Monday, September Turn in your extra credit. 2. Take out Friday’s work and finish it. You have 10 minutes. You may get a workbook from the shelf if you need one.
Today’s Essential Question What are the different types of government and what type does the United States have?
MONARCHY Rule by a king or queen The ruler inherits power. Divine right of kings Constitutional monarchy Examples – King Louis XIV in France (15 th century), Queen Elizabeth II in Great Britain (presently)
DEMOCRACY Government gets its power from the people. Direct democracy – citizens vote on issues directly Representative democracy – citizens elect representatives who vote on issues for them Representative democracy is also known as a republic. Examples – United States, Mexico, France
DICTATORSHIP Single person or small group has complete power Either gained power by force or was elected and then refused to step down Totalitarianism Examples – Adolf Hitler in Germany ( ), Saddam Hussein in Iraq (1979 – 2003)
THEOCRACY Government run by religious leaders Government claims to be directed by God No separation of church and state Example – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Iran
Write a paragraph to answer the following question. Which form of government do you believe to be the best and why? Give at least three reasons for your selection. Which form of government do you believe to be the worst and why? Give at least three reasons for your selection.
Traditional/Subsistence People earn a living the same way their ancestors did. Usually make just enough to survive Motivator – tradition, survival Also called cottage industries Many countries in Africa and Asia, less developed countries
Market Economy People own their own goods and property and make economic decisions. Motivator – Profit Also called free enterprise, capitalism, free market United States, Japan, most developed countries
Command Economy Government owns the means of production and makes all economic decisions. Motivator – Government regulation Also called socialism, communism China, Cuba, North Korea, many of the world’s least developed countries
Primary Economic Activities The production of food and the extraction of resources Growing crops, raising livestock, fishing, mining Less developed countries
Secondary Economic Activities The manufacture and production of goods/processing raw materials to make them more valuable Making of textiles, furniture, jewelry, railroad tracks Emerging economies/newly industrialized
Tertiary Economic Activities Services performed by people and businesses Teachers, nurses, doctors, accountants, retailers, truck drivers, musicians More developed countries
Quarternary Economic Activities Information processing and management Computer programmers, general management More developed countries