International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 FIREFIGHTER FITNESS / WELLNESS
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Fire Service Joint Labor and Management Wellness-Fitness (WEFIT) Initiative Cooperative Effort by the IAFF and IAFC Components Include: Medical Examinations Fitness Evaluations and Programs Disease Screening and Immunizations Medical/ Fitness/ Injury Rehabilitation Data Gathering and Reporting
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Benefits of Fitness / Wellness Program Increased Physical Performance and Stamina Improved Mental Health Reduced Line of Duty Deaths, Injuries and Disabilities Early Detection of Potential Disease Reduced Medical Costs, Workers Comp Claims, and Time Missed From Duty Improved Quality of Life
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Cardiovascular Fitness Risk of death during fire suppression activities is times higher than when performing non- emergency activities. (The New England Journal of Medicine- 2007) Exposure to smoke & other toxic products of combustion combined with extreme heat, stress, and going from rest to strenuous physical activity in a short period of time, all combine to increase the risk of heart attacks. Cardiovascular screening and Stress EKGs can identify potential problems before tissue damage occurs. A cardiovascular fitness program can increase aerobic capacity and reduce the risk of heart disease.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Strength Training Increases Work Capacity Reduces Body Fat Strengthens Core and Aids in Balance Reduces Spinal and Muscular Injuries (See NFPA 1583 Standard on Health Related Fitness Programs for Fire Fighters for additional information).
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Regular Physical Exams Early detection can identify risk factors early to minimize risk of cardiac disease, cancer, and stroke. Standards for comprehensive medical evaluations can be found in NFPA Physicals are required in OSHA Respiratory Standards Act for all persons wearing respirators.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION NATIONAL FIREFIGHTER NEAR MISS REPORTING SYSTEM Report Number: Report Date: 04/26/2006 Event Description While participating in an annual physical exam, a positive colon cancer was detected. This positive test was confirmed by an outside source. This case is but one of four or five that have surfaced in the past three years. Lesson Learned Extensive annual physical examinations for all fire/rescue personnel are a must. In fact, an intense Wellness-Fitness Program should be an integral part of every department. The annual physical exam is, in part, a discovery phase. Other components of the Wellness-Fitness Program may help reduce the chance of developing this disease or at the very least promote early detection.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Report Number: Report Date: 05/19/2006 Event Description I participated in the Departments annual medical physical. A 12- lead EKG indicated a non diagnostic, abnormal EKG. The physician recommended a stress test. The first stress test led to a cardio light stress test. The results showed blockages and the recommended course of action was a cardio cath with the intent to perform angioplasty or stenting. The cardio cath showed total blockages in two arteries and partial in a third resulting in bypass surgery. I had participated in my own annual physical 6 months prior to the Department physical and the EKG at that time showed no indications of any problems. I never experienced chest pain and was asymptomatic. The required annual Department physical was key in identifying the issue. My surgery was February 1st and I returned to work on a part time basis April 3. I expect to be released to full duty in mid June.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Report Number: Report Date: 05/19/2006 Lesson Learned Our organization implemented annual physicals three years ago. It is imperative that departments have a medical physical program that identifies potentially fatal diseases such as cancer or coronary artery disease. It is our intent to expand our program to include further coronary screening as well as providing presentations regarding lifestyle changes, i.e. diet and exercise, which will help improve the physical well-being of our employees.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 MENTAL HEALTH Critical Incident Stress must be addressed to promote mental well-being. EAP programs can anonymously assist employees struggling with job stress, family problems, and various addictions. Learning to effectively manage stress can reduce its negative physical manifestations.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Nutritional Counseling A proper diet is essential for optimum health. Teaching our members to eat right can have positive long-term effects. A healthy diet can result in lower risk of cancer and cardiac disease.
International Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down 2007 Conclusion An effective Fitness/ Wellness program can have lasting long-term benefits to the employee and the organization. NFPA 1582 and 1583 can be referenced, along with the IAFF / IAFC Wellness / Fitness initiative if you need ideas to begin a program.