Assessment of HM and POP pollution in EMEP domain Long-term trends ( ) Pollution levels (2012) Transboundary transport Intercontinental transport Country-specific data Quality of assessment Pb B[a]P Cd Hg HCB B[a]P Pb Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
BaP PCDD/Fs PCDDFs Hg EMEP contribution to HM and POP Protocols Cd Pb Spatial distribution of heavy metal and POP pollution levels ( ) Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Reduction of heavy metal and POP deposition in EMEP countries ( ) Pb Cd Hg 75% reduction 50% reduction 35% reduction Long-term trends of HM and POP pollution Average flux 50% variation 90% variation 44% reduction PCDD/Fs 26% reduction BaP 85% reduction HCB Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Monitoring of HMs within EMEP Measured changes of Pb and Cd air concentration ( ) PbCd Location of EMEP sites EMEP monitoring network for HM: Number of monitoring sites increased from 44 in 1990 to 66 in 2010 Data quality is controlled by regular laboratory intercomparisons Significant territories in Eastern and Southern Europe remain uncovered Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Heavy metal emission changes Statistics of emissions reporting Reporting of HM emissions: Number of Parties reported emission data increased from 30 to 46 Gridded emission data are reported only by 28 Parties Changes of HM emissions in the EMEP countries over Cd Hg Pb 90% decrease 65% decrease 60% decrease Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Changes in key source categories Contribution of source categories to HM deposition in EMEP countries CadmiumMercury Lead 18 Note: Reduction of HM pollution levels was accompanied by changes of the key source categories of both emissions and deposition Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Monitoring of POPs within EMEP Measurement network for POPs in 2002 and 2012 Not all considered POPs (PAHs, HCB, PCBs) are measured at the shown monitoring sites. No measurements of PCDD/F at the EMEP monitoring network. Coverage of the EMEP domain by measurements is still incomplete. Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Ecosystem-specific deposition Spatial distribution of Pb deposition to arable land Long-term changes of Hg deposition to different land use categories Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Long-term trends ( ) of lead deposition and concentrations in mosses Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Transboundary pollution Contribution of foreign sources to Cd deposition in EMEP countries Netherlands Emission reduction Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Changes of Cd, Pb, Hg, and PCDD/F deposition to the Baltic Sea from 1990 to 2011 Annual PCDD/F deposition in 2011, ng TEQ/m 2 /year Atmospheric input of HMs and POPs to marginal seas Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Information on HM and POP pollution for each EMEP country (1990 and 2012) Pb (Cd, Hg, B[a]P, PCDD/F, HCB, PCB-153) Emissions, t79468 Deposition to the country Total deposition to the country, t Anthropogenic deposition from national sources, t Anthropogenic deposition from other countries, t Intercontinental transport (non-EMEP sources), t Secondary sources (wind re-suspension), t Deposition from the country anthropogenic sources Deposition to other countries (EMEP region), t Deposition to the regional seas, t: Baltic Sea Black Sea Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea North Sea Mean annual air concentrations, ng/m Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
HM and POP pollution in EECCA countries Pollution levels: Relatively low reduction of HM and POP deposition in EECCA countries The largest decrease in the western part of the region Data reporting in the EECCA countries: Low completeness of emissions reporting Few monitoring data are reported so far Deposition of Cd in the EECCA countries More efforts are needed to involve EECCA countries in the Convention activities HM and POP emission reporting Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Country-scale pollution assessment Case studies of HM pollution in selected EMEP countries Approach: Evaluation of pollution levels in a country with fine spatial resolution involving variety of national data Requirements: Detailed emissions data (fine resolution, source categories, LPS) Additional measurements from national monitoring networks Participation of national experts in joint analysis of the results Countries involved: CountryCzech RepCroatiaNetherlandsBelarus Statuscomplete in progress Croatia Netherlands Czech Republic Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Pb deposition in the Netherlands Heavy metal pollution in the Netherlands with fine spatial resolution Major foreign contributors: - Germany - Belgium - United