The only registered Charity providing a life saving identification system Medical information engraved on jewellery and stored on secure database 24/7 emergency phone line
Identifies hidden medical conditions, allergies or advanced wishes Engraved on jewellery More details held on secure database Accessed by medical professionals - trained to look at pulse points for this identification What is emergency medical identification?
MedicAlert Emblems Individually made and engraved ALL have international symbol of medicine Dog tags Bracelets Necklaces Watches Sports Bands
Some of the styles you may see …
Essential information ALWAYS on a MedicAlert Emblem Emergency number – 24/7 hour telephone line Medical conditions – main conditions with more held on secure database if needed Membership number – unique identification for each member On the front – the internationally recognised medical symbol Emergency number Medical conditions Membership number International medical symbol
Who would look for a MedicAlert emblem? Ambulance Staff Doctors & Nurses GPs Pharmacists Police Fire-fighters First Aiders Dentists
Most common Medical conditions of Members
What can you do? Always check for MedicAlert emblems on pulse points Read the information on the reverse Call the emergency number for full medical details
Any questions? For further information: Web: Phone: