Disaster Management System of the Republic of Korea for the MPAT Conference in Seoul January 15, 2002 by Dugkeun Park, Ph.D. National Institute for Disaster Prevention The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
Contents Organization and Functions of MOGAHA Organization and Mission of Headquarters of Civil Defense and Disaster Management ○ Disaster Management System ○ Natural Disaster ○ Man-made Disaster ○ Fire Safety Cooperation with other organizations
Organization and Functions of MOGAHA
1. Main Functions Functions Administration Administration Local Autonomy Administration National Administration ○ Management of Protocol & State Council, and Awards & Decoration ○ Management of Gov’t Employ- ees & Organization, and Training of Human Resources ○ Responsible for Administrative Efficiency & Informatization ○ Gov’t Archives & Records Services, and Gov’t Building Management Service ○ Support of Local Autonomy System ○ Pursue Sound Local Finances and Local Tax ○ Management of Local Tax Law Functions ○ Management of Civil Defense Regulation & Corps ○ Disaster Prevention and Recovery ○ Firefighting and Emergency Rescue Civil Defense & Disaster Management
2. Organization Minister Vice Minister Headquarters of CDDM Office of Public Affairs Vice Minister Planning & Management Office Assistant Minister Office of Protocol & State Council Office of Emergency Planning Personnel Bureau Office of Public Service Inspection Administrative Management Bureau Office of Public Information Planning Local Finance & Local Tax Bureau National Institute for Disaster Prevention Headquarters of CDDM Central Officials’ Training Institute Civil Defense & Disaster Management Bureau Government Archives & Records Service National Institute of Professional Adm. Disaster Prevention Bureau Appeals Commission Fire Administration Bureau 5 Provinces of North Korea
4. Budget: 14.3 billion (9.2% of the National Budget) 3. Number of Staff: 2,260 Main Office: 774 ○ 2 Political, 18 Special, 608 Regular, 38 Fire, and 108 Technical Attached Office: 1,486 ○ 8 Political, 68 Special, 761 Regular, 98 Fire, 11 Contract, 13 Education, Police, and 518 Technical 4. Budget: 14.3 billion (9.2% of the National Budget) Central: $2.1 bil.(14.6%) Local Supportive: $12.2 bil. (85.4%) ○ Subsidy : $7.6 billion ○ Concession : $3.9 billion ○ National Aid : $0.5 billion
Local Governments Total Number: 248 Staffs: 250,822 ○ 1 Special City, 6 Metropolitan Cities, 9 Provinces, and 232 Municipals Staffs: 250,822 ○ Municipal: 185,549 and Others: 65,273 Budget: $55.5 billion ○ The General Account: $40.5 billion The Special Account: $15.0 billion ※ Budget Ratio Between Central and Local Government = 69 : 31
the Headquarters of Civil Defense & Disaster Management Organization and Mission of the Headquarters of Civil Defense & Disaster Management
1. Organizational Chart HQ of CDDM CDDM Bureau DPP Bureau FA Bureau Civil Defense & Planning Disaster Prevention & Planning Fire Administration Fire Suppression Civil Defense Management Disaster Preparedness Fire Prevention Disaster Management Disaster Rehabilitation Rescue & Emergency · Central Civil Defense Alert Control: 21 · National Institute for Disaster Prevention: 26 · Central Rescue HQ: 4 · National Fire Service Academy: 38 · National 119 Rescue Service: 68
2. Mission Civil Defense & Disaster Management Bureau ○ Management & Education of Civil Defense Corps ○ Countermeasures for Man-made Disasters (explosion, Collapse, etc.) Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Bureau ○ Cope with Natural Disasters (Typhoon, Earthquake, Drought, etc.) ○ Operation of the National Disaster Prevention & Countermeasures Headquarters when a Disaster Strikes or is Imminent to Occur Fire Administration Bureau ○ Prevention & Suppression of Fire and Emergency Rescue & Medical Services
3. Staffs : 289 4. Budget : $ 199 Million Main Office : 167 ○ 108 Regular, 38 Fire, 19 Technical, & 2 Special Attached Office : 122 ○ 17 Regular, 98 Fire, & 7 Technical 4. Budget : $ 199 Million Central Budget : $ 58 Million Local Supportive Budget : $141 Million ※ In Addition to this, Disaster Recovery Budget of about $880 Million per Year
Disaster Management System of the Republic of Korea
1. System of Disaster Management Development of Dual System for Disaster Management Natural Most Urgent to Prevent, Manage, & Recover in the 1960s since Majority of Catastrophes were Natural Disasters, such as Typhoons & Torrential Rains Natural Disaster Management (since 1967) Natural Man-made In the Course of Growth-Oriented Economic Development, Industriali- zation increased the Potential of Man -made Disasters, such as Explosion & Building Collapse Man-made Disaster Management (after 1995) Man-made
