Learning Points 1.State that heat flows through gases by convection currents. 1.Give examples of everyday uses of convection currents.
Convection Convection takes place in liquids and gases. Convection will not take place in solids because the particles are too close together and can only move a little bit.
Convection currents in gases 1.Cut out the paper spiral and tie on a piece of thread. 2. Hang it above a turned on light-bulb. 3. Watch and describe what happens.
Convection currents in gases Hot, less dense air rising. It catches the paper spiral and starts to turn it around.
Convection currents produce sea breezes. Convection currents and weather During the day During the day, the land heats up faster than the sea. Air above the land is heated. It expands and rises up. The cold air above the sea then moves inland to take its place, thus creating a sea breeze. esthermei-physicsproject2009.blogspot.com
Convection currents and weather During the night At night, the sea temperature drops slowly as compared to the land which cools rapidly. The sea is now warmer than the land. The warm air rises above the sea and cool air above the land moves out to take its place and a land breeze is created. esthermei-physicsproject2009.blogspot.com
Convection currents in the home The less dense gas will now rise and the cooler gas or will move in and take its place. A heater works by heating up the gases in the air around it. The gas particles vibrate and start to move further apart making them less dense.
Convection currents in the home esthermei-physicsproject2009.blogspot.com FridgeAir conditioner
Place the Statements in order In Convection: 1.The less dense fluid rises. 2.When a substance is heated it expands. 3.The warm fluid is therefore less dense. 4.When it reaches the top it cools and contracts. 5.The more dense fluid sinks. 6.The cycle of rising and falling is the convection current
All c’s: Fill in the blanks. Heat flows through solids by c__________. Liquids and gases are poor c_________ but transfer heat by c___________. We make use of these c_________ currents in kettles, c___________ heaters and when cooking. onduction onductors onvection
1 minute to complete! Come up with as many uses for and examples of convection as you can! You have one minute. Ocean currents, predicting the weather, boiling a kettle, boiling an egg, heating a room, causing the weather, moving continents, causing volcanoes…