Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Increasing Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
September 12, 2015 Department of Homeland Security DHS is committed to integrating people with disabilities into the homeland security effort
September 12, 2015 In The Beginning November 25, 2002: President Bush signed the Homeland Security Act into law. March 1, 2003: Transfer of 22 agencies to form the Department of Homeland Security June, 2003: DHS entered a partnership with the Department of Defense’s Computer and Electronic Assistance Program (“CAP Program”) to provide assistive technologies to employees with disabilities.
September 12, 2015 Top Level Support Secretarial Memorandums February 17, 2004 July 25, 2005 Meetings with National Disability Rights Advocates Meetings with Under Secretaries Appointment of Selective Placement Coordinators (SPC)
September 12, 2015 DHS Commitment Created the Listserv to widely disseminate DHS headquarters vacancies Established DHS Disability Employment and Accessibility Council (DEAC) Developed Partnership with Disability Networks Leveraged Component Activities Development of Component Strategic Plans
September 12, 2015 Accomplishments -Trained Managers and Supervisors -Hired interns hired, 2 offered full-time employment DHS received electronic accommodations from CAP DHS honored by CAP as a Model Large Employer for People With Disabilities CAP Award: Real Solutions for Real Needs Highest number of mentors from a non-DOD agency participating in National Disability Mentoring Day
September 12, 2015 Accomplishments DHS Participated in the pilot that launched DOD’s Operation Warfighter (OWF) DHS commitment to OWF
September 12, 2015 Point of Contact Tanya Cantrell Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties U.S. Department of Homeland Security (202) Voice (202) FAX (202) TTY