Radio astronomical probes of Cosmic Reionization and the 1 st luminous objects Chris Carilli, NRL, April 2008 Brief introduction to cosmic reionization Objects within reionization – recent observations of molecular gas, dust, and star formation, in the host galaxies of the most distant QSOs: early massive galaxy and SMBH formation Neutral Intergalactic Medium (IGM) – HI 21cm telescopes, signals, and challenges USA – Carilli, Wang, Wagg, Fan, Strauss Euro – Walter, Bertoldi, Cox, Menten, Neri, Omont
Ionized Neutral Reionized
Chris Carilli (NRAO) Berlin June 29, 2005 WMAP – structure from the big bang
Hubble Space Telescope Realm of the Galaxies
Dark Ages Cosmic Reionization Last phase of cosmic evolution to be tested Bench-mark in cosmic structure formation indicating the first luminous structures
Barkana and Loeb 2001 Constraint I: Gunn-Peterson Effect z
Fan et al 2006 End of reionization? f(HI) <1e-4 at z= 5.7 f(HI) >1e-3 at z= 6.3
Constraint II: CMB large scale polarization -- Thomson scattering during reionization Scattering CMB local quadrapole => polarized Large scale: horizon scale at reioniz ~ 10’s deg Signal is weak: TE ~ 10% TT EE ~ 1% TT e = / ~ l /mfp ~ l n e e (1+z)^2 Hinshaw et al 2008
Constraint II: CMB large scale polarization -- Thomson scattering during reionization Rules-out high ionization fraction at z> 15 Allows for finite (~0.2) ionization to high z Most action occurs at z ~ 8 to 14 Dunkley et al. 2008
GP => pushing into near-edge of reionization at z ~ 6 CMB pol => substantial ionization fraction persists to z ~ 11 Fan, Carilli, Keating ARAA 06 GP => First light occurs in ‘twilight zone’, opaque for obs <0.9 m
IRAM 30m + MAMBO: sub-mJy sens at 250 GHz + wide fields dust IRAM PdBI: sub-mJy sens at 90 and 230 GHz +arcsec resol. mol. Gas, C+ VLA: uJy sens at 1.4 GHz star formation VLA: < 0.1 mJy sens at GHz + 0.2” resol. mol. gas (low order) Radio observations of z ~ 6 QSO host galaxies
Why QSOs? Spectroscopic redshifts Extreme (massive) systems M B L bol > 1e14 L o M BH > 1e9 M o Rapidly increasing samples: z>4: > 1000 known z>5: > 100 z>6: 20 Fan 05
QSO host galaxies – M BH -- M bulge relation Most (all?) low z spheroidal galaxies have SMBH: M BH =0.002 M bulge ‘Causal connection between SMBH and spheroidal galaxy formation’ Luminous high z QSOs have massive host galaxies (1e12 M o ) Magorrian, Tremaine, Gebhardt, Merritt…
1/3 of luminous QSOs have S 250 > 2 mJy, independent of redshift from z=1.5 to 6.4 L FIR ~ 1e13 L o ~ 0.1 x L bol Dust heating by starburst or AGN? MAMBO surveys of z>2 QSOs 2.4mJy
Dust => Gas: L FIR vs L’(CO) non-linear => increasing SF eff (SFR/Gas mass) with increasing SFR FIR-luminous high z QSO hosts have massive gas reservoirs (>1e10 M o ) = fuel for star formation Index=1.5 1e11 M o 1e3 M o /yr z ~ 6 QSO hosts ~ Star formation ~ Gas Mass
Highest redshift SDSS QSO (t univ = 0.87Gyr) L bol = 1e14 L o Black hole: ~3 x 10 9 M o ( Willot etal. ) Gunn Peterson trough (Fan etal.) Pushing into reionization: QSO at z=6.4
z=6.42: Dust detection Dust formation? AGB Winds ≥ 1.4e9yr > t univ = 0.87e9yr => dust formation associated with high mass star formation: Silicate gains (vs. eg. Graphite) formed in core collapse SNe (Maiolino 07)? S 250 = 5.0 +/- 0.6 mJy L FIR = 1.2e13 L o M dust =7e8 M o 3’ MAMBO 250 GHz
Radio to near- IR SED T D = 50 K FIR excess = 50K dust Radio-FIR SED follows star forming galaxy SFR ~ 3000 M o /yr Radio-FIR correlation Elvis SED
z=6.42: Gas detection Off channels Rms=60uJy GHz CO 3-2 FWHM = 305 km/s z = / M(H 2 ) ~ 2e10 M o M gas /M dust ~ 30 (~ starburst galaxies) VLA IRAM VLA