Kingdom - France Major national contributor: - Noord-Holland province Contribution of different emission source categories Transboundary transport between country’s provinces Additional information on country scale: Pollution levels with fine spatial resolution (down to 5×5 km 2 ) Contamination of a country provinces Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Heavy metal pollution in the Netherlands Percents Contribution of LPS to Pb deposition (Tata Steel IJmuiden BV, Netherlands) Pollution from large point sources Contribution of different emission source categories Transboundary transport between country’s provinces Additional information on country scale: Pollution levels with fine spatial resolution (down to 5×5 km 2 ) Contamination of a country provinces Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Global modelling of HM and POP pollution Hg total deposition over the globe (1°×1°) Hg deposition over the new EMEP grid (0.2°×0.2°) Contribution of regional vs. global sources to HM and POP pollution Global sources EMEP sources Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Climate change has the potential to affect all POPs pathways in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and soil. There is evidence that climate change phenomena, e.g., elevated temperatures and sea-ice reduction, and extreme climate events, such as forest fires, flooding and glacial melting, will remobilize POPs previously deposited in sinks, e.g., forest soils and vegetation, ocean and lake sediments and glaciers. (HTAP Assessment 2010; Macdonald et al, 2005, STOTEN) POP transport pathways that can be affected by climate changes Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Influence of secondary emissions and non-EMEP emission sources Modelled annual PCDD/F air concentrations (2012) fg TEQ/m 3 Pollution of EMEP countries by PCDD/Fs EMEP secondary emissions 20% non-EMEP emissions 19% EMEP anthropogenic emissions 61% EMEP region Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Long-term accumulation in media (HCB) HCB global emissions ( ) HCB air concentrations (2011) Long-term emission scenario Other non-EMEP sources, 1% EMEP Contributions of sources to HCB air concentrations in EMEP region EMEP sources, 1% North America, 2% Southeast Asia, 8% non-EMEP secondary sources, 24% EMEP secondary sources, 64% Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Mercury intercontinental transport Source apportionment of Hg deposition (2013) Source/receptor regions EuropeAfrica Middle East North America Central America South America South Asia East Asia Southeast Asia Australia and NZ CIS countries Antarctica Arctic Europe Australia and NZ Africa Antarctica South America South Asia Arctic North America East Asia Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
UNEP and Minamata Convention Update of the UNEP Global Mercury Assessment 2013 with new model results based on updated emissions inventory (in press) Contribution to Minamata Convention Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Simulated Hg annual deposition in 2010 (GLEMOS) Source attribution of Hg deposition to fishing areas (2010) Hg deposition flux, g/km /y Hg deposition flux Fisheries production, x10 t/y 6 - Total marine capture fisheries production (FAO, 2013) FAO fishing areas 18 - Arctic Sea 21 - Northwest Atlantic 27 - Northeast Atlantic 31 - Western Central Atlantic 34 - Eastern Central Atlantic 37 - Mediterranean and Black Sea 41 - Southwest Atlantic 47 - Southeast Atlantic 48 - Antarctic Atlantic 51 - Western Indian Ocean 57 - Eastern Indian Ocean 58 - Antarctic Indian Ocean 61 - Northwest Pacific 67 - Northeast Pacific 71 - Western Central Pacific 77 - Eastern Central Pacific 81 - Southwest Pacific 87 - Southeast Pacific 88 - Antarctic Pacific Contribution to Minamata Convention Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
PM emissions are not fully covered HM and POP emissions Global Europe Gaseous elemental Hg Gaseous oxidized Hg Particulate Hg Emission of particulate Hg is about 4-7 % Data source: UNEP/AMAP, % 15% 4% 7% 64% 29% Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Importance of gaseous form for POPs Discussed at the review of MSCE models, Moscow, 2005 Considered in MSCE model intercomparison. Results published in [Hollander et al, 2008] Based on a number of scientific publications (Mackay, 1992, Hinckley et al., 1990, Paasivirta et al., 1996, Harner and Bidleman, 1996, …) Secondary emissions from media (soil, seawater) can be essentially in the gaseous form Comparison of emission sectors Different seasonal variations of B[a]P and PM10: concentrations of B[a]P in summer period fall 20 times in comparison with winter ones while for PM10 this drop is only 2 times (Cianelle et al., APR, 4, 2013)
