INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany INNOV-08 Integration of RFID technology in Progress based solutions DABAC GmbH, Germany Dr. Michael Groß, Managing Director
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Agenda: Why RFID solutions in WMS and ERP openID Center Dortmund, Germany RFID Basics Choosing the right technology Architecture Challenges Components Functionality Demo A look inside Questions
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany openID-Center Demonstration of process automation through decen- tralized dynamic informations using RFID technologies Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an ideal method to link the material flow with the information flow on a realtime communication level.
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Optimization potential Example for optimization potential through the use of RFID solutions in warehouse management systems: 1.Simplification of complex centralised control infrastructure through decentralised self governd devices 2.Achieving fault tolerance through self-governd transportation processes 3.Easy and cost effective redirection and re engineering of existing processes
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Warehouse-Management-System Application Examples Example processes which could be optimized with RFID solutions: 1.Reusable Containers, multi path management 2.Bulk reading and identification at the warehouse ramp through reader gates 3.Operation of self-governd transport vehicules 4.Quality control in picking processes 5.Automatic warehouse entry booking 6.Printing and writing smart labels 7.Automated inventory control by request
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 1: Reusable containers For the multi-path management the RFID - technology offers thus substantial advantages: 1.cause-fair and accurate determination of utilization periods (- rotating payment) 2.Passes of containers through the process (repair and renewal intervals) 3.accelerated and automated collection and assortment transparent existence over all stages of the logistics chain 4.information about the previous use from multi-path containers 5.the improved reconditioning/cleaning regulation of ownership structures in open pool systems 6.overview of possible third-party use of the containers
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 2: Multi level identification The different properties of the various RFID technologies can be used in a diffent ways: 1.Long rage readable passive tags (UHF) can be uses for pallet tracking and multi path containers 2.High frequency passive tags (13,56 MHz) can be used on packages or one way containers 3.Low frequency passive tags (125 KHz, 134 KHz) can be used for item tagging Dynamic informations: Through the writing capabilities and data storage on tags, it is possible to write the actual content of each tagging level on the tag: The pallet carries the list of the box tags, the box carries the list of he item tags
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 3: self governd transport and dynamic routing The tag on boxes or containers carries the destination and the job number beside to the unique id Self governed transport devices are picking the containers on defines locations, read their destinations and deliver them without the need of central control Transports devices read the destination and route the containers independantly to their destination
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 4: Quality control Automatic quality assurance at the shipping gate: The box or container tag holds the order number and the number of the picking list Through item level tagging all items could be identified and varified against the picking list at the shipping gate
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 5: Shipping / Receiving Automatic control through shipping and receiving gates: Control of identity, quantity Automatic date/time of receiving / shipping
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 6: Printing and writing smart labels Marking of the goods (pallet, container…) after goods receipt through a specific RFID-tag, which can be fixed on the goods Every tag (and thus the goods) gets a unique ID which identifies the good attribution stored in RFID database
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Example 7: Inventory control Automatic stock control –If the quantity of a particular good drops below a specific value, the database recognizes this immediately Automatic bin location management –At each specific bin location, antenna and RFID reader are installed; reader registers the quantity (availability) of the particular goods
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany the technology... Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with PROGRESS Technologies
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Choosing the right technology Frequency –Low frequency –High frequency –Ultra High Frequency –Dual frequency Energy source –Active Tags –Passive Tages Information processing –Read only –Read / Write
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Frequencies to use RFID Basics: Frequencies 100kHz1MHz1GHz 13,56 Item level tracking Package level tracking ISO EUUSA Palett level tracking Active Tracking 2,45 ISO
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Basics: Energy source Active Internal power source (battery) Sensor integration Long reading range –Limited economic lifetime –Bigger overall size –High price Passive No internal power source Long economic lifetime Smaller overall size Low price –Only active within external electrical field –Shorter reading range
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Basics: Information processing Read only Internal power source (battery) Sensor integration Long reading range –Limited economic lifetime –Bigger overall size –High price Read / Write No internal power source Long economic lifetime Smaller overall size Low price –Only active within external electrical field –Shorter reading range
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Basics: Information processing (examples from various passive tags) Serial no. 32 Bit – 64 Bit Memory –125 / 134 KHz: 16 Bytes – 256 Bytes –13,56 MHz: 32 Bytes – 1024 Bytes Bulk processing 125 kHz MHz Reading speed 26 – 106 kbit/s Writing speed 1 – 26 kbit/s
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Challenges: Overwhelming amount of data Real-time processing Bi-directional communication Decentralized data 24/7 availability of the middleware Technological and physical limitations Premature standards
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Components: RFID Connector / RFID Site Server RFID Manager RFID Gateway PROGRESS Application RFID Hardware
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany DEMO and a look in the source code
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Connectors: Serial interfaces –Sonic ESB container IP connectivity –Socket communication Industrial bus systems –Converter to IP or serial
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Database Architecture: Enterprise Service Bus RFID Collection Validation, Compression Routing, Tracking, Tracing ObjectStore RFID Database Cache RFID Reader RFID Tags Mobile During Logistic Process RFID Reader RFID Tags Immobile In Plant And Industry Cache RFID Accelerator
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Manager: Functionality and Modules Objectstore® Database Layer Sonic ESB™ Communication Layer Device Organizer ID Manager Archive Manager Security Manager Product Cache System Organizer Workflow Manager Communi- cation Manager RFID Application Layer
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Gateway: Connector to the middleware Enterprise Service Bus PROGRESS Database OpenEdge AppServer OpenEdge™ Adapter.NET™ Frontend PROGRESS Application RFID Gateway OpenEdge AppServer™
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany RFID Gateway: Connector to the middleware PROGRESS Application OpenEdge 10 Product Identification Center Storage and Removal Center Inventory Request Center Process Tracking Center Logistic Center RFID ERP Gateway Communication Manager
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany DEMO of a logistic process and a look in the source code
INNOV-08 Integration of RFID with OpenEdge DABAC Integrierte EDV Organisation GmbH, Germany Thank you for listening, Questions?