Dense, warm gas: CO excitation similar to starburst nucleus T kin > 80 K n H2 ~ 1e5 cm^-3 CO excitation ladder 2 NGC253 MW
J : VLA imaging of CO3-2 Separation = 0.3” = 1.7 kpc T B = 35K => Typical of starburst nuclei, but scale is 10x larger rms=50uJy at 47GHz CO extended to NW by 1” (=5.5 kpc) 1” 0.4”res 0.15” res
[CII] traces PDRs associated with star formation [CII] 158um fine structure line: dominant ISM gas cooling line
[CII] 158um at z=6.4 [CII] PdBI Walter et al. z>4 => FS lines redshift to mm band L [CII] = 4x10 9 L o (L [NII] < 0.1 L [CII] ) [CII] similar extension as molecular gas ~ 6kpc => distributed star formation SFR ~ 6.5e-6 L [CII] ~ 3000 M o /yr 1” [CII] + CO 3-2 [CII] [NII] IRAM 30m
Gas dynamics: Potential for testing M BH - M bulge relation at high z -- mm lines are only direct probe of host galaxies M dyn ~ 4e10 M o M gas ~ 2e10 M o M bh ~ 3e9 M o => M bulge ~1e12 M o (predicted) z=6.42 z<0.5
Low z IR QSOs: major mergers AGN+starburst? Low z Optical QSOs: early- type hosts Z~6 FIR - L bol in QSO hosts FIR luminous z ~ 6 QSO hosts follow relation establish by IR- selected QSOs at low z => (very) active star forming host galaxies? Wang + 08, Hao 07
Downsizing: Building a giant elliptical galaxy + SMBH at t univ < 1Gyr Multi-scale simulation isolating most massive halo in 3 Gpc^3 (co-mov) Stellar mass ~ 1e12 M o forms in series (7) of major, gas rich mergers from z~14, with SFR ~ 1e3 - 1e4 M o /yr SMBH of ~ 2e9 M o forms via Eddington-limited accretion + mergers Evolves into giant elliptical galaxy in massive cluster (3e15 M o ) by z= Li, Hernquist, Roberston.. z=10 Rapid enrichment of metals, dust, molecules Rare, extreme mass objects: ~ 100 SDSS z~6 QSOs on entire sky Integration times of hours to days to detect HyLIGRs
(sub)mm: high order molecular lines. fine structure lines -- ISM physics, dynamics cm telescopes: low order molecular transitions -- total gas mass, dense gas tracers The need for collecting area: lines FS lines will be workhorse lines in the study of the first galaxies with ALMA. Study of molecular gas in first galaxies will be done primarily with cm telescopes SMA ALMA will detect dust, molecular and FS lines in ~ 1 hr in ‘normal’ galaxies (SFR ~ 10 M o /yr = LBGs, LAEs) at z ~ 6, and derive z directly from mm lines., GBT
cm: Star formation, AGN (sub)mm Dust, molecular gas Near-IR: Stars, ionized gas, AGN Arp 220 vs z The need for collecting area: continuum A Panchromatic view of galaxy formation SMA
Cosmic Stromgren Sphere Accurate host redshift from CO: z=6.419+/0.001 Ly a, high ioniz lines: inaccurate redshifts ( z > 0.03) Proximity effect: photons leaking from 6.32<z<6.419 z=6.32 ‘time bounded’ Stromgren sphere: R = 4.7 Mpc t qso = 1e5 R^3 f(HI)~ 1e7yrs or f(HI) ~ 1 (t qso /1e7 yr) White et al. 2003
Loeb & Rybicki 2000
CSS: Constraints on neutral fraction at z~6 Nine z~6 QSOs with CO or MgII redshifts: = 4.4 Mpc GP => f(HI) > If f(HI) ~ 0.001, then ~ 1e4 yrs – implausibly short given QSO fiducial lifetimes (~1e7 years)? Probability arguments + size evolution suggest: f(HI) > 0.05 Wyithe et al =t qso /4e7 yrs 90% probability x(HI) > curve P(>x HI ) Fan et al 2006
ESO OI Not ‘event’ but complex process, large variance: z reion ~ 14 to 6 Good evidence for qualitative change in nature of IGM at z~6 Fan, Carilli, Keating ARAA 2006
ESO OI Saturates, HI distribution function, pre-ionization? Abundance? 3 , integral measure? Local ionization? Geometry, pre- reionization? Current probes are all fundamentally limited in diagnostic power Need more direct probe of process of reionization Local ioniz.?
