JCTV: A TBN Network 1
JCTV JCTV is a family friendly, Christian music video channel JCTV is a youthful network with a strong demographic of yrs old The network has high audience retention and strong HH reach
Trinity Broadcast Networks JCTV is a part of the Trinity Broadcast Networks Faith-based networks attract 39.6mm HHs monthly TBN Nets have a reach of 22.3mm HH monthly; making up 56% of the faith-based HHs JCTV is in 65 markets and delivers 23% of the TBN Networks’ distribution
JCTV’s Young Demo Audience DemoIndex Men High School Grads or Less1.75 Men Some College1.05 Men College Degree0.62 Men Graduate School0.59 Women High School Grads or Less1.81 Women Some College1.15 Women College Degree0.53 Women Graduate School0.51 DemoIndex Asian/Pacific Islanders0.53 African American1.55 Hispanic0.98 Anglo0.94 Anglo Males0.87 African American Males1.35 Hispanic Males0.78 Anglo Females0.78 African American Females1.41 Hispanic Females0.81 DemoIndex HHI <25K1.40 HHI 25K to 50K1.43 HHI 50K TO 75K1.05 HHI 75K TO 125K0.63 HHI 125K+0.49 DemoIndex Children 5 to Tweens Teens Persons Persons Persons JCTV Skews to a younger audience, especially within the tween/teen category Rentrak TVEssentials, Geodemographics, July 2011
BET 57% VH1 45% MTV 44% TBN 43% BET Gospel 13% JCTV JCTV has a significant overlap with Competitive Networks JCTV Duplicates well with other music networks. JCTV also delivers a large % of the audience to these music & entertainment networks. July 2011 % Duplication 15% of JCTV Viewers come from BET Gospel Source: Rentrak TV Essentials July 2011, All Day
JCTV has unique duplication with TBN TBN brings in high ratings for religious programming such as “Joel Osteen’s” ministries. This duplication is unique to JCTV in the music channel category and opens up opportunities for cross promotion on TBN Source: Rentrak TV Essentials July 2011, All Day & 8/7 8pm 18% of JCTV Viewers come from TBN-C JCTV 43% of TBN-C Viewers come from JCTV TelecastNetworkDay National Time Run TimeRatingAvg Aud Avg % ViewedHHs Hours Viewed Joel OsteenTBN-CSun 08/078:00 PM %3,71757%6,4241,859
Market Summary July 2011 HHs Rank DMA RankMarketNetwork Market Population Market HH UE Avg Hrs/HHHHs Hours Viewed 15Dallas, TXJCTV5,742,513308, ,0848, Houston, TXJCTV5,007,107286, ,5788,122 33Chicago, ILJCTV9,270,955276, ,5905,939 42Los Angeles, CAJCTV16,074,013248, ,4016, Detroit, MIJCTV4,946,999179, ,0514,356 68Atlanta, GAJCTV5,083,722139, ,5704, Miami, FLJCTV3,955,907127, ,3054,838 86San Francisco, CAJCTV6,686,445163, ,0243, Indianapolis, INJCTV2,593,023129, ,6623, St. Louis, MOJCTV2,999,831136, ,8772, San Diego, CAJCTV2,813,659100, ,5742, Hartford, CTJCTV2,522,88885, ,5242, Sacramento, CAJCTV3,424,53086, ,5112, Cleveland, OHJCTV3,929,63793, ,2672, San Antonio, TXJCTV2,020,91175, ,0922,450 Rentrak TVEssentials, Market Summary, July 2011 JCTV has highest HH reach in the state of Texas
JCTV Daypart Performance by HH Reach Jan 11 – Jul 11 Households JCTV’s dayparts perform similarly throughout all dayparts by HH Rentrak TVEssentials, Jan-Jul 11, All Dayparts
JCTV Conclusions JCTV delivers a young demographic on a weekly basis Has large duplication with other music & entertainment networks Has unique duplication and audience share with Trinity Broadcast Network Has stable and consistent HH reach throughout all dayparts