JEF Belarus Action 2009 Jeunes Européens Fédéralistes/Young European Federalists March 2009
aims of the 2009 action Raise awareness about the European Parliament elections in June 2009 highlighting global issues. Raise awareness among civil society about the last dictatorship in Europe using it as a prime example of what a European foreign policy could work to address Demonstrate to citizens that a Global Europe using its principles of peace, democracy and liberty can aim to work against dictatorships, war and injustice across the world Invite youth NGOs of all backgrounds who share the principles of democracy and respect for Human Rights to join JEF in this Action; Promote the federal idea of democracy and pluralism.
rationale To encourage sections to go beyond the classic night time photo flash action and take time to engage with citizens through a day time action. There is a clear link between demanding a European foreign policy and demanding that the EU takes action on the situation in Belarus. To use the Belarus campaign as an example of exactly why we need a ‘Global Europe’ and engage with citizens on this, in light of the upcoming elections.
action: 2 options Local sections and partners may wish to stick to the original photo night time action of [OPTION 1] However, JEF Europe encourages local groups where possible, to engage with civil society by doing a day time action [OPTION 2] Local groups, depending on their resources, and national political context, can choose whether to organise the action along the lines of Options 1 or 2.
description – option 1 1. Inform your MPs, MEPs, political parties, youth NGOs & partners etc. of the Action. Remember to lobby and send the Belarus invitation that you can find on 2. On the night of the 18 th March (early morning of 19th) choose visible, famous statues in your city (the more the better!) 3. Cover the mouth of the statues with a cloth
description – option 1 4.Hang a clear and visible sign around the neck of the statue: “IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE... ITS TIME FOR A FREE BELARUS!!” 5.Remember to include the CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: 6.Take digital pictures and send immediately to JEF-Europe to be put on the web; to 7.Run!
description – option 2 1) Inform your MPs, MEPs, political parties, youth NGOs & partners etc. of the Action. Remember to lobby and send the Belarus invitation that you can find on 2) Translate and print the JEF Europe Global Europe flyers that will be found on: You can also print the JEF Europe Manifesto.
description – option 2 3) In the morning/afternoon of 18 th March choose a visible part of the city for activists to hand out flyers to citizens and speak to people about the upcoming elections, outlining the importance of a European foreign policy in the world stage. Only a strong Global Europe can address the democracy problems in Belarus and other parts of the world. 4) Some activists should be gagged with a cloth while handing out the flyers. If it’s possible, try to do this near a statue and gag the statue with a cloth as well. The other activists and the flyers can explain the significance of this to passers by.
description – option 2 5) Have a clear and visible banner: “IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE... ITS TIME FOR A FREE BELARUS!!” 6) Remember to include the CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: 7) Take digital pictures and send immediately to JEF Europe to be put on the web. to
advertise the action! It is crucial that we manage to involve other NGOs and other young people in the Action in order to increase the impact and involve more youth in the support for democracy inside of Belarus. JEF Europe will contact international NGOs and youth groups within Belarus, but the most important work is done in the national setting by you – go into blogs, contact friends, networks and youth NGOs.
materials JEF Europe will produce a ‘Global Europe flyer’ for sections to translate and print which will soon be available on and Sections can also use the JEF Manifesto now available on the website. WG Branding is preparing a poster for sections to print. Sections will have to prepare their own banners. This is additional to the materials that national sections may have and may wish to use.
press JEF Europe will send out several PRs & invitations and also make them available to JEF sections to be translated and used in local media. It is crucial that national & regional sections do press work – this is how achieve a massive impact of the Action and increase the visibility of JEF. Inform the JEF Europe secretariat of all press coverage in your country and forward any articles / web links to This is really important, for the Action analysis.
pictures It is vital that you all your photographs to immediately following your action!
and finally… Be creative! Gag telephone boxes, people, etc. For any questions, to find an action near you or to inform us of your local activity, at the European Secretariat. All Press enquiries should go to the JEF Europe Action Co-ordinator Toni Giugliano, at It’s Time for CHANGE... It’s Time for a FREE BELARUS!