Studying the pristine neutral IGM using redshifted HI 21cm observations (100 – 200 MHz) Large scale structure cosmic density, neutral fraction, f(HI) Temp: T K, T CMB, T spin 1e13 M o 1e9 M o
Experiments under-way: pathfinders 1% to 10% SKA MWA (MIT/CfA/ANU) LOFAR (NL) 21CMA (China) SKA
Signal I: HI 21cm Tomography of IGM Furlanetto, Zaldarriaga z= T B (2’) = 10’s mK SKA rms(100hr) = 4mK LOFAR rms (1000hr) = 80mK
Signal II: 3D Power spectrum analysis SKA LOFAR McQuinn + 06 only + f(HI)
N(HI) = 1e13 – 1e15 cm^-2, f(HI/HII) = 1e e-6 => before reionization N(HI) =1e18 – 1e21 cm^-2 Lya ~ 1e7 21cm => neutral IGM opaque to Lya, but translucent to 21cm Signal III: Cosmic Web after reionization Ly alpha forest at z=3.6 ( < 10) Womble 96
z=12z=8 19mJy 130MHz radio G-P ( =1%) 21 Forest (10%) mini-halos (10%) primordial disks (100%) Signal III: Cosmic web before reionization: HI 21Forest Perhaps easiest to detect Only probe of small scale structure Requires radio sources: expect 0.05 to 0.5 deg^-2 at z> 6 with S 151 > 6 mJy? 159MHz
Signal IV: Cosmic Stromgren spheres around z > 6 QSOs 0.5 mJy LOFAR ‘observation’: 20xf(HI)mK, 15’,1000km/s => 0.5 x f(HI) mJy Pathfinders: Set first hard limits on f(HI) at end of cosmic reionization Wyithe et al Mpc Prediction: first detection of HI 21cm signal from reionization will be via imaging rare, largest CSS, or absorption toward radio galaxy.
Challenge I: Low frequency foreground – hot, confused sky Eberg 408 MHz Image (Haslam ) Coldest regions: T ~ 100 z)^-2.6 K Highly ‘confused’: 1 source/deg^2 with S 140 > 1 Jy
Solution: spectral decomposition (eg. Morales, Gnedin…) Foreground = non-thermal = featureless over ~ 100’s MHz Signal = fine scale structure on scales ~ few MHz 10’ FoV; SKA 1000hrs Signal/Sky ~ 2e-5 Cygnus A 500MHz5000MHz Simply remove low order polynomial or other smooth function Xcorr/power spectral analysis in 3D – different symmetries in freq
TIDs – ‘fuzz-out’ sources ‘Isoplanatic patch’ = few deg = few km Phase variation proportional to ^2 Solution: Reionization requires only short baselines (< 1km) Wide field ‘rubber screen’ phase self-calibration Challenge II: Ionospheric phase errors – varying e- content Virgo A VLA 74 MHz Lane ’
Challenge III: Interference 100 MHz z= MHz z=6 Solutions -- RFI Mitigation (Ellingson06) Digital filtering Beam nulling Real-time ‘reference beam’ LOCATION!