Management System Legislation Recovery Operation System Category Council of Central Civil Defense (Prime Minister) National Disaster Prevention & Countermeasures HQ (MOGAHA) Other Ministries Local DPC HQ (Provinces, Cities) Typhoon, Flood, Blizzard, Drought, Earthquake, etc. NDC Act (Amended on Dec. 7, 1995) Item Natural Man-made National SC HQ (Competent Minister) Local SC HQ (Provinces, Cities) ※ Action of Emergency Rescue HQ Fire, Explosion, Chemical Attack, Oil Spill, etc. Disaster Management Act (Enacted on July 18, 1995)
2. Natural Disaster Statistics ○ 7 Flood Damages & 3 Typhoons Each Year ○ Property Damage of $611 Million (0.14% of the GNP) & 142 Deaths ※ Damage and Recovery Cost in the Last 10 Years (1990-1999) ◆ Damage Cost < Unit: Million $> Inundation (ha) Death Public Facility Displaced House Farm Crop Other Total 142 37,184 60,475 12 41 20 429 108 611 ◆ Recovery Cost < Unit: Million $> Total National Treasury Local Treasury Loan Self 883 552 149 82 100
Structural Preventive Measures 2. Natural Disaster Structural Preventive Measures ○ Investment of $34.4 Billion on 22 Projects Based on the Fifth Basic Disaster Prevention Plan from 1997∼2001 Control Project 8 Projects: $9.6 Billion - Dam (8), River Improvement (3,109km), Creek Repair (1,200km), Seawall Repair (1,204), Forestation (560ha), Fishing Port (127), Harbor (13,797m) Mitigation 11 Projects: $21.6 Billion - Road Repair (57,400㎞), Bridge & Tunnel (4,427), Farmland Infiltration (29,000㏊), Railway (383), Power Plant & Mine (8,869), Communication Facility, Drought Control (MOAF, ME), Flood Warning System, Aged Fishing Boat, Technical 3 Projects: $215 Million - Development of Natural Disaster Mitigation Techniques, Modernization of Weather Forecast Equipment, Establishment of National Safety Management Information System
Disaster Prevention Plan 2. Natural Disaster Non-structural Preventive Measures in Enforced Disaster Prevention Plan Basic Plan: Established Every 5 Years (Currently the 5th is Acting) Implementation Plan: Every Year (National, Local) Disaster Impact Assessment For Urban, Industrial Complex, & Other Development Larger than 1.8㎢ since 1996 Study for the “Pre-consideration Regulation” to Cover Smaller Area Disaster Provision Period: From March to May Every Year Contents - Maintenance of Disaster Prone Areas & Facilities - Management of Large Construction Site, Reservation Equipment for Emergency Relief, Preparation of Shelters
Non-structural Preventive Measures in Enforced 2. Natural Disaster Non-structural Preventive Measures in Enforced Designation of “Off-Limits” Area To Expedite First-aid Assistance & Order Evacuation Saving Lives in Public Area Status : 169 Sites in 13 Cities & Provinces - 51 Gorges, 38 Rivers, 36 Coastal Areas, 44 Others Earthquake Damage Mitigation Strengthen Resistance Design Code for 20 Structures - 12 (Nuclear Power Plant, High Rise BLD) by 1999 - 8 Structures (City Railway, etc.) by 2000 Survey of Existing Structures’ Resistance - Retrofitting Standard (2000∼2002)
Strengthen Disaster Information Conveyance 2. Natural Disaster Non-structural Preventive Measures in Enforced Strengthen Disaster Information Conveyance Automated Disaster Status Compilation System - Automatic Data Compilation of 232 Districts Installation of Automated Rainfall Warning System - Completed in 15 Sites out of 115 Sites Portable Disaster Image Transmission System - Operation in 232 District of 16 Cities & Provinces Simultaneous Voice Command Telephone System - Completed in 46 out of 232 Districts Development of Emergency Broadcasting System - Focusing on Automatic On-Off Device for TV & Radio
Non-structural Preventive Measures in Planning 2. Natural Disaster Non-structural Preventive Measures in Planning Feasibility Study for Insurance Program - Contract Unit, Type, Purpose, Coverage, Role of the Government, etc. Background Preparation for Implementation - Regulation Setup for Introduction and Operation of the Insurance Program, etc. Preparation of the Flood Map Systematic Management of Flood Map and Previous Inundation Record Manual for Field Survey of Disaster Damage Database Computer System for Each River Basin Introduction of Natural Disaster Insurance
Non-structural Preventive Measures in Planning 2. Natural Disaster Non-structural Preventive Measures in Planning Retention & Infiltration of Rainfall Researches on Rainfall Retention & Infiltration Facility Installation Method Deploy Pilot Facilities and Prepared Regulations for Implementation Improve Survey & Recovery Procedures for Public Facilities Improvement of Disaster Recovery System Improvement of Damage Estimation Method Development of SOP for Preparedness, etc.
Disaster Status Control 2. Natural Disaster Disaster Status Control Three Shifts round-the-clock with 4 Staffs Each - 3 from MOGAHA & 1 from KMA Normal Period Disaster Preparedness (June 15∼ October 15) Normal Situation : 6 staffs on 24-hour shifts - 3 from MOGAHA & 3 from KMA, KEPC, & KWRC Emergency Situation ○ Preparatory Phase (Heavy Rainfall or Typhoon Advisory) ☞ 16 Staffs - 13 from MOGAHA & 3 Related Agencies ○ Alert Phase (Heavy Rainfall or Typhoon Warning) ☞ 34 Staffs - 20 from MOGAHA & 14 Related Agencies ○ Emergency Phase (Nationwide Disaster) ☞ 52 Staffs - 29 from MOGAHA & 23 Related Agencies ※ Similar Operation in Local Headquarters
Disaster Response National Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures 2. Natural Disaster Disaster Response National Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Headquarters Relevant Ministries & Corporations i.e., Korean Meteo- rological Agency (Satellite Imagery), Min. of Defense, Korea Red Cross, etc. - General nationwide supervision of disaster status control - Emergency measures and support for urgent issues - Restoration planning Cooperation Order Report Municipal/Provincial Disaster Countermeasures HQ - Collection of overall information on the status of disasters in a city /county/district - Command of emergency measures and urgent condition control Order Report City/County/District Disaster Countermeasures HQ - Collection of overall information on the status of disasters in such administrative units as an eup, myon and dong - Command of emergency measures and urgent condition control - Restoration planning Occurrence of Disaster
Transportation Accident 3. Man-made Disaster Statistics (1995∼1998) < Unit: Million $> Item Occurrence Death Damage Average 31,852 39,720 82.0 Fire 29,218 2,230 123.8 Wildfire 487 30 4.7 Collapse 195 555 70.0 Explosion 335 371 17.1 Transportation Accident 252,157 350,571 401.5 Environmental Contamination 77 8 24.0 Sea Accident 583 1,027 27.9 Others 3,619 2,690 68.5
of Dangerous Facilities 3. Man-made Disaster Preventive Measures Management of Dangerous Facilities Checking Bridges & House Every Year Classification as Class A, B, C, D, & E, and Classes D & E are Checked Every Month Exercise and Drill Field Exercise and Disaster Games according to Disaster Type Public Campaign Support Safety Culture Movement of NGOs to Promote Public Participation & Awareness Database Management Database for Facility Status & Checking Point as Part of Nat. Safety Management Information System
4. Fire Safety Fire Suppression Rescue and Emergency Medical Service ○ Statistics Item 1997 1998 1999 Occurrence Death Damage (m$) 29,472 2,195 121.7 32,664 2,284 159.7 33,856 2,370 166.4 ※ Daily Average (1999): 93 Fires, 6.5 Death, $0.5 million Rescue and Emergency Medical Service ○ Life Saving and Serving People by 119 Rescue Squad Daily Average (1999): 226 Rescued and 2,607 used EMS Transportation ★ 119 International Activities ○ Cambodian Airline Crash in 1997, Turkey & Taiwan Earthquakes in 1999
Organization Fire Administration Bureau Fire Service Academy 4. Fire Safety Organization Fire Administration Bureau Fire Service Academy National 119 Rescue Provincial Headquarters Aviation Corps (11) Local Academy (5) Fire Department (140) Rescue Team (143) Fire Station (728) Rescue Squad (1,052)
Preventive Projects ○ Fire Safety Inspection as Preventive Measures: - 5,646 Sites including Factories, Hotels, & etc. ○ Strengthen 119 Capabilities for Improved Fire Suppression & Emergency Rescue - Expand Fire Posts: 26 (2 Fire Stations, 3 Police Boxes, 11 Squad) - 69 Fire Engines, 139 Rescue Equipment - Distribute Beepers for Old Solitaries for Emergency Call ○ Reinforce Communication & Information System - Strengthen Cable & Wireless Communication System - Establish Emergency Rescue Information System · Pilot System in Chungbuk Province → Nationwide
Cooperation with other Organizations
2. International Cooperation 1. Korean NGOs Citizens’ Assembly for Safe Live 2. International Cooperation UN/ISDR following UN/IDNDR UN/ESCAP, WMO Typhoon Committee ADRC ADPC COE, PDC, FEMA, the Northeast Asia Forum and etc. 3. Other Governmental Element 23 competent agencies including the Ministry of Defense for Disaster Situation Control Regular Cooperation for Civil Defense Drill END