Southwest ISD Technology Plan Velma Villegas Superintendent Presented by Diane Revilla
District Profile ESC Region 20 ESC Region 20 City, State Zip SAN ANTONIO, TX City, State Zip SAN ANTONIO, TX Phone (210) Phone (210) Fax (210) Fax (210) County District Number County District Number Number of Campuses 13 Total Student Enrollment District Size 10,000 – 24,999 Percent Econ. Disadvantaged 78.17% Technology Expenditures $7,368, Technology budgetsTeaching & Learning Budget$331, Educator Preparation & Development Budget $280, Leadership, Administration & Support Budget $1,928, Infrastructure for Technology budget $4,828, Infrastructure for Technology budget $4,828, Total: $7,368, Technology Expenditure$ Per Pupil Number of Campuses w/ Direct Connection to Internet13 Percentage of Campuses w/ Direct Connection to Internet100% Number of Classrooms w/ Direct Connection to Internet797 Percentage of Classrooms w/Direct Connection to Internet100% Computer/Student Ratio3 student(s) for every computer Computer/Teacher Ratio1 teacher(s) for every computer Number of campuses that need to complete the 13 Texas Campus STaR Chart Percentage of campuses that have completed the0% Texas Campus STaR Chart
Plan Introduction Plan Last Edited 10/13/2009 Plan status: not submitted Plan status: not submitted Years Included in the Plan: Years Included in the Plan: Number of years covered by the plan:3 Technology Planning Committee Ida Sudolcan – Board of Trustees Florinda Bernal – Board of Trustees Bill Atkins – Assistant Superintendent, Business & Finance Rick Martinez – Assistant Superintendent, Technology Jeanette Ball – Executive Director of Employee & Student Services Patty Escobedo – Director of Elementary Curriculum Rosie Hidalgo – Director of Secondary Curriculum Joe Martinez – Director of Technical Services Marisela Rodriguez – Director of Library Services Edward Garcia – Director of Facilities & Maintenance Lacey Gosch – Directory of Instructional Technology Douglas Heyde – Special Education, Technology Specialist Douglas Heyde – Special Education, Technology Specialist Jason Migura – Principal, McNair Middle School Nathan Koudouris – Assistant Principal, Southwest High School Jeanette Ferguson – Kriewald Road Elementary Dodie Maddox – McAuliffe Middle School Ceilia Bowles – McAuliffe Middle School Catherynn Kelley – Scobee Middle School Anitra Crisp – Elm Creek Elementary Courtney Somerville – Sun Valley Elementary
Executive Summary The Southwest ISD Long Range Plan for Technology conveys the vision, mission, goals, activities, budgetary considerations and evaluation process needed to advance technology in the SWISD over the next three calendar years. The plan outlines the goals, objectives and strategies of the SWISD to support four essential components years. The plan outlines the goals, objectives and strategies of the SWISD to support four essential components of technology implications: Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development Educator Preparation and Development Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support Infrastructure for Technology Infrastructure for Technology The funding associated with all aspects of the planning document reflects the support from the State Technology Allotment, NCLB, Titled Resources, Bond Resources, local funding and grand funding. The plan developed reflects a district dedication to improving student achievement, educator preparation and infrastructure to support a rapidly changing technology world, providing for the maintenance of existing resources and laying the foundations for future implementations. The Technology Planning Committee comprised of teachers, administrators, and campus instructional technology support developed a vision of exemplary for the SWISD technology division, mapping strategies and performance targets to support the four essential components of the technology plan based upon the SWISD Board of Trustees committees to align campus planning documents with the District Strategic Plan and the technology ePlan.