VLA-VHF: 180 – 200 MHz Prime focus X-dipole Greenhill, Blundell (SAO); Carilli, Perley (NRAO) Leverage: existing telescopes, IF, correlator, operations $110K D+D/construction (CfA) First light: Feb 16, 05 Four element interferometry: May 05 First limits: Winter 06/07
Project abandoned: Digital TV KNMD Ch 9 150W at 100km
RFI mitigation: location, location location… 100 people km^-2 1 km^ km^-2 Chippendale & Beresford 2007
Focus: Reionization (power spec,CSS,abs) Very wide field: 30deg Correlator: FPGA-based from Berkeley wireless lab Staged engineering approach: GB05 8 stations Boolardy08 32 stations C.Carilli, A. Datta (NRAO/SOC), J. Aguirre (U.Penn)
PAPER: Staged Engineering Broad band sleeve dipole + flaps 8 dipole test array in GB (06/07) => 32 station array in WA (2008) to 256 (2009) FPGA-based ‘pocket correlator’ from Berkeley wireless lab S/W Imaging, calibration, PS analysis: AIPY + Miriad/AIPS => Python + CASA, including ionospheric ‘peeling’ calibration 100MHz200MHz BEE2: 5 FPGAs, 500 Gops/s
CygA 1e4Jy PAPER/WA -- 4 Ant, July 2007 RMS ~ 1Jy; DNR ~ 1e4 Parsons et al e4Jy
Radio astronomy probing cosmic reionization ‘Twilight zone’: obs of 1 st luminous sources limited to near-IR to radio wavelengths Currently -- pathological systems (‘HLIRGs’): coeval formation SMBH+giant ellipt. in spectacular starburst at t univ <1Gyr EVLA, ALMA x sensitivity is critical to study normal galaxies Low freq pathfinders: HI 21cm signatures of neutral IGM SKA: imaging of IGM
Stratta, Maiolino et al. 2006: extinction toward z=6.2 QSO and 6.3 GRB => Silicate + amorphous Carbon dust grains (vs. eg. Graphite) formed in core collapse SNe?
Sources responsible for reionization Luminous AGN: No Star forming galaxies: maybe -- dwarf galaxies (Bowens05; Yan04)? mini-QSOs -- unlikely (soft Xray BG; Dijkstra04) Decaying sterile neutrinos -- unlikely (various BGs; Mapelli05) Pop III stars z>10? midIR BG (Kashlinsky05), but t recomb < t univ at z~10 GP => Reionization occurs in ‘twilight zone’, opaque for obs <0.9 m Needed for reion.
GMRT 230 MHz – HI 21cm abs toward highest z radio galaxy and QSO (z~5.2) rms(20km/s) = 5 mJy 229Mhz 0.5 Jy RFI = 20 kiloJy ! 232MHz 30mJy rms(40km/s) = 3mJy N(HI) ~ 2e20T S cm^-2 ?
Building a giant elliptical galaxy + SMBH by z=6.4 M stars =1e12M o M BH = 2e9M o Enrichment of heavy elements, dust starts early (z > 8) Rare, extreme mass objects: ~ 100 SDSS z~6 QSOs on entire sky Integration times of hours to days to detect HyLIGRs
Destination: Moon! RAE No interference No ionosphere Only place to study PGM Recognized as top astronomy priority for NASA initiative to return Man to Moon (Livio 2007) NASA concept study: DALI/LAMA (NRL + MIT ++)
Limitations of measurements CMB polarization e = integral measure through universe => allows many reionization scenarios Difficult measurement (10’s degrees, uK) result Gunn-Peterson effect Lya t o f(HI) conversion requires ‘clumping factor’ (cf. Becker etal 06) Lya >>1 for f(HI)>0.001 => low f diagnostic GP => First light occurs in ‘twilight zone’, opaque for obs <0.9 m
[CII] -- the good and the bad [CII]/FIR decreases rapidly with L FIR (lower heating efficiency due to charged dust grains?) => luminous starbursts are still difficult to detect in C+ Normal star forming galaxies (eg. LAEs) are not much harder to detect! J1623
Signal I: Global (‘all sky’) reionization signature Signal ~ 20mK < 1e-4 sky Possible higher z absorption signal via Lya coupling of T s -- T K due to first luminous objects Feedback in Galaxy formation No Feedback Furlanetto, Oh, Briggs 06