Key Innovations in Biodiversity Informatics
Opportunities (and challenges) for biodiversity information management in Brazil Biggest biodiversity in the world Poor integration among institutions, specially for those located in remote biodiversity-rich areas Development of low cost standards and protocols (software in the public domain, open platforms, etc) Unbalanced communication services among regions
Biodiversity informatics and decision making Planning and monitoring conservation strategies Modeling the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and other complex systems (agriculture, public health, etc) Defining research priorities and strategies Decision making support systems for governmental regulatory agencies (oil & gas, energy, mining, water resources, etc)
Limitations to the use of biodiversity information for decision making processes Lack of integration among different sources of available information, mainly at the different levels of biodiversity (ecosystem, inter-specific and intra-specific) Poor integration among specialists working at different levels (ecologists, botanists, genebank curators and breeders, etc.) Lack of information technology to make 1. and 2. possible
Information technology as a key factor in promoting development Source: CGIAR Challenge Program Full Proposal (2002) “Unlocking Genetic Diversity in Crops for the Resource Poor”
Priority activities to promote biodiversity information development in Brazil Strengthen Brazilian capacity and current experiences in biodiversity information management (BINBr Biota-SP Environment Information System ; Culture Collection Brazilian Information System and others) Strengthen international cooperation with similar activities at regional and global levels (GBIF ; Species ; Species Analyst ; Interamerican Biodiversity Network – IABIN ; and
Mechanisms and strategies to promote information technology and innovation in biodiversity Additional federal funding coming from distinct private sources (“fundos setoriais”), having environment and biodiversity as an important cross-cutting issue Combine federal and state funding and expertise to increase leverage of research capacity
The challenge ahead How to integrate national and international initiatives into a organized, well-resourced national approach to build and manage biodiversity information through collaborative efforts, for the benefit of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at all levels.
Thank you! Marcio de Miranda Santos Executive Director Center for Strategic Management and Studies on Science, Technology and Innovation - CGEE