IT Governance Board Geospatial Technologies (GT) Presentation 30 June 2004 Jim Knudson State GIS Coordinator Director, Bureau of Geospatial Technologies Office for Information Technology, Office of Administration 210 Finance Building
GT Presentation Intro to GT GT Governance Model GT Issues BGT Initiatives GT Barriers GT Opportunities GT Centralization/Decentralization ITGB Discussion Issues Next Steps
Intro to GT
GIS/Geospatial Technologies Intelligent mapping – database + visualization Think MapQuest on steroids Multiple layers of information Imagery and intelligent features (KOZs, Roads, Voting location) Information access, visualization, analysis, reporting Data and system integration eGov initiatives – serving public Primary Administration Initiatives require it for: –Homeland Security –Economic Development –Landuse
GT Governance
GT Governance Need 20 agencies using GIS 67 Counties, municipalities, no cooperation No Commonwealth Champion Lack of agency executive education No GIS data standards No software interoperability No coordination, except within some agencies Numerous overlapping and duplicative efforts at state and local level and in multiple state agencies No formal data stewardship No current statewide data assets GT capabilities are needed by majority of agencies
GT Governance Model
20 Agency GIS Users Today 1.Administration 1 2.Aging 4 3.Agriculture 4 4.Community/Economic Development 1 5.Conservation and Natural Resources 2 6.Education 1 7.Emergency Management 3 8.Environmental Protection 2 9.Fish and Boat 2 10.Game Commission 2 11.General Services 1 12.Health 4 13.Historical and Museum Commission 2 14.Insurance 1 15.Labor and Industry 1 16.Military and Veterans Affairs (PA Guard) 3 17.PENNDOT 2/3 18.PENNVEST 2 19.Public Welfare 4 20.State Police 3 More added quarterly – expect 4 new agencies in 2004 CoP Key 1 – GGO 2 – Environ 3 – PubSaf 4 – HHS Agency Key eGov Enterprise Growing eGov Desktop Pretty Pictures
GT Issues
People –Staff resources stretched thin –Too many contractors –Recruitment difficult Data –Largest cost –No central database –Duplication of efforts –Lack needed statewide data layers – imposes risk and hampers administration initiatives Technology –GIS and IT not aligned in many agencies –Training needs –Lack of standards –No Enterprise Architecture
People Small numbers of core resources in agencies Some are integrated into IT, many are not Some have coordinators, many do not Difficult to redirect due to limited numbers Lots of contractors onsite and offsite Lack of enterprise training initiatives Not much inter-agency coordination No GIS job classifications, study indicates there will not be any created – makes it difficult to recruit Similar problems to IT – civil service makes it difficult to hire and keep good people
Data Data is largest expense in GT –GIS tools only as good as the database that supports them –No central database repository for the Commonwealth –Lots of duplication and overlap of data creation and maintenance efforts across agencies and at multiple levels of government –Counties and municipalities have best data –State needs to work collaboratively and provide products that improve ability of local governments to create and maintain data
Data –Statewide Priorities developed: Imagery Elevation Roads Parcels Streams Buildings –Commonwealth approach – spend money once at state level for some products, implement and enforce standards, share with all parties that need access, create reciprocal data sharing agreements Need accurate statewide imagery - $15.5M/3 yrs Need accurate elevation model - $10M-30M Commercial Street Network HS Critical Infrastructure Data - $2M/yr
Technology GIS/GT is a 30-year old technology Today, technology changes in GT take significant leaps every 2 years Web-based deployments for public and business partners Data integration through coordinates, addresses, links to geographic features e-Government initiatives in many agencies – public interface Training is a problem, as is funding and resources to keep upgrading systems and software Mostly decentralized support model
BGT Initiatives/Issues
BGT Initiatives Commonwealth GT Data Standards Commonwealth GT Strategic Plan Commonwealth Enterprise Assets –Imagery – USDA Partnership, PAMAP –Weather GIS – Homeland Security Funding –Enterprise Architecture Project Address Geocoding Server Routing Server Basemap Server –Digital Elevation Model (3D modeling, flood insurance program, state water plan, homeland security, transportation, etc.)
