National Water and Sewerage Corporation Opportunities and Challenges of Serving the Informal Settlements By: Dr. William Muhairwe Managing Director NWSC
CONTENT ■ Definition of Informal Settlements ■ Situation analysis of Informal Settlements ■ Why Serve the Informal Settlements □ Macro point of view □ Micro Point of View ■ Challenges ■ Solutions ■ Conclusion ■ Way forward
3 Definition of Informal Settlements ■ In Uganda, informal settlements are in pockets in the different urban centres. ■ The informal settlements are more in the larger towns compared to smaller towns, ranging from 20% - 60%. ■ Informal settlements are characterized by: □ Low income populations □ High concentration of people □ Squalid dwellings □ Poor services and □ limited and unplanned infrastructure.
4 Situation Analysis of Informal Settlements ■ For Water, Reliance on; shallow wells, unprotected springs, rudimental rain harvesting. ■ For sanitation: There is poor drainage, Shallow pit latrines due to the low water table, Indiscriminate disposal of solid waste. ■ Social Evils such as theft, violence, prostitution etc.
5 Why Serve the Poor Macro Point of View ■ Social Responsibility ■ Political Mandate, PEAP, NDP, Presidents Manifesto. ■ Water as a Basic right for Health, in line with MDGs ■ Equity in Service Delivery.
6 Why Serve the Poor Micro Point of View Mitigation of the following adverse consequences ■ Insecurity of installations and infrastructure ■ Reduction in illegal water use. ■ Reduction in Non Revenue Water. On the other hand serving the informal settlements has the following positive attributes ■ Positive image for the Corporation ■ The poor are good payers ■ Prepaid meters on kiosks results into a collection efficiency of over 100%
7 Challenges ■ Lack of adequate resources to effect access to the poor. ■ Failure to discern between the Rich and Poor ■ Lack of a regulatory framework for services to the poor leading to over pricing and disconnection due to non payment. ■ Lack of clear measurable indicators for service to the poor. ■ Poor Physical planning ■ Transient populations ■ Limited installation of pre-paid meters because of high cost ■ Inappropriate land tenure systems
8 Solutions ■ Need for an Enabling Policy Framework ■ Board and Management support to the plight of informal settlements ■ Establishment of a Dedicated Pro-Poor Unit, with a fully fledged staffing ■ Geographic targeting of connections (e.g. OBA Project) ■ Use of Yard taps as an alternative to water kiosks. ■ Installation of prepaid meters for public stand posts. ■ Community involvement and participation ■ Need to have targeted subventions from Government/Donors to bridge the financing Gap. ■ Adoption and Formulation of SMART pro-poor targets with the utilities policy framework ■ Adoption of an appropriate Tariff Structure where the poor are subsidized.
9 Conclusion ■ Provision of service to informal settlements requires a multi faceted approach. ■ With the rapid urbanization, utilities have no choice but to seek solutions for serving the informal settlements. ■ There is need for a clear institution framework if informal settlements are to be effectively served. Remember: “be the change you want to see in the World” (Mahatma Gandhi)
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