Needs Assessment Assessment Process: Wide needs assessment was conducted in the Spring of 2009 to determine the perceptions of district personnel concerning Customer Service and Resources provided A District through each department. As part of this assessment, the Division of Technology was able to gather data to assist in directing resources to fulfill campus needs assessment, the Division of Technology was able to gather data to assist in directing resources to fulfill campus needs in the areas of connectivity, services, and instructional resources. In addition to a locally created assessment, the in the areas of connectivity, services, and instructional resources. In addition to a locally created assessment, the district administers the Texas Teacher STaR Chart survey to assist in planning for: Teaching and Learning, Educator district administers the Texas Teacher STaR Chart survey to assist in planning for: Teaching and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership. Administration and Instructional Support and Infrastructure for Technology Preparation and Development, Leadership. Administration and Instructional Support and Infrastructure for Technology in accordance with the needs identified in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology in accordance with the needs identified in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology
Needs Assessment Cont’d Existing Conditions: District Wide 1. Direct connection to the Internet using a fiber connected 10mb Ethernet connection. 2. District policies covering network usage and an Internet Safety Plan. 3. District level protection for anti-virus. 4. District level protection for web content. 5. District level protection for spam. 6. District level professional development tracking. 7. District level online content. 8. District level access to online professional development. 9. District level online employment submission 10. District level online Individual Education Plan. 11. District level storage area network and backup solution. 12. District level access for students and staff. 13. District level online grade book and attendance. 14. District level access to online streaming video. 15. Vice Over IP Connections for all sites. 16. Unified Messaging for all Professional/Para-Professional Staff Members
Needs Assessment Cont’d Campus Wide Campus Wide 1. Connection to Central Technology Center. 2. Onsite campus: 1 gig connection by district owned fiber. 3. Offsite campuses: 1 gig connection by leased Ethernet fiber link. 4. All schools have a minimum of 2 computer labs. 5. All schools have wireless access throughout the site. 6. Each campus has a Campus Instructional Technology person. 7. Each campus has an online web presence. 8. All campus has access to file servers including personal data storage and shared network drives. 9. All campus teachers have access to manage and publish a classroom website. Classrooms 1. All classrooms have a minimum of one Multimedia Computer with 1GB memory or higher. 2. All classrooms have a minimum of 7 data drops. 3. All classrooms connected by a minimum of 100 MB Ethernet switch.
Needs Assessment Cont’d Technology Needs: The planning committee utilized survey results to assist with the identification of the following needs as they align to the Long Range Plan for Technology Correlates. Long Range Plan for Technology Correlates. Teaching and Learning Technology use for learning experiences to develop higher order thinking skills. Technology use for learning experiences to develop higher order thinking skills. Technology use for collaboration Technology use for collaboration Student Led learning environments where technology is seamlessly integrated into the curriculum Student Led learning environments where technology is seamlessly integrated into the curriculum Regular use of technology by students and teachers to enhance instruction Regular use of technology by students and teachers to enhance instruction Integration of Technology Applications TEKS into the content curricula Integration of Technology Applications TEKS into the content curricula Awareness of technology applications TEKS. Awareness of technology applications TEKS. Mastery of technology applications TEKS by teachers and students. Mastery of technology applications TEKS by teachers and students. Utilization of online web-based learning experiences by students and teachers. Utilization of online web-based learning experiences by students and teachers. Development of online web-based learning experiences by students and teachers. Development of online web-based learning experiences by students and teachers. Increase Library Collections and resources to support classroom instruction and integration of technology. Increase Library Collections and resources to support classroom instruction and integration of technology. Software review and acquisition standards. Software review and acquisition standards.
Needs Assessment Cont’d Technology Needs: Educator Preparation and Development Professional Development opportunities focusing on technology integration strategies. Professional Development opportunities focusing on technology integration strategies. Active participation by all employees into professional development. Active participation by all employees into professional development. Capabilities of educators to demonstrate mastery of the SBEC Technology Applications Standards for All Teachers. Capabilities of educators to demonstrate mastery of the SBEC Technology Applications Standards for All Teachers. Ability to adapt technology knowledge and skills to content instruction. Ability to adapt technology knowledge and skills to content instruction. Seamless integration of technology across content areas. Seamless integration of technology across content areas. Participation in online learning. Participation in online learning. Creation and instruction of online courses. Creation and instruction of online courses. Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support Buy-in for comprehensive integration of technology. Buy-in for comprehensive integration of technology. Policies that encourage continuous innovation with technology leading to increase student achievement. Policies that encourage continuous innovation with technology leading to increase student achievement. Development of campus technology goals aligned to district technology goals. Development of campus technology goals aligned to district technology goals. Use of collaboration tools for communication, management and schedules and resources, performance assessment and professional development. Use of collaboration tools for communication, management and schedules and resources, performance assessment and professional development. Funding allocations aligned with goals and objectives in the campus improvement plan for technology. Funding allocations aligned with goals and objectives in the campus improvement plan for technology. Data-Driven decision making practices at management levels to support technology purchase and instructional implementation decisions. Data-Driven decision making practices at management levels to support technology purchase and instructional implementation decisions.