Global emission inventories (PCDD/Fs, HCB, PCBs, Hg) Global Hg emissions inventory, AMAP/UNEP, 2013 Global PCDD/F emissions based on UNEP Toolkit (Fiedler et al., 2007, 2012) and expert estimates prepared by MSC-E g/km 2 /y ug/m 2 /y Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Supplementary measurement data Detailed references on PCDD/F measurements used in the EMEP reports [Shatalov et al., 2013; Gusev et al., 2014] Measurements of PCDD/Fs in air in remote and rural areas ( ; compiled by MSC-E): Europe: Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain [Castro-Jimenez et al., 2012;…] North America: the USA, Canada [Lorber et al., 2013;…] Southeast Asia: Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea [Chi et al., 2013;…] Regional POP networks (EMEP, AMAP, IADN, …) Global and regional POP monitoring programs (GAPS, MONET, PNA COP, …) available through GMP of Stockholm Convention European measurement database AirBase Other pollutants: POP passive sampling programs Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Evaluation of model results against measurements Annual mean modelled and observed PCDD/F air concentrations Underestimation 4.8 times; Correlation = 0.5 Underestimation 1.9 times Correlation = 0.8 Underestimation 1.5 times Correlation = 0.5 EMEP domain The US PCDD/F emission (g I-TEQ/yr): - USEPA emissions: Extrapolation from SC data: [Zhang et al., 2009,AE]: 3425 Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Participating models: ModelScaleInstitution GLEMOSglobal/regionalEMEP/MSC-E ICHMERITglobalCNR-IIA (Italy) GRAHMglobalEnvironment Canada GEOS-ChemglobalMIT (USA) CMAQ-Hg-HemhemisphericLamar University (USA) WRF-ChemregionalCNR-IIA (Italy) CMAQ-HgregionalHZG (Germany) Mercury intercontinental transport Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
HM/POP deposition within EMEP region and on a global scale Dissemination of EMEP information STOCKHOLM CONVENTION OSPAR COMMISSION Important to initiate formal co-operation between the Convention and other relevant international bodies Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Possible MSC-E contribution to the Assessment Report Long-term changes of pollution levels of HM and POP in the EMEP domain (special attention to EECCA countries) Changes of transboundary transport of anthropogenic and secondary sources in the EMEP region Intercontinental transport from anthropogenic and secondary sources outside the EMEP region. Effect-related information - Deposition to ecosystems HMs and POPs. - Deposition of Hg to ocean fishing regions Cooperation with international organizations (Minamata & Stockholm Conventions, OSPAR HELCOM, AMAP, EU) Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Emissions data for modelling EMEP official emissions data (Parties, CEIP): Time-series of national emission totals (Parties, annually) Gridded emissions for the latest reported year (CEIP, annually) Gridded sectoral emissions (Parties, once in five years) Emissions from Large Point Sources (Parties, once in five years) Additional emissions data for modelling (MSC-E): Time-series of gridded annual emissions for Speciation of Hg emissions (Hg 0, Hg(II) gas, Hg(II) part ) Vertical distribution of anthropogenic emissions Emissions for the non-EMEP countries within the EMEP domain (Northern Africa and Middle East) Gridded emissions on a global scale (Hg) Natural and secondary sources (re-suspension and re-emission) Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Emission data for modelling EMEP official emissions data (Parties, CEIP): Time-series of national emission totals (1990 – 2012, Parties, annually) Gridded sectoral emissions (Parties, once in five years) Emissions from Large Point Sources (Parties, once in five years) Gridded emissions for the latest reported year (2012, CEIP, annually) Additional emissions data for modelling (MSC-E): Time-series of gridded annual emissions for or larger (all) Congener composition of emissions (PCDD/Fs – 17 congeners, PCBs) Historical emissions of PCDD/Fs, HCB and PCB-153 (up to 1990) Intra-annual variations of emissions (all) Emissions to other environmental compartments (PCDD/Fs, HCB) Gridded emissions on a global scale (PCDD/Fs, HCB, PCB-153) Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Brief information on a country pollution Exemplified by the United Kingdom Emissions and pollution levels for 1990 and 2011 Spatial distribution of pollution levels in 2011 Transboundary transport in 2011 Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
Global modelling Hg total deposition over the globe (1°×1°) Hg deposition over the new EMEP grid (0.2°×0.2°) Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015
MSC-E web site: Information on the web Measurement data Modelling results Assessment of effects Emissions data Dissemination of EMEP information Workshop on CLRTAP Assessment report, 2015