Coordinated Assessment and Information Management (CAIM) Training 30 July 2015
Training Objectives Strengthen the pool of deployees available to facilitate & support coordinated assessments Integrate assessments with Information Management (IM) Learn from innovative field practices with latest policy and guidance Mutual learning through practical exercise and experience sharing
Frequency and Location Twice an year History: Coordinated Assessment Trainings in 2012: Bangkok Cairo South Sudan Iran Sudan Tajikistan Indonesia CAIM 2013: April 2013: Estonia June 2013: Armenia CAIM 2014: May 2014: Berlin November 2014: MENA region: Amman (joint UNICEF / OCHA) CAIM 2015: May 2015: Berlin October 2015: MENA region: Cairo / or Beirut
Participant groups Geared towards technical IM staff and HAOs as coordinators; OCHA field staff (Regional and COs); OCHA surge mechanisms or affiliates (i.e. SBPP, ASP, ERR, UNDAC); UN Agency staff NGO and other humanitarian organizations and having been deployed to the field / or worked in a humanitarian emergency within the last 2 years. Commitment to be deployed with OCHA.
Training Approach Participatory approach using facilitated discussions; Group work; Desktop exercises; Simulations; Presentations in plenary; Outdoor exercise. Simulations to allow for practical application of information and concepts presented;
Content of training HPC Reference Module IASC Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises MIRA framework and process Secondary and primary data collection KoBo toolbox Data analysis Needs Assessment methodologies Humanitarian caseload IM tools and processes Facilitating multi-sector joint data analysis Assessment outputs (Situation Analysis, MIRA Reports & HNO documents) The training also highlights integration of coordinated assessment outputs into decision making and strategic planning processes. HPC Reference Module IASC Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises, which outlines the agreed assessment approaches and methodologies for each phase of an emergency MIRA framework and process Mobile Data Collection tool: Kobo Main steps and techniques of data analysis Needs Assessment methodologies Humanitarian caseload definitions and basic methodologies Available assessment resources (organisations, personnel, equipment/material, support by HQ) Information management tools and processes Facilitating multi-sector joint data analysis Assessment outputs (Situation Analysis, MIRA Reports & HNO documents) production and dissemination The training also cover advice on integrating coordinated assessment outputs into decision making and strategic planning processes including: Briefing/liaison with local authorities, HC/RCs, HCTs and clusters/sectoral working groups Targeted information needs identification and report Humanitarian Response Plans
Key Statistics Total: 123 participants since 2013 29 IMOs/KMOs
Overall Training Evaluation
Overall Training Evaluation
Overall Training Evaluation
Challenges Finding good training participants who have good mix of general humanitarian experience and savvy with information management practices. Difficulty in deploying CAIM trained staff post training.
Thank you Focal point for CAIM in CASS, PSB, OCHA Geneva: Syed Fawad Hussain Tel: +41 22 9171553 E-Mail: