A National Assessment of Demand Response Potential Dean Wight Office of Energy Policy and Innovation Federal Energy Regulatory Commission For National Town Meeting on Demand Response & Smart Grid July 13, 2009
Background Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, § 529 (a) –Estimate nationwide demand response potential in 5 and 10 year horizons on a State- by-State basis –Estimate how much potential can be achieved, with policy recommendations –Identify barriers and recommend how to overcome them
Participants The Brattle Group –Ahmad Faruqui, Ryan Hledik Freeman, Sullivan & Co –Stephen S. George, Josh Bode, Paul Mangasarian Global Energy Partners, LLC –Ingrid Rohmund, Greg Wikler, Debyani Ghosh, Sharon Yoshida
U.S. Peak Demand & NADRP Scenarios
DR Potential by Program Type (2019)
DR Potential by Customer Class (2019)
State Profiles
Build Your Own Estimate
Where to Find NADRP on ferc.gov
A National Assessment of Demand Response Potential Dean Wight Office of Energy Policy and Innovation Federal Energy Regulatory Commission For National Town Meeting on Demand Response & Smart Grid July 14, 2009