D IGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE C LASSROOM EDCI 750 Dr. Harris March 15, 2011 Presented By Aysha Bajabaa
What is Digital Video Camera and How Does it Work?
W HAT IS A DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA ? Handheld device used to Capture Edit Store Moving pictures that can be transferred to Computer screens
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? Required equipments : A digital video camera (camcorder) A computer Firewire cable Video editing software Blank DVD or internet connection
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? The process of creating digital video camera project includes four steps: Preparation Shooting Editing Publishing (finishing)
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? 1. Preparation: Project script Shooting schedule
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? 2. Shooting: What you want to tape ? What is attracting me in this scene? What little details would highlight this scene? What is my subject experiencing? What do they see? What can I show of my subject that will remind me of my subject’s personality? What would be another way to look at this scene? Can I get to that vantage point easily?
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? 3. Editing: Cut the clips for the best parts Sequence different parts on a timeline Add titles, subtitles, music and sound, and special effects.
H OW DOES THE DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WORK ? 4. Distribution (Finishing): Burn it to a DVD or VHS tape Send it in an Post it on a webpage
Using Digital Video Camera in Classrooms
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Dual-Channel Learning Dale's "Cone of Experience," that: "people will generally remember: 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they hear and see“ =51BTK3EAD3UU8GSF3NUGKXV3LB0D6DG2 =51BTK3EAD3UU8GSF3NUGKXV3LB0D6DG2
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM supports different learning styles: Aesthetic Logical Linguistic
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Enhancing Students motivation and engagement Helps Students to: transform their identities, express themselves, and their views of the world. Improve active participation
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Developing deep conceptual understanding: Observations investigation comparing drawing conclusion
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Creating authentic learning experiences: engage students in real life situations Zoo field trip Museum Lake
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Developing collaborative learning skills social skills communication skills decision- making skills.
USING DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA IN THE CLASSROOM Examples of using digital video camera in the classroom: 1. Capture important learning moments in the classroom. 2. Create a story. 3. Document individual and small group student projects. 4. Conduct Interview 5. Create slid show
Sources (suppliers)
S OURCES ( SUPPLIERS ) SpecificationSD 4GB Flash Memory Camcorder memory4GB embedded flash memory, zoom60x optical / 2000x digital zoom lens35mm equivalent Display sizeFace Detection, 2.7" touch panel display price $ URLhttp:// es/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551& storeId=10151&langId=- 1&productId= #featur es Sony
S OURCES ( SUPPLIERS ) SpecificationSD 120GB Hard Disk Drive Camcorder memory120GB hard disk drive zoom60x optical / 2000x digital zoom lens(35mm equivalent) Display sizeFace Detection, 2.7" touch panel display price$ URLhttp:// s/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&sto reId=10151&langId=- 1&productId= #overvie w Sony
S OURCES ( SUPPLIERS ) Specification SDR-H 100K memoryHDD (80GB), SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card zoom70x (optical) 100x / 3500x (digital) lens35mm Film Camera Equivalent Display size2.7" Wide LCD price$ URLhttp://www2.panasonic.com/consumer- electronics/shop/Cameras- Camcorders/Camcorders/Standard-Definition- Camcorders/model.SDR- H100K.S_11002_ #tabsection Panasonic
S OURCES ( SUPPLIERS ) Specification FS300 Consumer Camcorders memory32GB SD Memory Card (not supplied) zoom41x Advanced Zoom lens96.2mm Display size2.7-inch widescreen color LCD price$ URLhttp:// s/camcorders/consumer_camcorders/fs300#Specific ations Canon
S OURCES ( SUPPLIERS ) Specification UltraHD Video Camera (Black, 2 Hours) memory8GB Internal Flash Memory zoom2x Digital Zoom lensFixed Focus Lens Display size2" LCD price$ URLhttp:// REG/Flip_Video_U32120B_UltraHD_Video_Camera_ Black.html Flip Video
I MAGE SOURCES uwosh.edu lincolnzoo.org myfreshplans.com wirededucator.wordpress.com aare.edu.au hortonphoto.com guardian.co.uk guashan.com synergybroadcast.com livinginthe4thscreen.com trevorcairney.blogspot.com videoproductiontips.com ictaictacrossthecurriculum.wordpress.comcrossthecurriculu m.wordpress.com dfs/intro_digital_video.pdfhttp:// dfs/intro_digital_video.pdfhttp:// canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/camcorders/consume r_camcorders/fs300#Specifications canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/camcorders/consume r_camcorders/fs300#Specifications