Astronomy in the President’s 2007 Budget David Trinkle, Amy Kaminski, and Joel Parriott February 13, 2006
The 2007 Budget Broad National Priorities Sets priority on war against terrorism Promotes strong economy; includes other high-priority domestic initiatives Restrains spending throughout the rest of government Maintains focus on results instead of dollars
The Deficit in Context: Percent of GDP
R&D Budget ReqDiff. Defense % Health and Human Services % NASA % Energy % National Science Foundation % Agriculture % Homeland Security 1.5 2% Commerce % Others… TOTAL %
Federal S&T Budget ReqDiff. National Institutes of Health % NASA % Energy % National Science Foundation % Defense % Agriculture % Others… TOTAL %
Total NASA Budget ($16.8 billion requested for 2007)
NASA Science Budget ($5.3 billion requested for 2007)
NASA Universe Theme ($1.5 billion requested for 2007)
2007 Request for Some of NSF’s Astro-Related Research NSF Discretionary , ,020 % Diff +8% Research and Related Activities 4,3314,666+8% Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1,0851,150+6% Astronomy % Physics %
2007 Request for NSF’s Astro-Related Facilities MREFC ALMA, IceCube are maintaining planned funding AdvLIGO now 1st in MREFC queue, still a 2008 start Others % Diff Gemini % LIGO % Centers/ Observatories % Tech. Development (ongoing for LSST and GSMT)
The focus should be not only how much but also how well Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) is a vehicle used to improve program performance Most sweeping assessment of federal programs – nearly 800 programs 102 of those have been R&D 20% of programs to be added each year
Ratings of Sample R&D Programs Effective NASA: Mars Exploration NASA: Solar System Exploration NASA: Structure and Evolution of the Universe NASA: Sun-Earth Connection NSF: All programs assessed to date Moderately Effective NASA: Earth System Science NASA: Mission and Science Measurement NASA: Space Station Adequate NASA: Education NASA: Space and Flight Support IneffectiveDOE: Oil Technology Results Not Demonstrated NASA: Earth Science Applications NASA: Space Shuttle
R&D Investment Criteria Retrospective Assessment Relevance Quality Performance Prospective Planning
Exploration Vision Objectives Sustained, affordable human/robotic program to explore solar system and beyond Human presence across solar system, starting w/human return to Moon by 2020, to prepare for human exploration of Mars and beyond Innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructure to explore/support human destination decisions International and commercial participation in exploration