Political Parties
Republican vs. Democrat What does it mean to be a Republican? What does it mean to be a Democrat?
Republican vs. Democrat Small Government Lower Taxes National Security Family Values Favor 2nd Amendment Free Market Capitalism Pro-Life Large Government Higher Taxes Individual Rights Gay Rights Gun Control Environmental Issues Pro-Choice
Democrat vs. Republican Elephant In a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly in 1874, there was a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled “The Republican Vote.” Donkey The Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His opponents called him a jackass (a donkey), and Jackson decided to use the image of the strong- willed animal on his campaign posters. Political Symbolism
Conservative vs. Liberal “Conservative” What does it mean to be conservative? “Liberal” What does it mean to be liberal? “Moderate” What does it mean to be moderate?
LeftCenterRight Where do they stand on today’s issues?? LiberalConservative Moderate/ Centrist GreenLibertarian DemocratsRepublicans
Is our country red??
or blue??
Or Purple??
On the Issues (in general) Republican Platform Democratic Platform
Social Issues Pro-life Supports death penalty Against gay marriage Government needs to protect traditional values Pro-choice Against death penalty For gay marriage Government should promote ‘progressive ideas
Environmental Issues Do not think global warming is a threat More American offshore drilling Limit government sponsored preservation for parks Global warming is a threat Limit offshore drilling Lots of park preservation
Economic Issues Do not raise minimum wage Balance budget quickly Less government involvement in business Raise minimum wage Government spending ok even if debt increases More government involvement in business
Domestic Policy Protect 2 nd Amendment Against legalization of marijuana Do not grant Snowden immunity Favor gun control Supports legalization of marijuana Grant Snowden immunity
Foreign Policy Government should not cut military spending U.S. should be involved in military foreign affairs Government should cut military spending U.S. should stay out of military affairs
Immigration Children of immigrants should not receive citizenship Immigrants should not have access to government healthcare Children of immigrants should receive citizenship Immigrants should have access to government healthcare
Science Against theory of evolution Government should not fund stem cell research Supports evolution Government should fund stem cell research