Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 1 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC OUTLINE: LR R&D goals & plans Long Racetrack.


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Presentation transcript:

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 1 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC OUTLINE: LR R&D goals & plans Long Racetrack design (overview) LRS01 Readiness Review Schedule and budget Conclusions Long Racetrack (LR) Strategy Giorgio Ambrosio DOE review - FNAL June

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 2 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Length Scale-Up Plan LENGTH SCALE-UP CHALLENGE: No Nb 3 Sn accelerator magnet longer than 1m has ever been built LARP should make a successful 4m long quadrupole by end of FNAL Long Mirrors LARP Long Racetracks LARP TQs LARP LQ DS LARP Long Quadrupoles Diversity and Risk mitigation for the highest probability of success of the LQs: 2 mechanical designs + 2 scale-ups + design studies

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 3 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Racetrack - GOALS 1.The main goal is to develop long Nb 3 Sn coils fabrication technology (winding, curing, heat-treatment, impregnation, handling)  target is to reproduce performance of short coils  focus is on coil (Iss) more than magnet performance (training) 2.Coils will be tested in an Al-shell-based supporting structure (preloaded using bladders and keys) in order to verify the use of this concept for long magnets Coil layout: two flat double-layer racetrack coils Technology successfully developed at LBNL and successfully modified at FNAL From 0.3 m to 3.6m Performed at BNL Developed at LBNL

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 4 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Quadrupole issues I Cable and insulation –Fabricate long (~300 m) Nb 3 Sn cables –Insulate long Nb 3 Sn cables: sleeve/tape/braided-on-cable Coil winding and handling (in all phases) –Tooling and procedures Heat Treatment (Nb 3 Sn expansion – different CTE) –X-section: “azimuthal gap” as LARP TQ models –Ends (free vs. confined) –Pole gaps (how many? how much?) –Wedges: segmented vs. single-piece Addressed by LR Part. addr. by LR Address. by other LM LM/DS

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 5 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Impregnation –Coil orientation: vertical vs. angle –Epoxy flow: slow impregnation vs. pot-life –Epoxy input: single vs. several ports –Coil-pole interface: bonding vs. sliding surface Instrumentation and Quench Protection –Quench protection of long Nb 3 Sn magnets –Long quench heaters Magnet assembly –Uniform pre-stress application by: (i) Bladder&key tech., (ii) Collars+skin –End support and pre-load Long Quadrupole issues II Addressed by LR Part. addr. by LR Address. by other LM TQ LM

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 6 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Racetrack R&D - Plan Short Racetrack (SRS01), to validate technology transfer to BNL –Same as LBNL Small Racetrack series Long Racetrack (LRS01), 1 st test of long coils, as simple as possible –Very similar to SRS01, except a few design modifications for long coils: Side rails instead of horse-shoe, Larger yoke OD, thicker shims and coil skins Short Racetrack (SRS02), to introduce TQ coils fabrication tech. –Same fabrication technology of LARP Technological Quads (TQ) coils Ceramic binder, curing under pressure, heat treatment with tight coil dimension control (“horizontal” gap) Long Racetrack (LRS02), test of long coils with TQ fabric. techn. Curing Heat treatment

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 7 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Supporting structure - plan Al-shell-based supporting structure (preloaded by bladders-&-keys) have successfully been used in 1m-long magnets.  Long magnets require long shells. PLAN: -design, procure and assemble a supporting structure with long shell -Test with a dummy coil package (at LBNL) -Pressure sensitive paper and strain gauges -Optimize structure -Test with a dummy coil package (at BNL) -Possibly using real coil parts and practice coil -Use for LRS01 and LRS02

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 8 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Technology transfer: LR  LQ GOAL: to maximize the transfer of technology, information and expertise from the Long Racetrack R&D to the Long Quadrupole R&D The lead engineer of the Long Quadrupole R&D (Fred Nobrega, FNAL) is involved in all steps of the Long Racetrack R&D (design, assembly, test and analysis), and will visit BNL during key operations (winding, impregnation, coil inspection …) The lead technician of the Long Quadrupole R&D (Marty Whitson, FNAL) will be at BNL during the major steps of the coil fabrication for LRS01 and LRS02 The L2 coordinator of Supporting R&D (G. Ambrosio) is coordinating and over-viewing all LR activities Trips planned in July-Sept.: PC winding, impregnation and inspection

