A Few Paragraph Building Tips
The Introduction Introduction Overview the debate in general terms. Thesis example: Although some disagree with funding for advanced stem cell research, expanded studies in the field will lead to far more benefits than problems.
A Strategy for Building Body Paragraphs Topic sentence (supports the thesis) Primary support (supports the topic sentence) Secondary support (supports the primary support—usually a quote or paraphrase) Sculpted closing sentence
Sample Body Paragraph Stem cell research promises tremendous physical benefits. Perhaps of greatest significance, researchers currently own the technology to grow new limbs on amputees. As Jennifer Ryan, stem cell researcher, states, “The only things keeping us from applying the theory are funding and ethical concerns” (par. 7). Given the history of science, only the funding will remain a serious barrier over the next four decades.
Adding a Transitional Sentence Prior to the Topic Sentence In light of the debilitating damage the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars have inflicted on our troops, one possible stem cell treatment deserves primary consideration. Specifically, stem cell research promises tremendous physical benefits. Perhaps of greatest significance, researchers currently own the technology to grow new limbs on amputees. As Jennifer Ryan, stem cell researcher, states, “The only things keeping us from applying the theory are funding and ethical concerns” (par. 7). Given the history of science, only the funding will remain a serious barrier over the next four decades.
A Last Reminder Note that additional sentences can be feathered into the paragraph discussion based on the need for analytical development.