Charting a Course to ISBN Jim Morlock, Pearson Education Melanie McDaniel, Harcourt Education “If a man does not know what port he is steering for, no wind is favorable to him.” - Seneca
Charting a Course to ISBN The Seas, Shoals, and Shallows Through Which We Must Navigate
Charting a Course to ISBN Standards adoption is voluntary: There is no law or regulation requiring trading partners to adopt ISBN-13. Each organization must decide whether, when and how to adopt ISBN-13. Organizations adopt standards because they provide an efficient predefined way to transact business with trading partners.
Charting a Course to ISBN Readiness to adopt ISBN-13 will vary by trading partner: Early Adopters – ready now On Time Adopters – ready by January 2007 Delayed Adopters – not ready by 2007 Non Adopters – not planning to change
Charting a Course to ISBN ISBN-10s are not going away : ISBN-10s exist on millions of books in print. Substantial inventories of books with ISBN-10s exist in publisher warehouses and in the supply chain. Many publishers have substantial supplies of unassigned ISBN-10s. Some publishers will continue using ISBN-10s to identify their books until they are satisfied the marketplace has completed the transition to ISBN-13.
Charting a Course to ISBN Navigating the Way to a Successful Implementation
Charting a Course to ISBN #1 – Existing ISBN-10s convert to ISBN-13s: Publishers have banks of existing ISBN-10s. On books Not yet assigned Distributors and depositories have inventory with ISBN-10s. Existing ISBN-10s convert to ISBN-13s; they are not replaced with new numbers.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 2 – There are standard rules for converting the ISBN-10 into ISBN-13: Begin with any 10 digit ISBN: Eliminate the check digit: Add the prefix “978” : Calculate a new check digit: The ISBN-10: Converts to the ISBN-13:
Charting a Course to ISBN # 3 – Any ISBN-13 prefixed with “978” can be converted back to an ISBN-10: Any ISBN-13 prefixed with “978” : Eliminate the check digit: Drop the “978”: The ISBN-13: Converts to the ISBN-10: Compute a new check digit:
Charting a Course to ISBN # 4 – There is no conversion of an ISBN-13 beginning with “979” into an ISBN-10: ISBN-10s will not exist for ISBN-13s beginning with “979”. Trading partners must use the full13 digits if they wish to handle these books, or they will need to use non standard book identifiers.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 5 – Labeling of New Books – Back Cover (Cover 4) ISBN: ISBN-13: ISBN-10: Publishers are encouraged to display the ISBN-13 above the bar code beginning January Some publishers are planning to display dual ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 above the bar code until the book industry has completed the transition to ISBN-13.
Charting a Course to ISBN Most backlist books already display the new ISBN as an EAN-13 below the bar code. # 6 – Labeling of Backlist Books: ISBN: Publishers may continue to label their backlist books the way they are labeled today. There is no need to re-sticker publisher or supply chain inventory to display the ISBN-13 above the bar code.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 7 – Dual Numbering of New and Backlist Books in Catalogs, Web Sites & Business Forms Book suppliers are encouraged to identify their books using dual ISBN-10s and ISBN-13s as the book industry makes the transition to ISBN-13. Use of ISBN-10s should be discontinued once the book industry completes the transition to ISBN-13. Dual numbering allows individual trading partners to make the transition at their own pace, instead of subjecting the book industry to an abrupt cutover on a single date.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 8 – Handling Product Identifiers in Master Data Files - For New and Backlist books: Organizations are also encouraged to accommodate (maintain, view and exchange) EAN.UCC/GTIN system product identification numbers up to 14 digits long. Organizations should prepare to accommodate ISBN-13s prefixed with either “978” or “979”.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 9 – Internal Business Transactions – for New and Backlist Books: Maintain the capability to continue using ISBN-10s until they are no longer required. Introduce the capability to transact business internally using 13 and 14 digit product identifiers.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 10 - Business Transactions with Trading Partners For New and Backlist Books: Organizations are encouraged to transact business with trading partners using 13 and 14 digit product identifiers by January 1, 2007, or a soon as possible thereafter. Organizations should maintain the capability to transact business with trading partners using ISBN-10s until they are no longer required. Book Orders and Book Returns Dual Numbering of business forms is encouraged.
Charting a Course to ISBN # 11 – The Book Industry standards for EDI will change: Standards exist today for electronic commerce as it relates to the book industry. These standards are available to schools which utilize eCommerce. The current standards for eCommerce will change in response to the implementation of the ISBN-13 Standard.
Charting a Course to ISBN #12 – Develop an ISBN-13 Implementation Strategy For Your Organization: Identify where ISBN’s are used. Determine where business processes need to change. Introduce capability to handle ISBN-13, along with all other EAN.UCC/GTIN identifiers up to 14 digits long. Retain capability to handle ISBN-10 Determine where & how systems need to change.
Charting a Course to ISBN "Headwinds are sore vexations and the more passengers the sorer.“ -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Charting a Course to ISBN Every participant in the book industry is impacted…. Inform and educate employees, customers, and vendors about the change. Phase In use of ISBN-13 Phase Out use of ISBN-10 While we all have our own course to navigate, we all truly have a common destination. Within your organization as well as with your external partners:
Charting a Course to ISBN The AAP as well as your individual publishers will be communicating with you and soliciting your input throughout this process…. The AAP plans to embark upon an ISBN-13 awareness program that will utilize direct mailings as well as press releases to promote awareness to the school community. Various publishers will follow suit, keeping you informed and requesting updates from you to ensure a smooth transition.
Charting a Course to ISBN Where to get more information: Periodically Updated
Charting a Course to ISBN Chart Your Own Course: ISBN-10 ISBN-13 ISBN-10 & ISBN-13 ISBN - 10 ISBN - 13
Charting a Course to ISBN “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.” - Unknown
Charting a Course to ISBN Thank You
Charting a Course to ISBN Questions?
Charting a Course to ISBN US ISBN Agency: – International ISBN Agency: – vision.htmlhttp:// vision.html UCC.EAN & GTIN: – Online ISBN Toolkit & Converter: – lkit.html#converterhttp:// lkit.html#converter The Standard (search on 2108): – –