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 9 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 LRS01 Design Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONDUCTOR CHARACTERISTICS By A. Ghosh 3. MAGNETIC DESIGN By P. Ferracin 4. COIL FEATURES AND FABRICATION By J. Schmalzle, and D. Dietderich 5. MECHANICAL DESIGN By P. Ferracin, D. Cheng, and R. Hafalia 6. MAGNET ASSEMBLY By D. Cheng, R. Hafalia, P. Ferracin, and J. Schmalzle 7. QUENCH PROTECTION By J. Muratore 8. COIL INSTRUMENTATION By G. Ambrosio, and P. Wanderer References

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 10 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Racetrack - Design ParameterUnit Cable typeSM N  of double-layer coils 2 Number of turns per layer 21 Strand diametermm0.700 Number of strands20 Cable width (bare)mm7.793 Cable thickness (bare)mm1.275 Insulation thicknessmm Cu/Sc ratio 0.90 J c (12 T,4.2 K)A/mm B peak (4.2 K)T I ss (4.2 K)kA I ss (4.2 K) per strandA 540 I ss (4.2 K)mH/m 1.5 I ss (4.2 K)kJ/m 86 F x per I ss kN/m F y per I ss kN/m -9 F z per I ss kN 20

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 11 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, D mechanical design “Low pre-stress & rigid boundary” Pre-stress provided by –Bladder and keys (293 K) –Aluminum shell thermal contraction (4.2 K) After cooldown –Peak coil stress: 35 MPa –Most of the force to the rails and pole At peak field –Current has opposite direction in coil A and B –Peak coil stress: 75 MPa Aluminum Iron S. steel Coil AB

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 12 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 LR longitudinal design Aluminum shell –Single piece –Length: 3.6 m Iron yokes –50 mm thick laminations Iron pads –Half length (1.8 m) Stainless steel skins –Full length (3.6 m) Bladders –Half length (1.8 m) Keys and shims –Half length (1.8 m)

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 13 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 LRS01 Readiness Review “Given the upcoming results from SRS01, the fabrication and delivery of various parts and tooling, and the inspection and commissioning of those parts and tooling, the committee feels the program should keep proceeding. April We do feel that several commissioning plans and detail designs should be more carefully documented. Extend the ‘what if’ analysis to include ‘success’ in the LRS01 test and how the program might be extended in this scenario. oFor instance, a mirror race track configuration could test other regions of the coils for degradation and coil prestress / end load effects” Possible back-up plan in FY08 Partially done, partially in progress

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 14 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Racetrack Schedule LRS01 test SRS01 test Support. Structure SRS02 test LRS02 test Oven

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 15 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Long Racetrack  Long Quad Expertise and test results of the Long Racetrack R&D will be very valuable for the Long Quadrupole R&D  LQ coil design review: Feb 9, 07  Feedback by: LR practice coil fabrication and inspection LRS01 coils fabrication LRS01 magnet test  LQx01 coil fabrication start: Nov 6, 07  Feedback to coil fabrication procedures by: All of the above + LRS02 coils fabrication and magnet test  LQ mechanical design selection: May 15, 07  Feedback by: LR supporting structure tests at room temperature LRS01 magnet test

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 16 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 FY07 budget (in progress) Complete coil fabrication and assembly of LRS01 Coil fabrication and assembly of SRS02 and LRS02 Test of Supporting Structure Test LRS01, SRS02 and LRS02 k$BNLFNALLBNL Long Magnet Development FY06Racetrack coil fab & testSchmalzle Racetrack supporting structureFerracin222 FY07Racetrack coil fab & testWanderer Extra coil 132 Coordination through: Weekly conference calls or video-meetings of LR working group (BNL, LBNL, FNAL) Weekly reports by task leaders Minutes, reports, drawings, pictures, … on the LARP web site

Long Racetrack (LR) strategy – G. Ambrosio 17 LARP DOE review - FNAL, June 12-14, 2006 Conclusions The Long Racetrack R&D has almost completed the 1 st phase (Technology Transfer & LR design) –SRS01 will be tested next week –The design of LRS01 is almost complete –Successfully passed LRS01 Readiness Review Despite some delays the Long Racetrack R&D is on track to give very valuable feedback to the LQ R&D  Feedback to LQ coil tooling design  Feedback to LQ coil fabrication procedures  Feedback to LQ mechanical design selection