Needs Assessment Cont’d Technology Needs: Infrastructure for Technology Student to computer ratio Student to computer ratio Dedicated and assigned use of commonly used technologies Dedicated and assigned use of commonly used technologies Development of a disaster recovery plan Development of a disaster recovery plan Technical support response time Technical support response time Comprehensive Obsolescence plan Comprehensive Obsolescence plan Network reorganization to improve capabilities and efficiencies Network reorganization to improve capabilities and efficiencies Network Inventory Management Tool Network Inventory Management Tool
Goals & Objectives GOAL 1: Improve academic achievement for all students. OBJECTIVE 1.1: Integrate Technology Applications (TA) TEKS into content curricula. OBJECTIVE 1.2: Create and maintain student and teacher performance based assessment demonstrating mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS. OBJECTIVE 1.3: 100% of teachers will utilize technology resources and integrated learning system software to support the diverse learning needs of students. OBJECTIVE 1.4: 100% of administrators, teachers, students and parents will have access, as appropriate, to technology resources that support teaching and learning. OBJECTIVE 1.5: Increase student accessibility to online learning environments. GOAL 2: Provide Administrators, Teachers and Support Staff with District Expectations for Technology Proficiency. OBJECTIVE 2.1: Administrators and teachers will meet the SBEC Technology standards I-V. OBJECTIVE 2.2: 100% of district personnel will meet technology proficiency standards associated with specified job requirements.
Goals & Objectives GOAL 3: Ensure professional development is ongoing, standards-based, of high quality, and job related to support teaching, learning and the business of the district. OBJECTIVE 3.1: 100% of the staff will be provided with varying formats for obtaining professional development. OBJECTIVE 3.2: 100% of district employees will be provided with professional development opportunities to support t teaching, learning and the business of the district. OBJECTIVE 3.3: Provide access to online learning environments to support educator development and student achievement. GOAL 4: Provide access to all employees to communication and collaboration tools to assist with district operations, campus operations, students’ achievement and parent connections. OBJECTIVE 4.1: Provide access to student state online for administrators, teachers, and parents to track student progress. OBJECTIVE 4.2: Expand technical services to support human resources communications and operations district wide. OBJECTIVE 4.3: Expand technical services to support communications for business operations, strategic planning, and employee collaboration district wide.
Goals & Objectives GOAL 5: Provide necessary human resources to facilitate technology as an integral part of administrative and instructional systems. OBJECTIVE 5.1: Create and maintain a broad-based technology capacity among personnel. OBJECTIVE 5.2: Create and maintain a broad-based technology capacity among services. GOAL 6: Provide appropriate effective Internet access, network connectivity and telecommunications services between campuses, departments and other offices within the district. OBJECTIVE 6.1: Install, maintain and enhance as necessary the current intercampus circuitry. OBJECTIVE 6.2: Install, maintain, enhance or replace as necessary intra-campus network connectivity, including cabling networking equipment and wireless access. OBJECTIVE 6.3: Install and maintain district-wide Vice Over Internet Protocol Phone Service. GOAL 7: Ensure that all district hardware meets minimum technical specifications for effective use in the classrooms and in district operations. OBJECTIVE 7.1: Provide minimum guidelines and standards for hardware implementation, maintenance and replacement. OBJECTIVE 7.2: Purchase hardware through a competitive bidding process. OBJECTIVE 7.3 Ensure the district has a comprehensive plan for obsolescence of technology related equipment.
Goals & Objectives GOAL 8: Develop standards for the acquisition of software and electronic resources to ensure that district hardware is able to support educational and administrative needs. OBJECTIVE 8.1: Provide guidelines and procedures for acquisition of software and electronic resources. OBJECTIVE 8.2: Acquire, maintain, update or replace software and electronic resources as necessary. GOAL 9: Ensure that district hardware and software resources are accounted for appropriately. OBJECTIVE 9.1: Implement a district wide program to maintain an accurate and up to date inventory of hardware and software resources. GOAL 10: Develop a comprehensive method of maintaining, cataloging, and protecting district and data sources. OBJECTIVE 10.1: Implement a district wide Storage Area Network and Backup Solution. OBJECTIVE 10.2: Implement a District-Wide Power Management Solution. OBJECTIVE 10.3: Implement District Wide security measures.
