N. André, I. Mueller-Wodarg, P. Garnier, P. Louarn RPWI Kick-Off Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, November 26-27 2009 Jupiter Available Datasets.


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Presentation transcript:

N. André, I. Mueller-Wodarg, P. Garnier, P. Louarn RPWI Kick-Off Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, November Jupiter Available Datasets

EJSM: MAGNETOSPHERIC AND PLASMA SCIENCE JEO Instruments Radio Science Laser Altimeter Ice Penetrating Radar VIS-IR Spectrometer Camera Package Narrow Angle Camera Thermal Instrument UV Spectrometer Ion & Neutral Mass Spectrometer (sputtering) Magnetometer Particle and Plasma Instrument 73 kg core payload: JGO Instruments Ka-band Transponder + Ultra Stable Oscillator Laser Altimeter Sub-surface Radar Sounder (radio noise, TEC?) Wide Angle and Medium Resolution Camera Narrow Angle Camera VIS/IR Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Sub-millimeter wave sounder UV Imaging Spectrometer (aurorae, Io torus) Magnetometer Plasma Package + Ion & Neutral Mass Spectrometer Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument Planetary Fields Imaging MAPS

AVAILABLE DATA AT JUPITER Source: NASA/PDS, APL, … Limited to archiving alone, not always L2 parameters A few radio occultation data at PDS, but limited to Jupiter and Io (contact Kliore) Source: NASA/ESA Pioneer10/11 MAGPACPI/CRT/GTT D&G+ONERA Voyager 1/2 MAGPLSLECP/CRSPWS D&G+ONERA Ulysses MAGSWOOPS EPAC URAP Io torus (QTN) (Moncuquet, PhD) Galileo MAGPLSEPD/HIC PWS Magnetic Field GIRE (JPL) Radio Science Cassini/Huygens MAGCAPSMIMI RPWS Radio Spectrum New Horizons SWAPPEPSSI 1. Data 2. Models 3. Radiation

AVAILABLE RADIO DATA AT JUPITER: SPACE-SEGMENT Cecconi, B., N. André, and the EJSM-EM Sensor study Team EJSM Workshop #2, APL, 07/2009

AVAILABLE RADIO DATA AT JUPITER: DECAMETRIC (inputs from H. Rucker, 2008) Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope UTR-2, Kharkov, Ukraine The Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope, second modification (UTR-2) is the world's largest radio telescope at decameter wavelengths. The UTR-2 comprises 2040 array elements in two arms: north-south (1800×60 m) and west-east (900×60 m). It has a collective area of 150,000 square meters, and a resolution of about 40'×40' at the middle frequency 16.7 MHz. The operating frequency range is MHz. The sensitivity is about 10 Jansky. The telescope is a part of the Ukrainian decametric VLBI system URAN, which includes another four radio telescopes of smaller size. The system has bases from 40 to 900 km. Corresponding data archive: Space Research Institute, Graz, Austria Involved personnel: Alexander KONOVALENKO Observatoire de Nancay, Réseau Décamétrique Nançay The decametric array of Nancay (Reseau Decametrique Nancay, RDN) is dedicated to the study of the electromagnetic radio emission of Jupiter, the sun and the stars. The instrument operates between MHz, and consists of 144 helical antennas, distributed over an area of 10,000 square meter. The 8 conducting wires on each antenna have been wound in a spiral pattern on a conical surface. They are wound in either a left- or a right-handed winding spiral pattern, making them sensitive to either left- or right-hand circularly polarized radio waves. Available data: Jupiter-Quicklooks, gif-files, RHP/LHP, MHz, from : Probability of occurrence of Io control emissions of Jupiter for site of Nancay, : Involved personnel: Philippe ZARKA Alain LECACHEUX

AVAILABLE RADIO DATA AT JUPITER: DECAMETRIC (list not exhaustive) University of Florida Radio Observatory Log-spiral Array: The main antennas used at UFRO for monitoring the Jovian Decametric Emission are two arrays of conical log spiral elements. Each array has eight elements; one array is right-hand and the other left-hand circularly polarized. Each conical log spiral element (TP) is about 8 meters tall and has a diameter of about 5 meters at the base. The TP is a broad band element and has been designed to work over a wide range of frequencies. For monitoring the Jovian Decametric Emission the UFRO TP arrays are used in the frequency range from 18 to 40 MHz. The arrays have a fixed beam array in the E-W direction but it can be phase-steered in the N-S direction. The E-W half-power beam width is about 90 degrees and allows the observation of Jupiter for a total of about 6 hours (+/- 3 hours around transit). Available data: Involved personnel: C.A. HIGGINS, F. REYES LOFAR (Low Frequency ARray) LOFAR is a (future) radio telescope network, using an array of simple omni-directional antennas centered at Exloo, NL, with planned outpost radio stations in Germany (part of them already deployed), France, UK, Poland, Italy, and other EU countries. LOFAR consists of a large number of distributed low-cost wire antennas and will make observations in the frequency ranges 30– 80 MHz, and 120–240 MHz, with the intended French LOFAR superstation (LSS) the frequency is extended down to 10 MHz. Further personnel involved in (low-frequency) radio astronomy: H.O. RUCKER M.Y. BOUDJADA K. IMAI P.

AVAILABLE RADIO DATA AT JUPITER: SYNCHROTRON DATA Santos-Costa and Bolton, JGR, 2008 VLA observations made at various wavelengths (e.g., 20 and 6 cm)

Next year: Proposal for a Jupiter Plasma Science Archive at CDPP AMDA (Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis) 1. Visualization editor 3. Parameter editor 2. Download data 5.Visual search 4. External data 6. Conditional search 7. Time-Table manager

EJSM: RADIO ( Zarka & Cecconi, JGR, 2004) 73 kg core payload: Cassini RPWS Data

EJSM: MAGNETOSPHERE 73 kg core payload: 4x10 3 (Io torus) <10 -3 (outer magnetosphere) cm -3 Richards et al., AGU, 2003 Galileo PWS observations Barnhart et al., JGR, 2009 Average densities at the center of the current Rj: 1 cm Rj: 0.01 cm -3 Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter: (10 -4 )-10 (10 2 ) cm -3

EJSM: CALLISTO 73 kg core payload: Galileo Callisto Flybys, Kliore et al., JGR, 2002 Radio occultation data (2.5 GHz, S-band) Ionospheric densities : Density above 10 4 cm -3 for very close flybys (< 50 km)

Galileo Ganymede Flybys Eviatar et al., PSS, 2001 Gurnett et al., Nature, 1996 Ionospheric densities : Observed density: ~2x10 2 cm ~260 km Inferred density: 4x10 2 cm surface Upper limit: 4x10 3 cm surface (radio occultations, Kliore et al., 1998) Ion temperature: 1-3 eV (Frank et al., GRL, 1997) EJSM: GANYMEDE A radio source 73 kg core payload:


EJSM: GANYMEDE Galileo PWS Data Das2 software from Iowa