1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Introspection Control System Group – Bob Dalesio presenting EPICS Meeting May 2, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Introspection Control System Group – Bob Dalesio presenting EPICS Meeting May 2, 2009

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Requirements Provide information to the operator without knowledge of the PV names Provide displays of information that covers functional subsystems such as vacuum, temperatures, beam position, state of health. Provide the data in a meaningful order.

3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Search Using Name Psy:PI-Ssy:SI-Tsy:TI Sg:SgI-SD Control System Naming Examples S:C30-VA:G1 Pos:1-Opn S:C20-FE:B Pos:1-Cls S:C20-VA:G1 E:1-RB S:C20-VA:G4 S:C24-RF:G1 S:C24-RF:G1 P S:C24-VA:G1 P System Device Signal Comment cell 30, vacuum, girder 1, sector gate valve A (upstream), open cell 20 BM front end fast valve 1st sputter ion pump at C20 girder #1 2nd aluminum chamber at C20 girder #4 rf shielded bellows at C20 girder #4 TMP station at 2nd SC cavity insulating vacuum cold cathode gauge at 2nd SC cavity insulating vacuum cold cathode gauge at 2nd SC cavity beam vacuum A Naming Standard Provides A Portion of This. But – the Naming Standard has to be good - and what about additional information

4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Designed lattice & installed hardware seq Distributed IOC Process Databases Channel Access Application / Family Mid Level Data Client/Server Name Mapping Conversions DipoleQuadSext.Corr.BPMRF Function Based Applications Name Mapping EPICS Client/Server Request By Function, Area, Subsystem Return list of channels and some location information in PVData Standard Channel Access Functions To get data In IRMIS or some table, provide the mapping for specific fields of specific records for functions and attributes that are to be supported.

5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Final Comments This idea is not new. Operators continue to recreate this sort of functionality. Sasha presented such an application for beam loss monitors. This should be a straight forward extension to IRMIS. Most of this information is already planned. A minimum number of PVData structures should support this. PVData is being supported over Channel Access V3 as well as JCA so the network communication should come free. A set of applications for tables, bar charts, and waterfall plots are planned.