Don Woodlock, Reid Losee May, 2015 Enterprise EMR and CVIT Integration “How to Complement the EMR with Clinical Workflow IT” Don Woodlock, Reid Losee May, 2015
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Agenda Introductions Our thoughts on the optimal CVIT/EMR strategy Roundtable discussion Close
EMR Centric Ecosystems Payments & Regulations The cardio IT world today EMR Centric Ecosystems Payments & Regulations Enterprise Access Actionable Insights Configurable workflow to optimize data flow from devices to the EMR Clinical IT tools that allow us to optimize financial performance Rapid and simple access to images and data to drive informed decisions regardless of location1 Our needs go beyond digitization of data. We need to turn structured data into insights 1 – Where there is an internet connection available. 5
Within the cardiovascular care continuum Emergency Assess Diagnose Treat Manage Follow Up How do I keep this patient alive? Is cardiac event life threatening? What is type, extent, and severity of the disease? Which treatment is indicated? What is the efficacy of the treatment? Is the condition reoccurring? Emergency Access Diagnose Treat Manage Follow up DECISION POINTS Information sources ECG 12 lead ECG Diagnostic Cath OR Stress Test Office Visits EMR EMR Echo Nuc Med EP/Implants Echo Medication Helping improve outcomes across the pathway
GE Healthcare helps bring meaningful info to the EMR THE VALUE OF THE GE HEALTHCARE CVIT PORTFOLIO GE Healthcare helps bring meaningful info to the EMR Emergency Assess Diagnose Treat Manage Follow Up How do I keep this patient alive? Is cardiac event life threatening? What is type, extent, and severity of the disease? Which treatment is indicated? What is the efficacy of the treatment? Is the condition reoccurring? Emergency Access Diagnose Treat Manage Follow up DECISION POINTS Information used ECG 12 lead ECG Diagnostic Cath OR Stress Test Office Visits EMR EMR Echo Nuc Med EP/Implants Echo Medication Helping improve outcomes across the pathway
Helping improve outcomes across the pathway THE VALUE OF THE GE HEALTHCARE CVIT PORTFOLIO Helping streamline each episode of care Echo Lab EMR Advanced workflow starting at the bedside Image based reporting excellence Complement the EMR with advanced visualization Full fidelity integration of the report, key measurements into it’s longitudinal home- the enterprise EMR Elegant desktop integration if more details are needed in either direction Comprehensive coverage of GE Healthcare and Third Party devices in cardiology Device tools to enhance image analysis, create measurements Full fidelity information flow into Centricity Cardio Enterprise Advanced Visualization tools and Automatic Measurements Physician reports pre-populated with all measurements Intuitive, streamlined reporting Helping improve outcomes across the pathway 8 8
True structured reporting helps streamline workflow Images, measurements, and documentation generate a discrete structured patient record EMR and information automatically flows downstream for billing, registry, administrative and patient management reports Inventory Management Data Registry Patient Management Administrative Reporting Charge Capture Coding
Centricity Cardio Enterprise DESCRIPTIONS OF FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY REFLECT CURRENT PRODUCT DIRECTION, ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY. TIMING AND AVAILABILITY REMAIN AT GE’S DISCRETION AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND APPLICABLE REGULATORY CLEARANCE. SIMPLIFYING INFORMATION FLOW ACROSS THE ENTERPRISE Enterprise IT Integration Centricity Cardio Enterprise Enterprise IT Systems Inventory Interface Charge Capture Materials Management Billing System Enterprise EMR Enterprise EMR ADT Interface Orders IN/OUT Labs Interface Meds Interface* H & P Interface* Results Interface PDF & DICOM PDF EMR URL API Patient Demographics Order Details Lab Values Administered Meds History & Physical Confirmed Reports Reports PDF Image Launch Procedural Charges Inventory Master Usage & Requisitionsns Enterprise EMR * Under development/future EMR
Topics to discuss Why does an EMR need complementing – strengths and limits Getting a full understanding of the patient The Cardiologist User (in the Lab) The Cardiology User (at the office) The other physicians (primary care physician, TAVI boards, etc.) Streamlining workflow in cardiology What information needs to pass back and forth ideally Analytics and understanding and caring for your CV population 11