V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Znanie Association: Main Priorities: Teacher Training Analysis and Consulting Services Education and Training Educational software International cooperation One can do as much as he knows…
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Civic education is that part of the education process which, in implementation of the civic mission of education is directed at developing people‘s social culture: What is Civil Education? It provides knowledge on the values, institutions, mechanisms, and procedures of democratic society and develops skills for their application.
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 The long isolation of the country is the reason for the lack of basic knowledge regarding civil rights, market economy, and history of the European culture and policy. Practical skills, which are not subject of any discipline, are also lacking; without them we will raise competent young people who are nevertheless unable to face the challenges of the new age Where do we start from?
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Key-stones of the Civil education in Bulgaria 90’s: – Civil education focuses on information and knowledge for: Human rights (civil rights, children’s rights, offender’s, the rights of the people with disabilities Democratic procedures and democratic practices The new role of the institutions in the democratic society
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Key-stones of the Civil education in Bulgaria Basic activities: Establishment number of NGOs, focusing their activities on civil education for both children and adults Training a great number of NGO-volunteers (with the assistance of Open society foundation, Democracy network and other partnering institutions) Various projects, developed and implemented by the NGOs Great number of short-time seminars and workshops
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Key-stones of the Civil education in Bulgaria Today’s priorities: Education for Europe and the European Union as a part of the pre-accession process Integration of the minorities (in all the aspects of multicultural understanding and toleration)
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 Basic documents: Government Program 'People Are The Wealth Of Bulgaria' Framework Convention For The Protection Of National Minorities Framework Program For Equal Integration Of Roma In Bulgarian Society Strategy for Educational Integration of Children and Students From the Ethnic Minorities
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov – 2000: Great number of seminars and workshops for Human rights, Children’s rights and Role of the institutions “Institutional Program for Ethnically Based NGOs in Bulgaria” – staff training, teambuilding, planning, etc. for volunteers and collaborators working in minority groups NGOs in Bulgaria, with the financial support of the Institute for Sustainable Communities – The Democracy Network Program Znanie activities on Civil Education
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov – 2005: Projects for integration of minorities Projects for education of people with disabilities “A Life Chance” – a project for vocational guidance, language and computer training of children with physical disabilities (Cerebral palsy), with the financial support of the National Rehabilitation Fund – Bulgaria European Cooperation Znanie activities on Civil Education
V.Georgieva – Znanie Association, Bulgaria Adult Learning for Civil Society: Kaunas, Nov 2004 MOSEL - Methods for overcoming social exclusion by learning: a Socrates-Grundtvig project, promoted by Lancaster & Morecambe College, UK IMTDS - Innovative Methodologies of Teaching for Disable Students: a Socrates-Grundtvig project, promoted by Associazione Centro Gamma, Naples, Italy Toleration – The most valuable quality of Modern Europe: Phare 2004 Project proposal emphasizing on the of the civil society, to decrease discrimination tendency and to increase integration and socialization of groups in risk and minority background. International Cooperation: