CubeSat Lunar Application Surface Station (CLASS): An ALSEP-Like Science Package in a Cubesat Form Factor? P.E. Clark 1,3, J. Didion 2, R. Cox 3, N. Ghafoor 4 1 IACS/Catholic University of 2 NASA/GSFC, 3 Flexure Engineering, 4 Canadensys 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Science Overview, Investigations: Although samples have been collected from the Moon, the 'dynamics' of the lunar environment itself have not been systematically studied. ALSEP packages deployed in the equatorial region during the Apollo era demonstrated potential for studying nature of the fields and particle environment around the Moon. Distributed instrument packages taking simultaneous measurements could provide systematic evaluation of the questions that have arisen about the dynamic nature of the lunar environment, the exosphere, dust and volatile transport, charging as a function of exposure to light, solar wind, and plasma, the nature of local and global fields. Particularly important is the capability of taking measurements for at least some portion of lunar night. These measurements should be provided before lunar landed exploration activities planned over the next decade have a significant impact on the environment. Such measurements will provide a much more comprehensive basis for understanding the protection needed for humans and robotic devices spending any length of time on the lunar surface. Because the lunar surface represents the range of conditions on most solar system objects and yet is far closer than other objects, it also represents an ideal technology testbed. 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Initial Application and Design Constraints: ALSEP equivalent solar/battery based power system (no RTGs due to minimize cost, volume, mass) led to a package with a unacceptably large mass (500 kg), over half of which was battery mass. Just keeping the batteries warm enough required most of the power and thus much of the battery mass. We reduced the mass to 100 kg in two ways. 1)We incorporated MilSpec electronics, which are intrinsically more capable of operating in high radiation, colder temperature environments, though more costly. 2)We incorporated JWST G10 as multi-layer thin reflective/insulating boxes. That change alone allowed survival for up to one week. We then incorporated the gravity-assisted heat pipe, to create an innovative thermal balance strategy, as well as ULT electronics into the design. We were able to achieve not only survival but also a 10% duty cycle through the two week long lunar night. 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
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Radiator with protective sides Gravity-Assisted Heat Pipe Inner Al layer Radiation Shield Multi Thin Layer Insulation Lorenz, /15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Reduction in mass and power for LEMS as new concepts developed Design RegimeConventional Electronics MilSpec Cold Electronics New Thermal Design Compact 12U concept Operational Limit C Survival Limit C Battery Mass kg (3U) Remaining Mass kg Total Mass kg Power W peak/minimum /1010/2 Night Duty CycleNone 10%>10% 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
CubeSat Application: Compact stand-alone station deployed from lander decks, lander legs, at surface locations to form environmental monitoring network. Standard cubesat deployables (antenna, solar panels) and subsystems (C&DH/ processing, thermal control). smaller scale electronics components intrinsically capable of operating faster and at colder temperatures with intrinsically greater radiation hardness. How scalable is the thermal design developed for the ALSEP-like LEMS (without RTGs or RHUs) concept for Project Constellation to a cubesat form factor package? Scaling Analysis: A 12U Cubesat would be roughly 1/6 the mass of an ALSEP-like (100 kg versus 15 kg) and, for two to three instruments, require about 1/6 the mass of batteries to support <1/6 of the power requirement (65 W versus <10 W). 2 Cubesat battery packs 20Ah) should be good for 20W/hour for 2 hours (5W for 8 hours) and require ¾ U volume. A 10% duty cycle over 14 days (32 hours) running at 5W/hour would require 4 times the battery volume (3U). A system requiring 10W/hour could run at a 5% duty cycle. Assuming a passive thermal design, this power level could allow operation of small particle analyzer, electrical field instrument, and UV spectrometer. 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Characteristics of Range of Potential Lunar Cubesat Payloads Instrument Type Instrument RequirementScience Objective and measurementApproximat e Resources Challenge/Trade Space Vis/Near IR Imaging Spectrometer Imaging in 4 bands associated with ice 4 Vis/Near IR bands associated with ice to confirm presence of surface ice in permanently shadowed polar craters 2 kg, 2 U, 5 W Bandwidth limited, use of solar sail as reflecting device, nadir FOV HCT Broadband IR point spectrometer High spectral resolution point spectrometer, 1 to 4 microns, OVIRS heritage Systematics of water, water components, and other lunar volatiles in mineralogical context covering surface to high incidence angle 2.5 kg, 1.5 U, <7 W Bandwidth limited, active cooling, nadir FOV Particle analyzer Compact DSCOVR, range tens of eV to keVs, FOV 360 x 10 degrees, top hat design Nature of solar wind and SME generated particle/surface interaction from ion density range, peak, and variations and wave generation indicating field boundary crossing <1 kg, 1U, <5 W Cubesat high voltage power supply, potential EMI issues E Field Instrument Spring loaded antenna ~1m, VLF pre-amp, and FPGA for digital filtering and analysis, range 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz ULF E-field versus time and VLF wave spectra to determine electron density as function of time 0.5 kg, <0.5 U, <5 W Deployment required, potential EMI issues UV Spectrometer Compact LADEE UVS, 230 – 810 nm, 1 nm resolution, 1 degree FOV Occultation to determine dust (>10 nm) density, exospheric species (K, Na, Si, Al, Mg, Ca, Ti, Fe, H2), others) 3 kg, <4U, 3W Accommodating telescope magnetomete r CINEMA, INSPIRE, other compact magnetometers Amplitude and variations in magnetic field components <1 kg, <1 U, <2 W Deployable boom to reduce noise Cosmic Ray Detectors Full field of view State of art Cherenkov/LET detectors, some CRATER heritage characterizing direction, energy, mass, and speed of particle in 1 to 1000 MeV/amu range 1 kg, 1U, <1 W Layout to accommodate 360 degree field of view, special processing requirements 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Thermal, Mechanical, Mechanism Challenges: The LEMS thermal design concept required use of multiple thin, insulating boxes of G10, and a gravity-assisted heat pipe. What technology under development could create a more compact and efficient thermal design? Flexible, lightweight ‘smart’ materials that would efficiently absorb or release heat as required for lower mass and volume penalty, and that could act as switches to prevent or allow heat flow. More compact heat pipe technologies, utilizing ionic liquids. Power storage Challenge: Strategies for surviving lunar night have included RTGs, hibernation, and the concept presented for LEMS. What technology under development could create more efficient, lower volume power generation and storage? More efficient, radiation tolerant, compact cubesat deployable solar panels Colder operating temperature energy storage technology (depth of charge, number of recharges) (storage, transmission) such as graphene-based supercapacitors linked to produce slower discharge. 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Engineering Support to Resolve Challenges: 1)Inputs on properties and availability of ‘smart’ materials. 2)Inputs on energy storage alternative availability now and in 5 years. 3)Inputs on cubesat deployment mechanism operation in lunar environment (during lunar day). 4)Incorporation of any of these elements into design. 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
Concept for Cubesat ALSEP-like package 4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5
4/15/15Clark et al CLASS LSA5 What surface subsystem/payload performance or mission concepts supporting critical science investigations or technology demonstrations for further exploration and what are the challenges and solutions to creating these? Distributed monitoring networks, Power duirng lunar night performance capabilities of subsystems and packages available now? in the future? Theoretically 5-10% duty cycle now with existing technology Major thermal challenges: retaining sufficient heat for battery powered operation at dawn Major mechanical challenges: deployment and tracking with solar panels and antenna, use of ‘shape-changing’ materials Follow up: Keep track of development of hybrid battery solutions (combined ultracapacitors starter and battery storage systems)