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2 million people Over 200 communities 124 members High Value, Low Cost Premier Access Ready for Business A BOUT US
promotes Eastern Ontario as a preferred location for business investment one-stop shop where investors and their representatives can find information they need to make decisions one web site – our 21 st year! A BOUT US
Obstacles to Success Lack of money Lack of time to organize activities (volunteer burnout is occurring) Decreased diversity of membership participation W HERE IT STARTED
Marketing Objectives Strengthen the business case Bolster the image Co-ordinate with new website Get face-to-face with Corporations and Influencers Build a strong sales team Leverage funding MARKETING
Partnership Driven Approach fraction of the cost and time required to go alone undertake activities not able to do alone project management support needed for government funding P ROPOSED W AY FORWARD
Marketing Driven Organization Sector Focus: Logistics Food Processing Advanced Manufacturing Tourism Creative Economy Business Immigration S ECTOR PROGRAMS
How do our teams work? Research / Studies Buy In Program Leverage capital contribution 10:1 Ontario East first Share information, contacts and leads COLLABORATION
Who is participating: 19 Communities Represents 65% of Eastern Ontario Looking for new members and new ideas COLLABORATION
Activities: Trade Shows Event hosting / Sponsorships Marketing / Advertising Partnerships COLLABORATION
Lead Generation Translate Research and analysis into Opportunities Market Intelligence Platforms – Trade Shows Custom Campaigns Follow up and reinforcement COLLABORATION
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