Mateo Valero Director Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación México, April, 14th 2005
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Significant contribution to advancement of Science in Spain, enabling supercomputing capacity, scientific-technical synergies, and cost rationalization thanks to economies of scale. Powerful tool to assist research and development centers, public and private, generating impulses for a new technological environment. Motivation
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th The Consortium Consortium includes: Spanish Government (MEC). Catalonian Government (DURSI - Generalitat). Technical University of Catalunya (UPC). To start operations on January, Located at UPC North Campus.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Mission Investigate, develop and manage technology to facilitate the advancement of science.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Objectives Research in Supercomputing and Computer Architecture. Collaborate in R&D e-Science projects with prestigious scientific teams. Manage BSC supercomputers to accelerate relevant contributions to research areas where intensive computing is an enabling technology.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Structure
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Index Introduction to BSC Research MareNostrum TOP500 Some Images and Movies
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th IT research and development projects – Deep Computing Continuation of CEPBA (European Center for Parallelism in Barcelona) research lines in Deep Computing: Tools for performance analysis. Programming models. Operating Systems. Grid Computing and Clusters. e-Business applications. Parallelization of applications.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th IT research and development projects – Computer Architecture Superscalar and VLIW processor scalability to exploit higher instruction level parallelism. Microarchitecture techniques to reduce power and energy consumption. Vector co-processors to exploit data level parallelism, and application specific co-processors. Quality of Service in multithreaded environments to exploit thread level parallelism. Profiling and optimization techniques to optimize the performance of existing applications.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Life Science projects Genomic analysis. Data mining of biological databases. Systems biology. Prediction of protein fold. Study of molecular interactions and enzymatic mechanisms and drug design.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Earth Science projects Forecasting of air quality and concentrations of gaseous photochemical pollutants (e.g. tropospheric ozone) and particulate matter. Transport of Saharan dust (outbreaks) from North Africa toward the European continent and its contribution to PM levels. Modeling the climate change. This area of research is divided into: Interaction of air quality and climate change issues (forcing of climate change). Impact and consequences of climate change on a European scale.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Services Computational Services: Offering our parallel machines computational power. Training: Organizing technical seminars, conferences and focused courses. Technology Transfer: Carrying out projects for industry as well as to cover our academic research and internal service needs.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Index Introduction to BSC Research MareNostrum TOP500 Some Images and Movies
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th MareNostrum 4564 PowerPC 970 FX processors (dual processors). 4GB ECC 333 DDR memory per node. Total: 9 TB Main Memory. 233 TB disk. 3 networks: Myrinet. Gigabit. 10/100 Ethernet. Diskless network support. Linux cluster.
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Compute Racks (RC01-RC27) 162 BC chassis w/OPM and gigabit ether switch 2268 JS20+ nodes w/myrinet daughter card 7 Storage Server Racks (RS01-RS07) 40 p615 storage servers 6/rack 20 FastT 100 3/rack 20 EXP100 3/rack 4 Myrinet Racks (RM01-RM04) 10 clos myrinet switches 2 Myrinet spines 1280s 1 Gigabit Network Racks 1 Force10 E600 for Gb network 4 Cisco port for 10/100 network 1 Operations Rack (RH01) 7316-TF3 display 2 p615 mgmt nodes 2 HMC model 7315-CR2 3 Remote Async Nodes 3 Cisco BC chassis (BCIO) MareNostrum: Overall system description
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Index Introduction to BSC Research MareNostrum TOP500 Some Images and Movies
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th TOP500 Performance Development
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th TOP500 BSC Certificate
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th TOP5 Supercomputer Sites
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th centres: HPC-Europe
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th CEPBA, CINECA and EPCC have been operating EC-funded visitor programmes since the early to mid-90s Emphasis on: Access to the Infrastructure Quality of scientific interaction with local community Guidelines issued by the EC Target “new” users of the infrastructure… especially if similar resources are not available within their own country HPC-Europe
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th HPC-Europe
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Joint CEPBA - CESCA projects Stays and access to resources HPCN, Mobility Program
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th New members from May 1st, 2005: BSC, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany LRZ, Munich, Germany DEISA Consortium
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th To deploy and operate a persistent, production quality, distributed supercomputing environment with continental scope To enable scientific discovery across a broad spectrum of science and technology. Scientific impact (enabling new science) is the only criterion for success. DEISA is an European supercomputing service built on top of existing national services. DEISA contributes to a significant enhancement of capabilities and capacities of high performance computing (HPC) in Europe, by the integration of leading national supercomputing infrastructures. DEISA Objectives
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th The project deployed from the start a number of User Support activities in order to enable specific applications for the supercomputing Grid. Initial application areas: Materials Sciences, Plasma Physics, Life Sciences, Cosmology, industrial CFD, coupled applications Interoperability with TeraGrid infrastructure in USA Joint applications with EGEE. Applications
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th EIROforum CERN: European laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva, (nuclear and particle physics) EFDA: European Fusion Development Agreement, Oxfordshire, (fusion research) EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory, several places, (molecular biology) ESA: European Space Agency (space research) ESO: European Southern Laboratory, Garching, (observational astronomy) ESRF: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, (biology, materials and physic research employing synchrotron X-rays) ILL: Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, (biology, chemistry, materials and physics research employing neutron beams)
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Future Challenges in Large Research Infrastructures Critical mass Equal opportunities Stable long-term financial support International dimension Retention/satisfaction of the personal Mobility of researchers Multidisciplinary research Collaboration with the industry Social perspectives
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th What can we offer? Mobility programs for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral and senior researchers: EC funded HPC- Europa project. Spanish Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva programs. Catalan ICREA. Open BSC positions. Latin American – BSC join projects (scientific institutions, as well as industrial private companies). Current and future EC funded projects (HPC-Europa, DEISA, …). Specific cooperation agreements. Access to BSC resources. Areas of cooperation include Deep Computing, Computer Architecture, Life Science, Earth Science,...
General BSC Presentation - México, April, 14th Thank you !