Memoir Educational Summary Peace/Out (5 minutes) Write on a piece of scratch paper Name/Teacher/Class/Date Please provide one adjective about yourself, using first person. What type of sentence is that? PLEASE PUT IN TOP LEFT CORNER