1 Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region) Topic : A survey of law enforcement/homeland security preparedness in the southeastern United States Title: Law Enforcement/Homeland Security Regional Technology Assessment Speaker: Lee Reese, principal investigator, Police Chief (retired) Joseph Fitzgerald, associate investigator Saliant Incorporated Date: April 7, 2009
2 Topic : A survey of law enforcement/homeland security preparedness in the southeastern United States Application to first Responders: Participants learned from the process (28 page survey; short surveys and interviews); learned from principal investigator and published report’s recommendations and best practices (final report >125 pages) Application to Preparedness: a tool to examine preparedness (or lack of) for law enforcement agencies in the southeast; to improve collaborative efforts Application to the Southeast: Tennessee, Georgia and Mississippi were studied Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region)
Selected Results 3 From a law enforcement standpoint, to what extent do you believe your readiness to prevent, protect and prepare for terrorist acts and natural disasters have improved?
Selected Results 4 What are the 5 most important homeland security capabilities or capacities for law enforcement for your agency or department and region? [by top three responses]
Selected Results 5 Is your agency, or anyone that you know, integrated or connected into a state or regional threat surveillance system
Selected Results 6 Is there a need for a homeland security regional/state/multi-state training center?
Recommendations 7 Metrics need to be defined and independent assessment performed Make greater use of regional “hubs” to leverage regional resources and capabilities Consider establishment of a Southeastern Homeland Security Leadership Academy Take steps to strengthen homeland security commitment at the district level Improve awareness of and actions to improve regional law enforcement resiliency
Collaborative Opportunities 8 Regional HLS resources need to be developed; option of multi-state southeast regional HLS research, education, and training center should be explored Intra- and interstate cooperation for HLS uneven; States and local departments need to revisit current authorities, agreements, and programs Rural LE represents majority of departments in region, but lack time and resources for adequate HLS training Concept of a HUB or lead department in the region needs further exploration Resiliency of LE response function of training (including cross-training), contingency manpower, and regional support varies considerably within SE region
9 Topic : A survey of law enforcement/homeland security preparedness in the southeastern United States Summary: Law enforcement has obtained training and equipment through grants; however, improvement is needed in many areas Take-Aways: Training was felt to be the most important HS capability Most cities are an island unto themselves; interoperable communications within a region are undeveloped Need common standards to measure progress use of regional “hubs” allows for use of regional resources Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region) See our poster session: “(insert title here)”