HARYANA AT A GLANCE The State of Haryana came into existence on 1 st November, o Geographical Area (GA)4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) o Cultivable Area (CA)3.757 m ha (86.35% of GA) o Cultivated Area3.550 m ha (94.50% of CA) _____________________________________________________ o Gross Cropped Area6.351 m ha o Cropping Intensity182% _____________________________________________________ o Irrigated Area m Ha (84 %) o Canal Irrigation m Ha (42%) o Groundwater Irrigation m Ha (58%) o Under-ground Water 54 % brackish _____________________________________________________ o Farming Families15.28 lac (2001 Census) o Marginal Farmers7.04 lac (46.1%) (own 3.16 lac ha – 8.9%) o Small Farmers 2.94 lac (19.2%) (own 4.21 lac ha – 11.9%) o Others 5.30 lac (34.7%) (own lac ha – 79.2%) ___________________________________________________ 2
3 MONTH-WISE RAINFALL MonthActualNormalDeparture (%age)ActualNormalDeparture (%age) April May June July August Sept Total Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Total (in mm)
4 RABI CROPS PRODUCTION Crop (anticipated) AreaYieldProd.AreaYieldProd. Wheat2,5225,18213,0692,5124,95012,434 Gram Barley423, , Rabi Pulses61, ,00012 S. Moong Total Rabi Food-grain 2,7054,92413,3202, Rabi Oilseeds 5351, , Sun-flower101, ,75018 Sugarcane9573,2536, , Area in ‘000’ ha Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes Yield Kg. per ha Mustard Crop affected in some areas due to frost & hailstorms during the month of January and February * Good showers during February have brightened the prospects of good production of Rabi crops..
5 KHARIF CROPS PRODUCTION KHARIF-2011KHARIF-2012Target Kharif-2013 CROPAREAPRODUCTIONAREAPRODUCTION AreaAv. YieldProduction Rice1,2353,7591,2153,9761,2003,5154,218 Jowar Bajra5771, ,9501,190 Maize ,85054 Kharif Pulses ,10066 Total Kharif Food Grains 1,9255,0221,7164,8371,9692,8305,572 Cotton6032, ,682 Sugarcane956, ,0008,030 Guar , Production of lakh MTS of Rice during Kharif 2012 which was highest ever achieved in the State despite of deficient rains. The area under Guar has increased by 1.47 lakh hect. during Kharif Area in ‘000’ ha Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes/bales Yield Kg. per ha
CHALLENGES 1. Depletion of Ground-water Resources 54% Ground-water brackish. Annual Depletion is 33cm in Fresh Water Zone. 68 (59%) out of 124 Blocks are over-exploited. 2. Sustainability of Soil Saline & Water-logged Soil (50,000 Ha Critically water logged). Alkaline Soil (1.83 lac Ha). Deficiency of Micro-nutrients & Secondary Nutrients. Poor Organic Carbon. Stubble Burning of Wheat / Paddy. 6
3. Small Land Holdings 9.98 lac Small & Marginal Farming Families which is 65.31% of total farming families. Land Holdings are not viable. 4. Increasing Cost of Cultivation Increase in cost of inputs. Increase in labour charges. Shortage of labour 5. Inadequate Post Harvest Management 6. Climatic Change 7
FOCUS AREAS Soil health management Water Management Input Management Farm Mechanization Strengthening of Extension System Crop Diversification 8
9 1.STEPS TAKEN TO IMPROVE SOIL HEALTH Major & Secondary Nutrients Nitrogen:94 % Soils Low Phosphorus:89% Soils Low Potash: 6% Soils Low 46% Soils Medium 48% Soils High Sulphur : 9% Soils Deficient Micronutrients Zinc :20% Soils Deficient Iron :26% Soils Deficient Manganese :7.2 % Soils Deficient Deficiency of Nutrients
10 Promotion of Green Manuring Area of 4.25 lac ha covered under green manuring so far. Dhaincha seed is being 50% subsidy Targeted 0.5 lac ha during Contd.. Promotion of Summer Moong Promotion of Summer Moong under diversification programe &A3P. Varieties ‘SML -668’, ‘Satya’ & MH-421 to be promoted. 1.25 lac ha area targeted. Certified seed of Moong on 50% subsidy. 20 units (20,000 ha area) under Accelerated Pulse Production Programme. Notification for girdavari of summer moong/zaid crop area has been issued by the Govt.
11 Promotion of Guar Crop 3.00 lakh ha area targeted (3.52 lakh ha. in 2012) under Guar crop during Kharif, Awareness camps to educate the farmers regarding improved practices of guar crop cultivation. Short duration high yielding varieties (HG- 365 and HG-563) to be promoted. Collaboration of Industrial houses. Contd.. To mitigate deficiency of sulphur, Gypsum is being provided on 60% subsidy. Targeted 2.25 lac ha area for gypsum application during Micronutrients fertilizers are available at 75% subsidized rates with a maximum ceiling of Rs.750/- per ha under centrally and state sponsored schemes. Targeted an area of 2.50 lac ha for micro-nutrient application during Bio-fertilizers are being provided on 50% subsidy. Other Steps
12 Regular Campaigns are launched for collection of Soil Samples. 3.5 lac Soil Health Cards (SHCs) are targeted annually. lac SHCs have been distributed so far. 33 static STLs & 3 MSTLs are operational. 21 STLs & 2 MSTL are equipped for Micronutrients analysis. STLs Karnal, Ambala & Rohtak are equipped with Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICP). All STLs are computerized for registration and preparation of Soil Health Cards. Digital district soil fertility maps for each nutrient depicting village level information are available on departmental website. STRENGTHENING OF SOIL TESTING PROGRAMME
13 Reclamation of Saline & Alkali Soils 50,000 ha area affected with Salinity & Water-logging, out of which 8,062 hectare area reclaimed so far. Estimated 1,80,000 ha area affected with Alkalinity which is to be reclaimed with application of Gypsum in phased manner. 3.29 lac hectare of Alkaline soils have been reclaimed so far. Remote sensing imageries are used to identify saline soils of districts Rohtak, Jhajjar, Jind & Bhiwani. Digital Data Loggers at 23 blocks in 4 districts of Rohtak, Jhajjar, Karnal & Kurukshetra installed to monitor ground water quality and depth through GPRS. 17 remaining districts work allotted – likely completion by Rest of the blocks to be covered during 12 th Plan. HEALTHY SOIL – HEALTHY HARYANA RECLAMATION OF SALT AFFECTED SOILS
14 2. WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Under Ground Pipe Line System cost of the system or maximum of Rs.60,000/- per beneficiary. Area covered – 1.02 lac ha so far. Targeted to cover 45,000 ha area during Sprinkler System cost of the system or Rs.7,500 per ha upto 5 ha per beneficiary. 1.35 lac Sprinkler Sets provided on subsidy. Targeted 10,000 Sprinkler Sets during Drip System of the cost. Covered 3,500 ha of cotton & sugarcane so far. Targeted 2000 ha of cotton & sugarcane during Laser Land Leveling Laser leveler provided subsidy subjected to maximum of Rs.50,000/- per implement.
15 DIRECT SEEDING OF RICE Promotion of Direct Seeding of Rice. 40,000 ha area estimated to be covered during Kharif A new scheme for the promotion of Direct Seeding of Rice introduced during Kharif Plan to bring 50 % Basmati area under DSR. Awareness campaign to educate the farmers. 2000 demonstrations to be organized. Promotion of Multi-crop Planters.
16 3. INPUT MANAGEMENT FERTILIZER AVAILABILITY & CONSUMPTION RABI FertilizerAssessed Requirement Availability (Upto ) Consumption (Upto ) Consumption ( UptoFeb,2012) + % (Consumption) UREA DAP MOP NPK The Supplies and distribution of fertilizer monitored on day to day and rake to rake during peak consumption period. There was no report of shortage of any fertilizer. (Lac MTs)
17 REQUIREMENT OF FERTILIZERS KHARIF FertilizerAssessed Requirement Kharif, 2013 Consumption Kharif, % Upto Requirement UREA DAP MOP SSP NPK (in lac MTs) Hafed is being advised to procure urea & DAP for advance Stocking. Monitoring of fertilizers on day-to-day basis. Balanced use of fertilizers will be promoted. Hafed has stocked lac MT Urea and 1.84 lac MT DAP.
18 FERTILIZERS TESTING Licensing Officers =21 Notified Fertilizer Inspectors=328 State Fertilizer Quality control lab. = 3 (Karnal, Hisar & Rohtak) Capacity =1700 samples each annually YearNo. of Samples Drawn /Analyzed No. of Samples found Non- standard Prosecu tion WarningLoA Cancelled FIRPermissi ble in Retesting Under Process On Request , * , * , * (upto ) * Upto *43227 Quality Control FIRs have been lodged for violation of various provisions of FCO-1985.
19 AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFIED SEED KHARIF-2013 (Qty. in qtls.) Availability of seed is more than the requirment. Adequate arrangements for Bt cotton seed will be ensured. *Excluding Bt cotton CropReq. Availability ( in qtls.) Sale Kh.2012 HSDCIFFDCKRIBHCONSCSFCIPVT.TOTAL Paddy 67,1007, ,1501,09516,727118,316345,577 Bajra16,9501, ,20019,20016,310 Moong1, , ,196 Mash Arhar3, ,050 4,104 Moth Guar 20,0004, ,59820,13421,398 G.Total 1,01,70013, ,7502,3441,94,0832,18,026 89,033
20 Crop (Targets) Paddy Bajra Cotton SEED REPLACEMENT RATE KHARIF CROPS
21 4. PROMOTION OF FARM IMPLEMENTS 500 Laser Land Levelers targeted to be distributed on subsidy in per machine. 5,00 Straw Reapers will be distributed on subsidy. per machine. Happy Seeder - sowing of Wheat crop after harvesting of Paddy crop in standing stubbles. Cost around Rs /- Rotavators help in better decomposition of crop residue & saves fuel and labour.. 50% of the cost or Rs.30,000/- per machine.
22 243 ADOs recruited. Two months mandatory training to newly recruited ADOs. Krishi Samvad, a monthly dedicated magazine to agriculture sector free of cost to all ‘Panchyats’. Wide use of print & electronic media. Community Radio Station at Hisar and Nuh. One more Community Radio Station ‘Alfaz-e-Mewat’ launched at Gaghas village of Mewat under PPP mode. Contd.. 5. STRENGTHENING OF EXTENSION SYSTEM
23 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION ComponentAllocationUnspent balance ReleaseTotalLikely Exp. Wheat Pulses A3P Addl. Area Total ( ` in crore) FINANCIAL PROGRESS nd installment of Rs crore under A3P may be released.
24 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION S. No. ComponentUnitPhysicalFinancial TargetLikely Ach. AllocationLikely Exp. 1Cluster DemonstrationsHa Seed DistributionQtl.1,00, MicronutrientsHa Gypsum,, PP Chemicals,, Zero Till Seed DrillsNo Rotavators,, Multi-crop Planters,, Seed Drills,, Ridge Furrow Planter“ Laser Land Leveller,, Sprinkler setsHa Knap Sack SprayersNo Farmers Training (FFS),, Local InitiativeHa State Misc. Exp Total ` in crore Wheat
25 NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION S. NoComponentUnitPhysicalFinancial TargetLikely Ach.AllocationLikely Exp. 1Certified seed less than 10 yrsQtl Certified seed more than 10 yrs old,, Cluster demonstrationHa Micronutrients,, GypsumHa Bio-fertilizer,, Integrated Pest Management,, NPV“ PP Chemicals,, Weedicides,, Knap Sack SprayersNo Zero Till Seed Drills,, Seed Drills,, Ridge Furrow Planter“ Rotavators,, Laser Land Leveler,, Sprinkler SetsHa Mobile RaingunNo Pipes for carrying water,, Farmers Training,, Misc. exp. (Distt. level) Misc. Exp. (State Level) New Distts Local Initiatives Total ` in lac Pulses
26 YearFunds Released Funds Utilized % Utilization & Rs. in crore PROGRESS UNDER RKVY
27 Department Funds Allocated Funds Released Funds Utilized % age Utilization Accelerated Fodder Development Project Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters Special Program for Dairy Development Rs. In lakh SUB-SCHEMES (RKVY)
28 A) Agriculture Soil Health. Water Management. Seed Treatment. Farm Mechanization. Promotion of Sugar Cane Cultivation. B) Animal Husbandry & Dairying Reproductive Health Management. Mobile Veterinary Diagnostic & Emergency Services Outsourcing of A.I. services to the J.K. Trust in the State over a period of 5 years. (RKVY) Focus Areas ( )
29 C) Fisheries Strengthening of Fish Seed Production Infrastructure. D) Horticulture Promotion of Integrated Post-Harvest Management. Promotion of Bio-pesticides in horticulture crops Area Expansion of subsidy on critical inputs. Assistance on Mushroom Production Units. Distribution of Vegetable Seedlings (Hybrid) grown at CEV, Gharaunda/Pvt. Sector
30 ELIGIBILITY OF FUNDS DURING YearAgriculture and allied sector expenditure excluding RKVY Total plan expenditure excluding RKVY % age expenditure incurred Total (Revised) (Rs. in Cr.) As the base line expenditure is higher than the average of preceding three years exp. on Agriculture & allied sectors, hence Haryana State is eligible for the funds under RKVY during
31 YearTotal Project CompletedAbandonBalance NIL NIL Total PROGRESS OF RDMIS as on
1. Under Ground Pipe Line ISI Marked HDPE/PVC Pipes are laid at one meter depth % or maximum Rs. 60,000 per beneficiary.
IMPACT OF UGPL Saves about 25% to 30% water and improves crop productivity. Saves energy, reduces operational cost. Water carried directly to fields. 2 % additional area brought under cultivation. Prevents seepage and evaporation losses. 34 YearPhysical (Ha) Financial (Rs. in Lakh) TOTAL Rs. 45 crore earmarked for to cover an area of 45,000 ha.
2. LASER LAND LEVELER (Introduced in ) 35 Water Saving 25-35%. Increases in Production 6-8%. Reduces consumption of fertilizer and pesticides 18-20%. Saving in Electricity and Diesel. Desired slope can be maintained to drain out the excess water in heavy rainfall areas. Increase in irrigated area/command area. Precise level is maintained for three years.
3. PROMOTION OF DSR (Introduced in ) 36
39 Contd. Shri Ashish Bahuguna, Secy. (A&C), GOI visiting DSR in village Kulveri, Karnal
Performance of DSR CropDSR methodTraditional method Basmati varieties (Pusa-1121, CSR-30) Non-Basmati varieties (HKR-47, HKR-127) Hybrid varieties (Arize-6129, Dhanya-834, RH ( Yield kg/ha.) Total Demonstrations: 21,000
ADVANTAGE OF DSR 41 Saving in water 20-30%. Reduces drudgery and labour requirements. Reduction in cost of cultivation. Early maturity seven to ten days than transplanted method. No need to prepare seed bed. No need to grow nursery/ seedlings. Yield of DSR is almost at par with traditional method. Plan to bring 50 % Basmati area under DSR during 12 th Plan.
42 ISSUES Yellow rust reported in Ambala, Y. Nagar, Panchkula, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Sirsa & Panipat districts (in pockets and patches). PBW-550, WH-711, DBW-17, HD-2967 & HD-2851 mainly affected. Adequate steps taken. Propiconazole supplied at 50 % to affected farmers. Incidence of Yellow Rust is a serious problem. Adequate availability of seed of resistant varieties of wheat should be ensured in the next season so as susceptible area may be saturated with the seed of resistant varieties. Adequate No. of minikits of wheat variety HD-2967 & PBW-621 should be allocated during next year & size of minikit should be minimum half acre. Certified seed of pulses is very costly & subsidy provided by GOI for seed of pulses is 50% or Rs.1200 per qtl. whichever is less which is very small. It should be enhanced to 50 % of the cost of the seed without any cap.
43 Thank You website: agriharyana.nic.in 43