FY HIGHLIGHTS Stable operating revenue for current fiscal year Base Cost of Living Adjustment for staff One additional FTE (for Transit Planner – currently a consultant) is included in the budget. The Regional Program fund will be $140,000 after FY2016, with the plan to grow the Regional Program Fund by $100,000 every year.
FY – LEGISLATIVE RELATED BUDGET IMPACTS COG annual funding is $612,858 and until the end of the legislative session, there are no guarantees that it will remain in place. Consequently, the budget does not include COG funding from the state. Jobs Access funding, similarly, will not be fully determined until the end of the legislative session and the presented budget does not include Jobs Access funding. With no state COG funding, the outlook for FY is challenging and CRCOG staff recommends review and mitigation measures as necessary beginning FY
LONG TERM NET INCOME FY would be positive if CRCOG minimally funds the Regional Program Fund that year ($70,000 instead of $100,000) Use of FHWA carryover funds is included in Certain Net Income Includes 10% estimated health insurance increases and 2% increase of dues and base COLA increases for staff State funding of $612,858 is included only as best case beginning in FY 2016.
LONG TERM NET INCOME FY would be positive if CRCOG minimally funds the Regional Program Fund that year ($70,000 instead of $100,000) Use of FHWA carryover funds is included in Certain Net Income Includes 10% estimated health insurance increases and 2% increase of dues and base COLA increases for staff State funding of $612,858 is included only as best case beginning in FY 2016.
HISTORICAL AND PROJECTED REVENUE GRANTS AND OPERATIONS COMBINED Homeland Security grants have stabilized HUD and FEMA grants have completed. Transportation has several short term studies ending primarily in FY 2016 Policy Development and Planning received several Brownfield Grants CRCOG and CCAT received funding for 5 statewide Demonstration Projects on the Nutmeg Network which will be completed in FY16
Stable Income for FY Mitigation measures may be necessary beginning FY SUMMARY
NOTES Jobs Access Fund is not included in the summary tables as currently there is no funding for Jobs Access through CRCOG. The budget, however, presents the Jobs Access Fund throughout as $0. Regional Program Fund: The FY2016 target of $100,000 for the Regional Program Fund will be split across FY2015 and FY2016. CRCOG has funds available in FY2015 which are not budgeted in FY2016. Consequently, Regional Program Fund will grow by an additional $60,000 at the end of FY2015, allowing for a $40,000 contribution in FY2016 to meet the $100,000 contribution target for FY2016.
FY FUND PROJECTIONS Regional Program fund will be increased by an additional $60,000 in FY2015, allowing for a $40,000 increase in FY2016 to meet the $100,000 target for FY2016.