BGT Initiatives Enterprise Training Program Software Availability Program Commonwealth GT Coordination –Wireless 911 – GIS acceptable uses –SHSGP/RCTTF - GIS acceptable uses –Health EMS Grants – GIS acceptable uses –PENNDOT Transportation Grants – imagery State GIS Data Clearinghouse
BGT Initiatives Commonwealth/statewide approach Fund with DHS grants as possible to complete important initiatives ($1.5M won, $800K new proposal) Agency and local government coordination – do business more efficiently and effectively, review procurements Support agency technical support needs
BGT Issues New bureau Very small staff Very small operating budget in FY04, stretched to the penny ($1,050,000) Need to show local government progress Balancing agency needs vs. Commonwealth needs and strategy Education on technology and capabilities needed in all agencies and executive staff
GTAC – 2004 Approved Plan –Address Geocoding/Geolocating Server –Routing/Trip Directions Server –Citrix GIS Desktop Pilot Project/Production Platform –Browser/GIS Weather Servers for HS - $1.5M SHSP Grant –Imagery USDA/FSA NAIP Statewide 1m CIR Project Status ($326K) PAMAP - $5.5M required - $1.5M promised by DCNR for Year 1 of first 3-year cycle PAMAP Strategic Plan – DCNR Lead/OIT assistance/approval –Digital Elevation Model? –State GIS Data Clearinghouse (PASDA) –Data Systems Enterprise Architecture/Consulting –Data Policy/Data Security/Right to Know issues –Commonwealth Agency Training Program –Data Sharing Standards (PGDSS) –Commonwealth GT Coordination, Communications –Homeland Security/ER/Public Safety GIS
GT Barriers
Barriers People –Existing support staff stretched too thin –Too many contractors –Not enough training –Lack of centralized organization/coordinator in some agencies –Lack of IT coordination in many agencies –Lack of job classification and civil service makes external recruitment very difficult
Barriers Data –Largest cost item –Accurate and current statewide data layers don’t exist –All levels of governments paying for same data collection and maintenance, wasting taxpayer dollars –Lack of state program for central procurement for the Commonwealth –Lack of standards and strategy –Starts with imagery - PAMAP –Need to collaborate with counties and municipalities and cost-share with federal partners
Barriers People –Existing support staff stretched too thin –Too many contractors –Not enough training –Lack of centralized organization/coordinator in some agencies –Lack of IT coordination in many agencies –Lack of job classification and civil service makes external recruitment very difficult
Barriers Technology –Too technology focused, not enough business focus –Not aligned with IT organizations in many cases, or not supported enough by the agency –Not enough technology resources – HW/SW, storage –Lack of Enterprise Architecture –Technology constantly changing –Need web development skills as well as GT skills –Training needs not met
GT Opportunities
Opportunities Change Commonwealth government operations – agencies and local governments Serve public better Make available Commonwealth funding go farther – spend once for all interests at state level, control standards, improve inter-government relations Homeland Security – citizens and property Economic Development – significant opportunities once imagery and parcels are completed Landuse – requires imagery and intelligence to analyze change in landscape – need to visualize and analyze zoning, growth areas, greenfields, brownfields, etc.
Options – Centralization vs. Decentralization
Today - Decentralization Currently have a decentralized model BGT is reviewing operations, projects, procurements No defined Commonwealth standards Not asking for agency resources, no redirection of funding Duplicative investments and redundant costs across agencies for HW, SW, data, application development GIS not involved in IT Lack of agency and executive focus Lack of complement to complete work efficiently
Centralized Approach – Some change occurring Commonwealth GT Strategic Plan GT Data Standards/Agency Data Stewards GT Enterprise Architecture - BGT Central Data Architecture/Repository Project (like IES – makes sense to consolidate all common agency finance and accounting data into a single system everyone uses) Use of HS Grant funding for enterprise projects where budget not available Reduce agency burdens as well as eliminate duplication and overlap Not able to adequately solve enterprise needs for imagery/DEM and other data priorities!!!
ITGB Discussion Issues
How can we catch up with surrounding states? Can we address agency complement problems? Should we build a centralized pool of additional GT staff resources to assist agencies and support administration initiatives? How do we address training and technology problems and recruit knowledgeable staff? Should State GIS Coordinator interview and perform annual review of GIS Coordinators in other agencies like CIOs? We need more support for Homeland Security/Public Safety initiatives! We need some dedicated IT resources who understand GT and can design, build and deploy web applications Funding is not adequate for data requirements (#1 imagery, #2 elevation, #3 parcels, #4 roads, #5 streams, #6 buildings, #7 HS Critical Infrastructure layers)
Next Steps
What do you want more background or detail on? Would a demonstration be useful? Other discussion topics?