Infrastructure and Status of Women in Mumbra CAFYA
CAFYA is a group formed to work on implementation of Sachar report C_Cehat, A Awaz-e-Niswan, F Forum Against Oppression of Women, Y YUVA and last A is for Akshara We have decided to work in Mumbra for two reasons: Awaz-e-Niswan work is in Mumbra for last eight years. Secondly Mumbra is predominantly Muslim area and has been a gheto, for security.
This ward of the city of Thane, has 85 to 90% Muslims. The city is at par with national average of Muslim population. The ward is growing after every incidence of attacks on Muslims in country. This ghetto has formed for survival, security and by accepting the minority status.
The issues of Muslim women were raised in context of personal laws, so always as Muslim women. And so being minority community facing adverse situation due to circumstances could never came forth. The voices were raised against victims of sexual assault after Gujarat genocide. But what it means to be a Muslim women as a citizen and in context of physical, environmental and social infrastructure.
We are trying to look at the issue of Muslim women as citizens Belonging to religious minority forces them to negotiate with reality within community and from majority community members. The social development of women is affected due to denial to have free access to infrastructure
Two women’s case study would give us the picture of the sufferings of the women as Muslim A young widow in her 30s, mother of three children, staying in house at the mercy of landlord and her parents. Another women, aged 60+ struggling to look after her 5 grand daughters
Being shelter less Forced to accept the death of custodial death of her husband as suicide Not in a position to fight without permission of her in-laws. Known as bichari woman of drug peddler– irreponsible husband and mother of her sons
Husband is missing since 92 Dec. She shifted to Mumbra with her sons. One son dies in railway accident and she is left without compensation Another one is polio affected One is arrested and one does not know the charges. His wife has left five daughters to be looked after She does not have ration card has changed the houses almost as many times of her stay in Mum bra
The water management and sanitary service provides state according to their bench mark survey the population is 3.50 lakhs approx. In reality it is more than 8 lakhs and the town plan of Thane projections shows that it will be 3 lakhs in year 2025
Lack of playgrounds The kids are forced to play in garbage pits In reality this is the plot of proposed society has turned into dumping ground
The electricity is an issue and it has been never accepted by the corporation that there is a problem. One of the senior official stated that they are concern to get the payment of bills to the services they are providing. The DP boxes are open and at the road side may be infront of school premises. There is one Distribution unit on underground water tank of the building There are reported deaths of animals and people. The health centre works in dark or candle lights because it lacks electricity till 9.30 to 12.30
Women are struggling to get access to schemes, housing and their right to get ration. To continue the education at secondary level at Municipal schools is impossible. Because the fees are high and there is no municipal school. Rickshaws are running on share basis without meters. Health centre provides maternity services to 13 women. Runs OPD We as CAFYA and Maharahstra Mahila Parishad and Awaz-e – Niswan organising to raise the issue with women’s perspective on 5 th of Jan.