ETEC 444
Name: Alex Rezaei
The Course
Goals 1- Computers for personal use 2- Computers in teaching & learning 3- Feel competent and confident, and independent in using technology
Grading Criteria AssignmentsPoints Due Practices (11 X 3 points)33 points Due: Weekly (after the instruction) Readings (7 X 5 points)35 points Due: Weekly (before next class starts) Steps Recording 5 pointsDue: March 22 Blogs Practice 7 pointsDue: April 5 Powerpoint Presentation15 pointsDue: March 9 Practice - Diigo 5 pointsDue: April 26 Webpage Development10 pointsDue: May 3 Educational Software Presentation 10 pointsDue: May 4 Final Exam60 pointsDue: May 11 Total 180 points
Extras Sign in Suggestion Box Class Notes My Presentations
Teaching Method Instructivism (Specific goals & objectives, teacher & students know exactly what they are supposed to do, step by step instruction, accurate grading criteria) Constructivism (student centered, free to choose what they want to learn, no spoon feeding, students have to discover things, holistic/overall evaluation)
No Prints 1.Learning by searching 2.Learning by doing 3.Learning by asking 4.Learning by teaching 5.Learning by looking 6.Learning by writing 7.Learning by reading Everything is online Learning how to learn
Individual Differences
Assumption No Background However (the fact is…)
Experienced students Don’t worry. Its not just the skills (planning & integration)
Mutual Respect Your Expectations = My Expectations Monitors OFF Your comments & suggestions Tooooooooo Late
Hand Ins Beach Board Drop Box Don’t send through
Don’t forget your name & course name Kitty2000 Your feedback through website
Textbook Textbook: Teachers Discovering Computers
Advice Save, Save, Save Save to Flash Drive Send To BeachBoard Send to your Save in cloud
Part 1Demo-lectures- Discussion Part 2 lab- Practice -Presentations 2 Parts
Attendance (5 points) Physical & Mental (No Cell- No Surfing- No texting) Don’t Forget to sign in the online attendance form Don’t be late (1 point)
Materials Needed USB Flash Drive One Headphone or headset CSULB account ftp account
Introduce Yourself 1.Your Name -Your field/program/major 2.Do you have access to Internet at home? 3.Computer experience? 4.Anything specific you want to learn in this course? 5.What is the best way to use technology in teaching and learning
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