Andrea Mirow
Coral Bleaching- Coral Bleaching is when corals get stressed out due to climate change, and the coral expels the algae causing it to turn white and die. pH Levels- For corals to grow, they have to have the proper pH level. When water has a pH lower than 8 it makes it hard for the corals to grow. Rising Levels of CO2- With large amounts of CO2 emissions, corals are in danger. When CO2 gets in the water, it causes the skeleton to break down. Careless Diving- Many corals are killed because when scuba divers go to dive, they either drop the anchor on the reef, or are careless and kick corals with their fins. Coastal Development- Many people are building on costal areas and putting pollution into the ocean which harms the corals.
Corals do something called symbiosis with a special type of algae called Zooxanthellae. Symbiosis is when two different organisms live together and help each other, or it is good for but bad for the other. The algae that lives with the coral does photosynthesis and gives some food to the coral, and in return the coral gives its nitrogen and carbon dioxide wastes to the algae.
Variance is a way to describe how far away the data is from the mean
Theoretical Distribution (TDC) is a theoretical or ideal picture of a distribution based upon random sampling. TDC
T-Test is an equation that is used to calculate the t-statistic. T- statistic is designed to test whether there is a significant difference between the means of two independent samples (which are treatment (1) and control (2). X -Mean -Pooled variance N- Number
Chi Square Test can be used to see if there are any significant differences between data sites or sources. Today, we played the sea turtle game to learn about Chi Square. We wanted to see if there was a difference in the survival rates of turtles at different beach sites. Beach SiteABCDE Observed Predicted46
Many baby sea turtles are at risk when they hatch. Here are some reasons why: Predators: Many animals eat sea turtle hatchlings, these include: raccoons, pelicans, iguanas, and even humans. Marine Debris: Marine debris also hurts many turtles because they eat it and it hurts their intestines. City Lights: many people who live close to the beach have their lights on at night. The sea turtles look for the light of the moon to lead them to the ocean, and when people have lights on the sea turtles get confused and head for the road, many hatchlings die because they are run over by cars.
Control Group Start Date Population Date Total Days Treatment Group Start Date Population Date Total Days C16/21/127/14/1223T16/21/127/11/1220 C26/21/127/14/1223T26/21/127/14/1223 C36/21/127/11/1220T36/21/127/14/1223 C46/21/127/14/1223T46/21/12DIED- C56/21/127/11/1220T56/21/127/14/1223 C66/21/127/11/1220T66/21/127/14/1223 C76/21/127/10/1219T76/21/127/14/1223 C86/21/127/14/1223T86/21/127/14/1223 C96/21/127/14/1223T96/21/127/12/1221 C106/21/127/14/1223T106/21/127/14/1223 C116/21/127/14/1223T116/21/127/14/1223 C126/21/127/12/1221T126/21/127/14/1223 C136/21/127/12/1221T136/21/127/11/1220 C146/21/127/14/1223T146/21/127/14/1223 C156/21/127/14/1223T156/21/127/14/1223 Data shows that there is no significant difference and that you cannot reject the null. Control Mean: Variance: 2.27 Treatment Mean: Variance: 1.34 T-Test:0.27