Biomes are a group of ecosystems with similar climates (temperature and rainfall) and organisms.
Types of Biomes Rain Forest Desert Grassland Deciduous Forest Coniferous Forest Tundra Freshwater Saltwater (Marine)
Deciduous Forest Biome Large Trees – Shed leaves each winter At least 50 cm of rain each year The weather in this area changes with the seasons
Deciduous Forest Biome Virginia is located in this biome.
Coniferous Forest Biome Also called Boreal Forest or Taiga Largest Biome in World Most abundant plant life is coniferous trees – cone bearing
Coniferous Forest Biome The weather here is colder. Winters have much more snow. Summers don’t get quite as warm. Total snowfall can reach more than 20 feet per year!!! Video :
Rain Forest Biome 2 types: Both have many species of plants & animals Tropical Rain Forest - found near the equator Temperate Rain Forest – found NW USA Both have many species of plants & animals 25% 57% 18%
Tropical Rain Forest Biome Lots of rain!!!! Wettest place on earth. It rains every day. 100 – 400 inches per year (That’s 9-30 feet) Very warm & humid all year long – average temp. is 80OF Trees form distinct layers – Canopy – top layer of trees Understory – 2nd layer of trees
Tropical Rain Forest Biome LOTS of plant & animals Most diverse place on earth!!! Video:
Grassland Biomes Also Called Prairies & Savannahs 25 – 75 cm of rain a year Enough to rain to support grasses and bushes, but not enough to support trees.
Grassland Biomes Savannahs closer to equator & receive more rain up to 120 cm. Have scattered shrubs & small trees Grasslands support the largest animals on Earth Video
Desert Biomes A desert is an area that receives less than 25cm (10 inches) of rain per year. (Some don’t get any) Most deserts get very hot during the day and get very cold at night.
Desert Biomes Animals & plants have adapted to preserve water Most animals are nocturnal
Tundra Biome The land here is very cold and dry. Very little precipitation Land is frozen all year (permafrost)
Tundra Biome Short summer – top layer of soil defrosts Mosses, grasses, shrubs & dwarf bushes Insects, birds, reindeer, foxes, wolves, hares
Freshwater Biomes Not Saltwater!!! Account for 1/5 of Earth 2 Groups Ponds & Lakes Rivers & Streams Sunlight only reaches top of water Algae is the most abundant plant in the water biomes because photosynthesis can only occur at top layers of water
Ponds and Lakes Still water Lakes are deeper than ponds. Sometimes ponds are shallow enough for sunlight to reach the bottom which lets plants grow.
Streams and Rivers The water runs fast in these areas. Plants and animals must be able to survive in the fast running water Video :
Marine Biomes Salt or Brackish Water Oceans & Estuaries Plants & animals must have adaptations to survive in salt water Video :
Estuaries This is where the water from the rivers and streams runs into the ocean, making a mixture of salt and fresh water. Lots of sun – lots of plants