Budget Materials & Supplies Budget item Budget itemCostCostCost Staff Development $489,400.00$88,200.00$88, Telecommunications & Internet Access $350,840.00$396,440.00$396, Materials & Supplies $500,000.00$1,381,000.00$0.00 Equipment$181,337.00$687,000.00$190, Maintenance$498,052.00$533,052.00$552, Miscellaneous Expenses $450,00.00$536,500.00$450, Total$2,069,629.00$3,622,192.00$1,676,692.00
Evaluation Evaluation Process: The district technology planning committee will meet bi-annually to assess the progress made toward planned goals. All Strategies, within the plan, include local evaluation procedures as well as global measures within the district to assess progress toward stated goals. The Chief Technology Officer will facilitate these methods at the district level and the Campus Instructional Technologist will facilitate this process locally at the campus sites. A report will be provided to the Superintendent of Schools after each review of the plan. Information gathered from the Texas Teacher STaR Chart and other district assessments will be utilized to determine yearly updates to the plan. Updates to the plan will occur once yearly. The Board of Trustees to the SWISD will be provided with information and updates regarding any changes made to the technology plan. Evaluation Method: The district is currently in an ongoing assessment process concerning all divisions within the SWISD. As part of this ongoing evaluation, the technology division portions will be utilized to assist in determining progress toward stated goals as it affects district operations, infrastructure and leadership. In addition to the district evaluation, information gathered from Texas Teacher STaR Chart results will be utilized to evaluate progress in the areas of Teaching and Learning and Educator Preparation and Development. Other data sources will be gathered to assist with the evaluations. These include: Attendance to district Professional Development offerings as tracked through data collected from the online learning management system. Attendance to district Professional Development offerings as tracked through data collected from the online learning management system. Number of courses and training sessions offered district wide through data collected from the online learning management system. Number of courses and training sessions offered district wide through data collected from the online learning management system. Frequency of contact by staff members at the campus level with the Campus Instructional Technologies in the development of curriculum. Frequency of contact by staff members at the campus level with the Campus Instructional Technologies in the development of curriculum. Online instructional content developed by classroom teachers. Online instructional content developed by classroom teachers. Online course completions by district staff. Online course completions by district staff. Completions of the Technology Proficiency Program. Completions of the Technology Proficiency Program. Technology Usage by Administrations to support instruction, such as PDAS online, Gradespeed, AEIS, IT, etc. Technology Usage by Administrations to support instruction, such as PDAS online, Gradespeed, AEIS, IT, etc. Alignment of the Campus Improvement Plans with the District Improvement Plan. Alignment of the Campus Improvement Plans with the District Improvement Plan.
Conclusion This was a brief overview of the Southwest ISD Technology Plan. In your break out sessions you will continue to analyze and evaluate the plan. In your break out sessions you will continue to analyze and evaluate the plan. We thank you for your dedication and support to Southwest ISD!
Appendix Attachment item A: Student Handbook that contains the Acceptable Use Policy and Consent and Release Form for Publications PDF file: PDF file: Attachment item B: SWISD SPAM Procedure Web site: 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Web site: 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0http:// 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0http:// 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Attachment item C: Internet Safety Plan Web site: 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Web site: 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0http:// 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0http:// 011F79E5?object=Tech_DOCS&infobar=no&templates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Attachment item D: Technology Proficiency Programs Web site: Web site: Attachment item E: CQ Legal Policy PDF file: PDF file: Attachment item F: Software and Electronic Resources Procedure Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0
Appendix Attachment item G: Web Page Development Procedure Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Attachment item H: Web Content Filtering Procedure Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Web site: emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 emplates=RWD&fixed=1&ConfPosition=0 Attachment item I: Hardware Standards Web site: Web site: Attachment item J: Cybersafety (CIPA) compliance education plan Web site: Web site: