1. International agreements ratified by Ukraine. 2. Law of Ukraine “On international activity”. 3. Law of Ukraine “On investment activity”. 4. Law of Ukraine “On foreign investments”. 5. Resolution of the Board of NBU “On approval of the Instruction on issuing of individual licensees on foreign investments”. 6. Resolution of KMU “On approval of the Regulation on issuing of individual licenses on property investments by the residents of Ukraine”.
Foreign investment – is exchange transaction and provides investing by subjects of investments of currency values with the profit purposes or achieving of social effect. Investee– any kind of property, including assets, intangible assets, corporate rights, securities and derivatives thereof.
Movable and immovable property and other property rights; Shares, stocks, debt obligations of the company, other securities, which confirm participation in the company’s assets; Claims related to the investments; Intellectual property rights (author rights, patents, design, know-how, company’s names etc.); Any kind of right, given by the law or a contract, licenses and permits.
Purchase of real estate Acquisition of shares of existing companies Acquisition of corporate rights of existing companies Purchase of shares on a stock market Registration of representative office
Confirmation of the legitimacy of the source of investment A decision by the management body of the company Search of the object of the investment Financial and legal due diligence. Preparation of the contract Preparation of the documents on individual license. Obtaining of state authorities permits Implementation (registration) of the investment
Application form; Original or notarized copy of the contract which is the base for obtaining license; Documents of non-resident registration; Registration document on the part of authorized capital which is planning to purchase by a resident; Extract from register indicating the registration in the revenue and fees authority; Copy of a passport; Constitutive documents on the object of investments; Tax debt information; Report on expert value of the object of the investment; Information about the structure of assets of an applicant.
Absence of documents (document); Non accordance of the provided documents to current legislation; Initiation of bankruptcy procedure against applicant; Prohibition or limitation of foreign investments by certain countries;
Elena Sukmanova PhD in Law, МВА, attorney, Head of Legal department of State mortgage Institution